[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [page 1134] Obsequie for the king of Portingale.The eightéenth of August was a solemne obsequie celebrated in the church of S. Paule in London, for Iohn king of Portingale, who departed this life in Iulie last past. The lord treasuror was chéefe moor|ner. The queenes armie being transported ouer to Calis (as before ye haue heard) marched to some with king Philips power: the which alreadie being assembled, had inuaded the French confines, and be|ing come before saint Quintins, planted a strong siege before that tower. To the rescue whereof, the French king sent a great armie both of horssemen and footmen, vnder the leading of the conestable of France: which armie consisted of about nine hun|dred men at armes,Fifteene or [...] thou|sand footmen, and a threé or [...] thou|sand horsse|men. with as manie light horssemen, seuen or eight hundred Roisters, two & twentie en|signes of lancequenets, and sixteene ensignes of French footmen. They had also with them fiftéene péeces of great artillerie, to wit, six double canons, foure long culuerings, the rest bastard culuerings, and other péeces of smaller mould.The conesta|ble of France [...]oke Mont| [...]encie ge| [...]rall of the French for| [...]s. The conestable thus garded vpon saint Laurence daie, which is the tenth of August, approched the towne, meaning to put into the same succours of more soldiors, with Dandelot the admerals brother, that was within the towne not furnished with such a garrison as was thought expedient for the defense therof, against such a power as king Philip had prepared against it.