[1] [2] [3] The quéene hir selfe was lodged in the bishops pa|lace, whither his highnesse the next daie came,The quéens lodging in the bishops pa|lace. and was receiued by hir in the hall, in most courteous & louing maner. And after such salutations & talke ended, as was thought conuenient for the time, he returned to his lodging,The mariage solemnized and what states of Ita|lie & Spaine were present at it. where he continued all that night: and the next daie being the fiue and twentith of Iulie, the mariage was openlie solemnized. At the which were present, the ambassadors of the em|peror, the king of Romans, the king of Bohem, of Uenice, Florence, Ferrare, and Sauoie, with cer|teine agents of other states in Italie. As for the shot of ordinance, the diuerse kinds of musicke, the sumptuous and costlie apparell, trappers, and other furniture, readie prouided against the receiuing of him, with other ceremonies vsed aswell about the mariage, as in other places where he was to be receiued, were suerlie such, and euerie thing doone in such good order, as better for such a purpose might not lightlie be deuised. Nobles of Spaine were, the duke of Alua, the duke of Medina celi,The names of the noble men that came ouer from Spaine with the prince. the admerall of Castilla, the marques of Bergues, the marques of Piscara, the marques of Saria, the mar|ques of Ualli, the marques of Aguillar, the earle of Egmund, the earle of Horne, the earle of Feria, the earle of Chinchon, the earle of Oliuares, the earle of Saldana, the earle of Modica, the earle of Fuentesalida, the earle of Landriano, the earle of Castellar, Don Ruigomes, the bishop of Cuenca, Don Iohn de Benauides; and diuerse others.