[1] [2] But to proceed. The fight within the bulworke yet lasted, to the great slaughter of them that defended it. Herevpon my lord Greie presentlie called to mai|ster Lewes Diue, and others that were about him, to follow him to the gate. The maze was such, that besides his sonne maister Arthur Greie,Arthur Gre [...] now lord Greie. and now lord Greie, maister Lewes Diue, capteine Bricke|well, and halfe a doozen of armed corslets, not a man else did follow him. By this means the Englishmen were cleane driuen out of the bulworke,The enimie i [...] dastardlie all his victories notwithstan|ding. the enimie yet not daring to passe the braies, gaue them that es|caped good leisure to recouer the gate, where my lord Greie holding the wicket himselfe, receiued them in. Upon the taking of this bulworke, the souldiors of Whiteleies bulworke and the base court in dis|comfiture abandoned their charges, flieng to the ca|stell: so that more than the Kéepe and the bodie of the castell no part was free from the enimie. My lord Greie hauing receiued all his, caused the gates to be rammed vp.