[1] The first sight that the lord of Aburgauennie could haue of them, after they forsooke their purposed waie, was as they ascended Wrotham hill, directlie vnder Yallam maister Pechams house,Wrotham hill Yallam. where they thinking to haue great aduantage by the winning of the hill, displaied their ensignes, thinking they had béene out of danger. But the Lord of Aburgauen|nie made such hast after them, that ouertaking them at a field in the parish of Wrotham, a mile distant from the verie top of the hill, called Blacke soll field,Blacke soll field. after some resistance with shot and arrowes, and pro|fer of onset made by their horssemen, they were put to flight, and chased for the space of foure miles,The skirmish. euen to Hartleie wood. Thréescore of them were taken pri|soners, and some on both sides were wounded, as commonlie commeth to passe in an ordinarie and pri|uat fraie: how then is it possible, that a skirmish should be vnseasoned with slaughter and bloudshed, speciallie in a sedition or insurrection, which is the plague of all common-wealths, as the poet saith:
—regnorum pessima pestis Seditio.