[1] [2] [3] [4] At this assault was slaine of gentlemen, one cap|teine Bourne an Englishman, verie valiant,The number slaine at this assault. also a Spanish gentleman, and common souldiours to the number of fortie or fiftie. There was also sore hurt at the same assault, one other Spanish capteine, with diuerse others, whom for the auoiding of tediousnesse I let passe. At night the lord Greie came to the bul|worke, and hauing rendred thanks to God for that daies good successe,The lord Greie com|mendeth his souldiours. did greatlie commend them all for their manfull defense and valiant behauiour, ex|horting them to continue therein, as the onelie thing wherein their safetie and good name did rest. The bat|terie (as before is told) hauing laid the bulworks o|pen, they within were inforced for winning of a new vaumure, to intrench within the bulworke six foot déepe, and nine in thicknesse, which maruellouslie did strengthen the péece, the same being of no great largenesse before. By the next daie being tuesdaie, they had planted two batteries more; the one in the market place of the towne, to beate a curteine of the bodie of the castell, of six canons; the other vpon the rampire of the towne of thrée péeces, to beat the Cat and a flanker of the Barbican, which two garded one side of the Marie bulworke.