[1] [2] [3] After this generall absolution receiued, the king and the quéene, and all the lords with the rest, went into the kings chappell, and there sang Te Deum with great ioy and gladnesse, for this new reconci|liation. The report whereof with great spéed [...]lew to Rome, as well by the French kings letters, as also by the cardinals.Solemne pro [...]cession at Rome for the new reconcile|ment of Eng|land to the ca [...]tholike church. Wherevpon the pope caused so|lemne processions to be made in Rome, namelie one, wherein he himselfe with all his cardinals were present, passing with as great solemnitie and pompe as might be, giuing thanks to God with great ioy, for the conuersion of England to his church. At what time also he not a little commended the diligence of cardinall Poole, and the deuotion of the king and quéene. And on Christmas euen next following, he set foorth by his buls a generall pardon to all such as did reioise in the same reconciliation.