[1] [2] [3] There came one capteine Desquie a Burgognian, with two hundred souldiors, pikes most. This band was appointed to the Marie bulworke, whose cap|teine being full of the gout, and an impotent man, would not yet be from his charge, but in his bed en|ded his life in the bulworke. And so of this enough. But now after the winning of this towne and ca|stell, the duke aduising well vpon the place, Rich. Grason. and con|sidering that if it should happen to be regained by Englishmen, what a noisome neighbor the same might be to Calis, now being French; and special|lie what impeachment should come thereby for the passage thither from France, considering also the neere standing thereof to the French kings fortresse of Ard: so that to keepe two garrisons so nigh to|gither should be but a double charge, and not onlie néedlesse, but also dangerous for the cause afore re|hearsed. Upon these considerations (as the French|men write) he tooke order for all the great artillerie, vittels and other munition, to be taken foorth, and the castell with all the bulworkes and other fortifi|cations there, with all spéed to be razed and throwne downe, and the stuffe to be caried awaie, and em|ploied in other more necessarie places.