[1] But here is to be noted, Rich. Graf [...]on. not so much the vnciuill nature of the man, as the singular lenitie, and grati|ous clemencie of that gentle and vertuous princesse, who afterward (as shall appeare) comming to the pos|session of the crowne as hir rightfull inheritance, was at that time so farre from reuenge of iniuries receiued, that whereas diuerse princes haue requited much lesse offenses with losse of life, she neuer tou|ched him either with danger of life, or losse of lands or goods, nor neuer procéeded further than to dis|charge him of the court: which manie thought was the thing that pleased him best.Quéene Eli|sabeths words to Be|ningfield hir butcherlie kée|ker in the time of hir durance. At whose departing from hir presence, she vsed onelie these words, or the like in sense: God forgiue you that is past, and we doo: and if we haue anie prisoner whome we would haue hardlie handled and strectlie kept, then we will send for you.