[1] [2] [3] Upon saturdaie the eight and twentith of Aprill, sir Iames Crofts and maister William Winter were brought from the tower to the Guildhall in London, where sir Iames Crofts was arreigned: but bicause the daie was farre spent, maister Win|ter was not arreigned, but caried backe againe to the tower with the said sir Iames Crofts.William Tho|mas arreigned & condemned. William Thomas, of whome mention is made before in the historie of sir Thomas Wiat, with certeine other, were arreigned and condemned for the conspiring of the murther and killing of the quéene vpon the sud|den: and for that offense, the said William Thomas was the eightéenth daie of Maie, drawne, hanged, and quartered at Tiburne.The ladie E|lisabeth [...]li|uered out of the tower. The ninetéenth daie of Maie next following, the ladie Elisabeth sister to quéene Marie, was deliuered out of the tower, and committed to the custodie of sir Iohn Williams knight, afterward lord Williams of Tame, by whome hir grace was more courteouslie intreated than some would haue wished. Wherefore shortlie after she was committed to the manour of Wood|stocke,Sir Henrie Beningfield knight. vnder the custodie of sir Henrie Bening|field of Oxenborough in the countie of Norffolke, knight, at whose hands she found not the like courte|sie, who (as it is well knowne) vsed his office more like a gailor than a gentleman, and with such rigour as was not méet to be shewed to such an estate, which extremitie of crueltie to a person of great dignitie notwithstanding hir innocencie, is verie well noted by C. O. in Eirenarchia siue Elisabetha, where he saieth:
—odio quoque tenditur acriSuspicio vehemens in te clarissima princepsElisabetha, capút tuum: quòd vixeris insons,Quód animi candor culpa noxá remotusHactenus inuidiae renitens hebetâarit ocellos,Ah liuore tumens sacer obliuiscitur ordo.Implacata cohors spumante exaestuatiraFurfuris eiusdem, donec custodibus Elisabetha. agna(Arcebat Deus ipse lupos) committitur arctisAsseruanda locis, vi libertatis adempta.