[1] [2] [3] The empe|rors ambassa| [...]ors flée from Wiat.Moreouer, on this first daie of Februarie being Candlemas euen, the emperors ambassadors, of whome ye haue heard before, hearing of Wiats ha|stie approching thus towards London, sped them|selues awaie by water, and that with all hast. The queene then lieng at hir palace of White hall beside Westminster, and hearing of hir enimies so néere, was counselled for hir safegard to take the tower of London, wherevnto she would by no meanes be persuaded. Neuerthelesse, to make hir selfe more stronger of friends in the citie, so soone as the said ambassadors were departed, she came to the Guild|hall in London: against which time, order was ta|ken by the lord maior, that the chiefe citizens in their liueries should be there present. After that the queene had taken hir place in the said hall, and silence made, she with verie good countenance vttered in effect this oration following.