[1] My lord Greie hereof tooke counsell, and it was thought good not to reiect the offer, the extremitie on euerie side weied. The trumpetter receiuing answer, accordinglie departed,Hostages re|quired on the dukes part from the lord Greie during the time of the parlée, &c. & without long abode retur|ned againe, requiring in the dukes behalfe hostages for a truce during the parlee from vs, he minding to deliuer the like into the castell. From him in fine monsieur Des [...]rees, and a gentleman of the kings chamber were sent in: and maister Arthur Greie my lords sonne, and maister Lewes Diue, were put out. Monsieur Dandelot in the braies receiued them, and caried them ouer the vnfortunate bul|worke, being come vpon naked and new slaine car|cases, some of them spralling yet and groning vn|der their feet, were onelie the earth they trod on. So passing downe the breach somewhat to the ease of the former heauie sight, they saw it, and the ditch little lesse fraught with the enimies corpses. Then to the campe they came, and were lodged in the said Dan|delots tent.