[3] The lords taking their
words in maruellous euill part, iudged them worthie to paie excessiue
fines.The hard iudgement [...] the lords a|gainst those eight honest men. Some said they
were worthie to paie 1000 pounds a péece. Other said that Lucar and Whetston
were worthie to paie a thousand marks a péece, and the rest fiue hundred
pounds a peece. In conclusion, sentence was giuen by the lord chancellor
that they should paie a thousand marks a peece, he that paid least; and that
they should go to prison againe, and there re|main till further order were
taken for their punish|ment. The thirtith of October being tuesdaie,
The L. [...] Greie set at libertie. Further [...] mine [...] Throckmo [...]|tons [...].