[1] Robert Record a doctor of physicke, and an excel|lent philosopher, in arithmetike, astrologie, cosmo|graphie, and geometrie most skilfull, he was borne in Wales, descended of a good familie, and finallie departed this life in the daies of quéene Marie. Bar|tholomew Traheron descended of a worshipfull house in the west parts of England, deane of Chiche|ster, departed this life in Germanie, where he liued in exile, about the latter end of quéen Maries reigne. Cutbert Tunstall, bishop first of London, and after of Durham, borne in Lancashire of a right worship|full familie, excellentlie learned, as by his workes it may appeare, doctor of both the lawes, departed this life in the yeare 1559. Richard Sampson bishop of Couentrie & Lichfield wrote certeine treatises, & de|parted this life 1555. Lucas Shepherd borne in Col|chester in Essex, an English poet. Iane Dudleie [page 1169] daughter vnto Henrie Greie duke of Suffolke, wrote diuerse things highlie to hir commendation, of whome yée haue heard more before héere in this historie; William Thomas a Welshman borne, of whome yée haue likewise heard how he suffered for treason, wrote the historie of Italie, and other things verie eloquentlie; Iames Brookes a doctor of diuini|tie, Iohn Standish a doctor likewise of the same pro|fession, great defenders of the popes doctrine, as by their workes appeareth; William Perine a blacke frier by profession, and a doctor also of diuinitie, wrote in defense of the masse, and preached sermons which were printed of like stuffe; Iohn Baret borne in Lin, a doctor of diuinitie, and sometime a Car|melit frier, but reuolting from the popes religion, he became an earnest setter foorth of the gospell, but eftsoones he fell off, and returned to his former opini|ons now in the daies of quéene Marie; Henrie lord Stafford, sonne to Edward duke of Buckingham, amongst other things which he wrote, he translated a booke out of Latine into English, intituled Vtrius|que potestatis differentia, that is, The difference betwixt the two powers, which booke (as some thinke) was first compiled and set foorth by Edward Fox bishop of Hereford; Iohn Hopkins translated diuerse psalmes of the psalter into English méeter, which are to be found amongst those appointed to be sung in the churches of England.

Thus farre the troublesome reigne of Queene Marie the first of that name (God grant she may be the last of hir religion) eldest daughter to king Henrie the eight.