[1] This night now, great noise & working was heard in the dich, wherevpon the bulworke was once or twice on alarum. At the last with cressets it was espied that they were making a bridge. The morning came, and then the same was séene to be finished,The French make bridges. emptie casks with ropes fastened togither, & sawed boords laid thereon. This yet did but put them with|in, in a certeintie of that which before they accounted of, and stood prepared for. To be short, the enimies spent all the daie till it was full two of the clocke in batterie, & beating at the two last flankers, which at length they woone from them within, & the gunners of either slaine. Wherevpon the lord Greie taking counsell of sir Henrie Palmer,Consultation betwéene the lord Greie and the English gentlemen. master Lewes Diue and Montdragon the leader of the Spaniards: it was resolued, that there might be order to make a fucasie within the bulworke, and presentlie to with|draw all from thence, sauing a certeine for a face and stale to toll in the enimie, and then to haue blowne it [page 1139] vp whole to the destruction of them all.