[1] The ninetéenth of August, sir Andrew Dudleie, sir Iohn Gates, and sir Henrie Gates brethren, and sir Thomas Palmer knights, were arreigned at Westminster; and confessing their indictments, had iudgement, which was pronounced by the marquesse of Winchester high treasuror of England that sate that daie as chiefe iustice. On the twentith of August doctor Watson chapleine to the bishop of Winches|ter preached at Pauls crosse,Preacher at P [...]ules crosse [...]ded. by the quéenes appoint|ment, & for feare of the like tumult as had béene not long before, certeine lords of the councell repai|red to the sermon, as the lord treasuror, the lord pri|uie seale, the earle of Bedford, the earle of Penbroke, the lord Wentworth, the lord Rich, and sir Henrie Gerningam capteine of the gard with two hundred of the gard, which stood about the preacher with hal|berts. Also the maior had warned the companies of the citie to be present in their liueries, which was well accepted of the queenes councell: and the ser|mon was quietlie ended.