[1] [2] Neuerthelesse, she shortlie after caused an ar|mie of a thousand horssemen, and foure thousand foot|men, with two thousand pioners to be transported o|uer to his aid, vnder the leading of diuerse of the no|bilitie and other valiant capteins, whose names part|lie follow: the earle of Penbroke capteine generall,The names of the cap|teins ouer the quéenes for|ces. sir Anthonie Browne vicount Montacute lieute|nant generall vnder the said earle, the lord Greie of Wilton lord marshall, the earle of Rutland generall of the horssemen, the lord Clinton earle of Lincolne coronell of the footmen, the lord Russell earle of Bed|ford, the lord Robert Dudleie earle of Leicester and maister of the ordinance, the lord Thomas Ho|ward, sir William West lord de la Ware, sir Ed|ward Windsore after lord Windsore, the lord Braie, sir Edmund Briges lord Shandois, the lord Ambrose Dudleie earle of Warwike, the lord Henrie Dud|leie, Edward Randall esquier sergeant maior, mai|ster Whiteman treasuror of the armie, Edward Chamberleine esquier capteine of the pioners, sir Richard Leigh trenchmaster, Iohn Higate esquier prouost marshall, Thomas Haruie esquier muster-master, sir Peter Carew, sir William Courtneie, sir Giles Stranguish, sir Thomas Finch master of the campe, and other nobles, knights, and gentle|men of right approoued valiancie: although diuerse of them were suspected to be protestants. Further|more, to make king Philips power the stronger, there came aid vnto him from sundrie places; where|by as his armie increased in number, so likewise grew the same more puissant in strength. The people that assisted him are thus remembred by C. O. in his discourse of this warre, as here followeth:
Misit in auxilium Germania lecta virorumCorpora ferratas acies peditúmque cateruas.Varie gen [...] in exerci [...]n Philippi.Nec deerat miles Latia de gente cruentus,Dalmata non deerat bello huic nec defuit Hunnus.At tamen ante alios, fiducia summa locata estIn quibus armatus validè conuenerat Anglus.Foedus amicitiae vetus id poscebat, & vxor,Cui cum regefuit soci [...] commune periclum.