[1] [2] [3] The lords taking their words in maruellous euill part, iudged them worthie to paie excessiue fines.The hard iudgement [...] the lords a|gainst those eight honest men. Some said they were worthie to paie 1000 pounds a péece. Other said that Lucar and Whetston were worthie to paie a thousand marks a péece, and the rest fiue hundred pounds a peece. In conclusion, sentence was giuen by the lord chancellor that they should paie a thousand marks a peece, he that paid least; and that they should go to prison againe, and there re|main till further order were taken for their punish|ment. The thirtith of October being tuesdaie,

The L. [...] Greie set at libertie.

Further [...] mine [...] Throckmo [...]|tons [...].

the lord Iohn Greie was deliuered out of the tower, and set at libertie. Upon saturdaie the tenth of Nouember, the shiriffes of London had commandement to take an inuentarie of each one of their goods, which were [page 1122] of maister Throckmortons quest, & to seale vp their doores, which was doone the same daie.