[1] This yeare, the hot burning feuers and other strange diseases, which began the yeare before,Great death. con|sumed much people in all parts of England; but namelie, of most ancient and graue men: so that in London, betwéene the twentith of October, and the last of December, there died seuen aldermen, whose names were Henrie Heardson,Seuen alder|men of Lon|don dead in one yeare. sir Richard Dobs late maior, sir William Laxton late maior, sir Henrie Hoblethorne late maior, sir Iohn Champ|neis late maior, sir Iohn Aileph late shiriffe, and sir Iohn Gresham late maior. Ab. Fl. ex I. Stow. 1103. Fecknam abbat of Westminster. ¶ The one & twentith of Nouember, Iohn Fecknam late deane of Pauls in London, now made abbat of Westmin|ster, was stalled, and tooke possession of the same: and fourtéene monks more receiued the habit with him that daie of the order of saint Benet.False accuser set on the pil|lorie & burnt in both chéeks; would to God all such accusers were so well marked. The said one and twentith of Nouember, a man was brought from Westminster hall riding with his face to the horsse taile, and a paper on his head, to the stan|dard in Cheape, and there set on the pillorie, and then burned with an hot iron on both his chéekes, with two letters F. and A. for false accusing one of the court of the common plées in Westminster of trea|son.