[1] [2] Countie Eg|mond lieute|nant generall [...] king Phi|lip in the low countrie.During which pastime, the countie de Aiguemont (or as he is commonlie called Egmond) lieutenant generall for king Philip in the low countrie, with all hast possible assembled all the power as well of king Philips garrisons, as also of men of warre in the low countrie, to the number of fouretéene or fiftéene thousand footmen, and two or thrée thousand horsse|men, whereof there were fiftéene hundred swart Ruf|ters, determining so to affront the French, that ei|ther they should passe no further into the countrie, or at the least waie to impeach them from the siege of Graueling, whereof there was great appearance. Monsieur de Thermes hearing of this power assem|bled (though scarselie well recouered) made all possi|ble hast toward Graueling, where he was no sooner arriued, but that he saw his enimies readie ranged in the field. By reason whereof his studie was now nothing else but how he might bring home his armie in safetie to Calis.