[1] [2] As soone as this pardon was published,Commissio|ners. and the so|lemnitie of the feast of the coronation ended, there were certeine commissioners assigned to take order with all such persons as were excepted out of the par|don, and others, to compound with the queene for their seuerall offenses. Which commissioners sat at the deane of Paules his house, at the west end of Paules church, and there called before them the said persons apart, and from some they tooke their fees and offices granted before by king Edward the sixt, and yet neuerthelesse putting them to their fines: and some they committed to ward, depriuing them of their states and liuings: so that for the time, to those that tasted thereof, it seemed verie grieuous. God deliuer vs from incurring the like danger of law againe. The fift daie of October next following,A parlement. the quéene held hir hie court of parlement at West|minster, [page 1092] which continued vntill the one and twentith daie of the said moneth.