[1] [2] Thus haue ye heard the discourse of the ouerthrow and losse of the towne of Calis,Calis conque|red and lost in lesse than eight daies. the which enterprise was begun and ended in lesse than eight daies, to the great maruell of the world that a towne of such strength, and so well furnished of all things as that was (sufficient numbers of men of warre onlie ex|cepted) should so suddenlie be taken and conquered, but most speciallie in the winter season, what time all the countrie about (being marish ground) is com|monly ouerflowne with water. The said towne was woon from the French king by K. Edward the third,How long Ca+lis was in possession of the kings of England. in the time of Philip de Ualois then French king: and being in possession of the kings of England two hundred and eleuen yeares, was in the time of Phi|lip and Marie king & queene of England lost within lesse than eight daies: being the most notable fort that England had. For the winning whereof, king Edward aforesaid, in the 21 yeare of his reigne, was faine to continue a siege eleuen moneths and more. Wherefore it was iudged of all men, that it could not haue come so to passe, without some secret tre|cherie.