[1] [2] [3] [4] But now to returne where we left. At the time of the solemnization of the foresaid marriage holden at Winchester (as before ye haue heard) the empe|rors ambassadors being present, openlie pronoun|ced, that in consideration of that marriage, the em|peror had giuen and granted to the said prince his sonne the kingdome of Naples and Ierusalem,The empe| [...]s gift to the prince his [...]. with diuerse other seats and segniories. The solemnitie of that marriage ended, the king of heralds called Garter, openlie in the church in the presence of the king, the quéene, & the lords as well of England as Spaine, all the people being present, solemnelie proclamed the title and stile of those two princes, as followeth:The title of [...] belong| [...]g both to P [...]ilip and Marie pro|clamed by the [...] Philip and Marie by the grace of God king and queene of England, France, Naples, Ie|rusalem, and Ireland, defendors of the faith, princes of Spaine and Sicilie, archdukes of Austrich, dukes of Millaine, Burgundie, and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flanders, and Tiroll. The proclamati|on being ended, the trumpets blew, and the king with the queene came forth of the church hand in hand and two swords borne before them, and so returned to their palace.