[1] [2] [3] On wednesdaie following in the after noone, he came into the parlement house,Cardinall Poole cõmeth [...] the parle|ment house. being at that pre|sent kept in the great chamber of the court of the White hall, for that the quéene by reason of sicknesse was not able to go abrode (where the king and quéene sitting vnder the cloth of estate, and the cardinall sit|ting on the right hand, with all the other estates of the realme being present) and the knights and bur|gesses of the common house being also called thither, the bishop of Winchester being lord chancellor, spake in this maner.

My lords of the vpper house, and you my maisters of the nether house,The words of the bishop of Winchester [...] lord chancellor. here is present the right reuerend father in God, my lord cardinall Poole, legat A Latere, come from the apostolike sée of Rome, as ambassador to the king and quéenes maie|sties, vpon one of the weightiest causes that e|uer happened in this realme, and which apperteineth to the glorie of God, and your vniuersall benefit; the which ambassage, their maiesties pleasure is to bee signified vnto you all by his owne mouth, trusting that you will receiue and accept it in as beneuolent and thankefull wise, as their highnesse haue doone, and that you will giue attentiue and inclinable [...]are vnto his grace, who is now readie to declare the same. [...] Grafton.
So soone as the lord chancellor had ended his tale, the cardinall began and made a long & solemne oration, the which for shortnesse sake I haue collectd into these few articles, remitting the reader to mai|ster Foxes Acts and Monuments, where they shall find the same wholie and entierlie as by him it was vttered.