[1] [2] Thus (as saith maister Fox) were beheaded two innocents, Iohn Fox. in comparison of them that sat vpon them: for they did but ignorantlie accept that which the others had willinglie deuised, and by open pro|clamation consented to take from others, and giue to them. And verelie how vnwilling she was to take it vpon hir, there are yet liuing that can testifie. Iudge Morgan now that gaue the sentence against hir,Iudge Mor|gan fell mad. shortlie after fell mad, and in his rauing cried continuallie to haue the ladie Iane taken awaie from him, and so ended his life. ¶Touching this ladie Iane in the high commendation of hir godlie mind, I find this report in maister Foxes appendix to his Acts and Monuments, Abr. Fl. ex I. F. [...]. namelie that being on a time when she was verie yoong at Newhall in Essex at the ladie Maries, was by one ladie Anne Wharton desired to walke, and they passing by the chapell, the ladie Wharton made low curtsie to the popish sacra|ment hanging on the altar. Which when the ladie Iane saw maruelled why she did so, and asked hir whether the ladie Marie were there or not? Unto whome the ladie Wharton answered no, but she said that she made hir curtsie to him that made vs all. Why quoth the ladie Iane, how can he be there that made vs all, and the baker made him? This hir an|swer comming to the ladie Maries eare, she did ne|uer loue hir after, as is crediblie reported, but estée|med hir as the rest of that christian profession. In further witnesse of which good ladies disposition (both to God and the world) besides the verses of certeine learned men extant to hir praise, these following were found written by hir owne hand with a pin:
Non aliena putes homini, quae obtingere possunt,Sors [...] mihi, tunc erit illa tibi.Iane Dudley.Deo iuuante, nil nocet liuor malus,Et non iuuante, nil iuuat labor gra [...]is,Post tenebras spero videre lucem.