[1] The capteine hauing sent vnto the lord deputie of Calis for some supplie of men, was answered that if he perceiued the enimies force to be such, whereby his péece should grow to be in anie danger: that then he should choke vp the artillerie, and retire with his men vnto Calis for defense of the towne, where they stood in great want of men also, euen to the perill of losing the whole, if the enimies came forwards to besiege it. Herevpon the capteine within Newnam|bridge perceiuing he might haue no succors, retired with his soldiors vnto Calis, in such secret wise, that the Frenchmen perceiued it not of a pretie while; in|somuch that they shot still at the fort, when there was not a man within it to make resistance: and by that time that they were come to Calis, the other part of the French armie that went by the sea side with their batterie, had woone Ricebanke,Ricebanke ta [...]ken by the French. being abandoned to their hands. The next daie the Frenchmen with fiue double canons and thrée culuerings began a batte|rie, from the Sandhils next Ricebanke against the curteine betwixt the watergate and the soldiors pri|son on the wall, and continued the same by the space of two or thrée daies, vntill they had made a little breach next vnto the watergate, which neuerthelesse was not yet assaultable: for that which was broken in the daie, was by them within the towne made vp againe in the night stronger than before. But the batterie was not begun there by the French,The duke of Guise his po|licie. for that they intended to enter in that place, but rather to ab|use the English, to haue the lesse regard vnto the de|fense of the castell, which was the weakest part of the towne, and the place where they were ascerteined by their espials to win easie entrie. So that while our people trauelled fondlie to defend that counterfet breach of the towne wall,The English|mens fond de|fense. the duke had in the meane season planted fifteene double canons against the ca|stell. Which castell being considered by the rulers of the towne, to be of no such force as might resist the batterie of the canon (by reason it was old and with|out anie rampiers) it was deuised to make a traine with certeine barrels of powder to this pupose, that when the Frenchmen should enter (as they well knew that there they would) to haue fired the said traine, and blowne vp the Kéepe, and for that purpose left neuer a man within to defend it.