22.1. The words of the ladie Iane at hir death, on a scaffold vpon the greene ouer against the white tower.
The words of the ladie Iane at hir death, on a scaffold vpon the greene ouer against the white tower.
[1] _GOod people I am come hither to die, and by a law I am condem|ned to the same. My offense a|gainst the queenes highnes was onelie in consent to the deuice of other, which now is deemed treason; but it was neuer of my seeking, but by counsell of those who should seeme to haue further vnder|standing of things than I, which knew lit|tle of the law, and much lesse of the titles [page 1100] to the crowne. But touching the procure|ment and desire therof by me, or on my be|halfe, I doo wash my hands in innocencie thereof before God, and the face of all you (good christian people) this daie. And ther|with she wroong hir hands wherin she had hir booke. Then (said she) I praie you all good christian people, to beare me witnesse that I die a true christian woman, & that I looke to be saued by none other meanes, but onelie by the mercie of God, in the bloud of his onelie sonne Iesus Christ; & I confesse that when I did know the word of God, I neglected the same, & loued my selfe and the world, and therefore this plague and punishment is iustlie & worthilie hap|pened vnto me for my sins, & yet I thanke God of his goodnesse, that he hath giuen me a time and respit to repent. And now good people while I am aliue, I praie you assist me with your praiers.