[1] The seuenth daie of Aprill next following,Sir Nicho|las Throck|morton ar|reigned of high treason cleéreth him|selfe. sir Ni|cholas Throckmorton knight was brought from the tower to Guildhall in London, and there arreigned of high treason, as adherent and principall counsel|lor to the said Wiat and the duke of Suffolke, and the rest in the fore remembred conspiracie against the quéene. But he so stoutlie, and therwithall so cun|ninglie answered for himselfe, as well in cleering of his cause, as also in defending & auoiding such points of the lawes of the realme, as were there alleaged a|gainst him, that the quest which passed vpon his life & death found him not giltie. With which verdict the iudges and councellors there present were so much offended, that they bound the iurie in the summe of fiue hundred pounds a péece, to appeare before the councell in the Starchamber, at a daie appointed. And according to their bond, they appeared there be|fore the said councell vpon Wednesdaie, being the one and twentith of Aprill, and saint Marks daie; from whense after certeine questioning, they were committed to prison, Emanuell Lucar and master Whetston to the tower, and the other to the Fléet.