[1] About this time came to London an ambassador to the queene from the emperor of Cathaie, Musco|uia, and Russeland,An ambassa|dor out of Muscouia. who was honorablie receiued at Totenham by the merchants of London, hauing trade in those countries, riding in veluet coates and chaines of gold, who bare all his costs and char|ges from the time of his entrie into England out of Scotland: for thither by tempest of weather he was driuen, and there forced to land. Iohn Stow. ¶ The lord Monta|cute with the quéens pensioners met him at Isling|ton townes end; and at Smithfield barres the lord maior and aldermen in scarlet receiued him, and conueied him through the citie vnto maister Dim|mocks house in Fanchurch street, where he lodged vntill the twelfe of Maie, all which time he wanted no resort.] And after his message and ambassage doone to the quéene, he departed againe with thrée faire ships from Grauesend into his countrie, when he had remained here by the space of two moneths and more.