[1] [2] This doone,Wiat and his complices [...] into consul|tation. he returned and said to some of his companie; This place sirs is too hot for vs. And here|vpon falling in counsell what was best to doo: some gaue aduise that it should be good to returne to Gréenewich, and so to passe the water into Essex, whereby their companie (as they thought) should in|crease, and then assaie to enter into London by Ald|gate: and some were of opinion, that it were better to go to Kingston vpon Thames, and so further west. Other there were, among which sir Thomas Wiat himselfe was chiefe, would haue returned into Kent to méet with the lord of Aburgauenie, the lord War|den, the shiriffe, sir Thomas Moile, sir Thomas Kempe, sir Thomas Finch, and others that were at Rochester, comming on Wiats backe, with a great companie well appointed, persuading himselfe (whether truelie or not I know not) that he should find among them more friends than enimies. But whether his desire to returne into Kent grew vpon hope he had to find aid there, or rather to shift him|selfe awaie, it was doubted of his owne companie; and some of them that knew him well (except they were much deceiued) reported not long before their execution, that his desire to returne into Kent, was onelie to shift himselfe ouer the sea.