[1] [2] [3] But to procéed. As soone as the feasting & solem|nitie of the said marriage was ended, the king and quéene departed from Winchester, and by easie iour|nies came to Windsore castell,King Philip stalled at Windsor. where the fift of Au|gust being sundaie, he was stalled according to the order of the garter, and there kept S. Georges feast himselfe in his roiall estate, and the earle of Sussex was also the same time stalled in the order. Iohn Fox. At which time an herald tooke downe the armes of England at Windsore, and in the place of them would haue set the armes of Spaine, but he was commanded to set them vp againe by certeine lords.A generall hunting. The seuenth of August was made a generall hunting with a toile raised of foure or fiue miles in length, so that manie a déere that day was brought to the quarrie. The eleuenth of August they remooued to Richmond, and from thence the 27 of the same moneth they came by water to London, landing at the bishop of Winche|sters house, through which they passed both to South|worke parke, and so to Suffolke place,The king and quéene come through Lon|don to West|minster. where they lodged that night: and the next daie being saturdaie and the nineteenth of August, they being accompa|nied with a great number of nobles and gentlemen, rode from thence ouer the bridge, and passed through London vnto Westminster.