[1] His praiers ended, and desiring ech man to praie for him, he laid downe his head againe, and so the ex|ecutioner foorthwith tooke it from him at one stroke. On the thrée and twentith of August the quéene deli|uered the great seale to doctor Gardiner bishop of Winchester, and made him lord chancellor.New lord chancellor. The sea|uen and twentith of August,Latine ser|uice. the seruice began in La|tine to be soong in Pauls church in London. The six and twentith of August in the euening the notablest ship in England called the great Harrie was burnt at Woolwich by negligence of the mariners,Great Harrie a ship burnt. she was of burthen a thousand tuns. The first of Sep|tember the quéene demanded a prest of the citie of London of twentie thousand pounds,Prest to the quéene. to be repaied againe within fouretéene daies after Michael masse next folowing, which sum was leuied of the aldermen and one hundred & twentie commoners. The fourth of September was proclamed certeine new coins of gold and siluer,New coine [...]. a souereigne of gold of thirtie shil|lings, the halfe souereigne fiftéene shillings, an an|gell at ten shillings, the halfe angell fiue shillings. Of siluer, the grote, halfe grote and pennie:Subsidie par|doned. all base coines to be currant as before. Also the same daie by proclamation was pardoned the subsidie of foure shillings the pound of lands, and two shillings eight pence the pound of moouable goods, granted in the last parlement of king Edward the sixt.] Soone af|ter this Thomas Cranmer archbishop of Canturbu|rie, and late before of king Edwards priuie councell,The archbi|shop of Can|turburie com|mitted to the tower. was committed to the tower of London, being char|ged of treason, not onelie for giuing aduise to the dis|heriting of quéene Marie, but also for aiding the duke of Northumberland with certeine horsse and men against the queene, in the quarrell of the ladie Iane of Suffolke: wherein (if he were culpable) he [page 1091] lacked the prouidence and foresight of after-claps, which Sée before pag. 1030, 1031 doctor Parker in the insurrection Ket vsing saued both his life and estimation.