[1] At the time of this quéenes coronation,A pardon with excep|tions. there was published a generall pardon in hir name, being in|terlaced with so manie exceptions, as they that née|ded the same most, tooke smallest benefit thereby. In which were excepted by name no small number, not onelie of bishops and other of the cleargie, namelie the archbishops of Canturburie and Yorke, the bi|shop of London, but also manie lords, knights, and gentlemen of the laitie, beside the two chiefe iustices of England called sir Edward Montacute, and sir Roger Cholmeleie, with some other learned men in the law, for counselling, or at the least consenting to the depriuation of quéene Marie, and aiding of the foresaid duke of Northumberland, in the pretensed right of the before named ladie Iane, the names of which persons so being excepted, I haue omitted for shortnesse sake.