[1] [2] [3] [page 1136] The places thus appointed for them to remaine in, were chéeflie foure, the two churches of our ladie, and saint Nicholas, the deputies house, and the staple, where they rested a great part of that daie, and one whole night, and the next daie till thrée of the clocke at afternoone, without either meat or drinke. And while they were thus in the churches, and those other places,The duke of Guises pro|clamation to b [...]ing in mo|nie and plate, &c. the duke of Guise in the name of the French king, in their hearings made a proclamation, strict|lie charging all and euerie person that were inhabi|tants of the towne of Calis, hauing about them a|nie monie, plate, or iewels, to the value of one groat to bring the same foorthwith, and laie it downe vpon the high altars of the said churches vpon paine of death; bearing them in hand also, that they should be searched. By reason of which proclamation, there was made a great & sorowfull offertorie. And while they were at this offering within the churches,The French [...]a [...]l to spoiling and rifling. the Frenchmen entered into their houses, and rifled the same, where was found inestimable riches and trea|sure: but speciallie of ordinance, armor, and other munitions.