[1] The enimie this while hauing breathed, and a brace of an hundred shots put foorth onelie to attend on the few Spaniards that kept the corners of the b [...]aies the assault afresh is begun, and their beaten bands with new companies relieued. The lord Greie also sent into the bulworke two hundred fresh men.A fresh as|sault begun and the fight hot and heauie against the English. Now grew the fight heauie vpon the Englishmen, all their defense resting in the pike and bill, their chée|fest flankers being gone, their places to bestow shot in taken from them, their fier-works in manner spent, the Spanish shot on the other side so ouerlaid, as not one of them but was either slaine or marred, yer a quarter of the assault was past. The easinesse of the fight thus alluring the enimie, vnappointed companies flue to the breach, and courage was on euerie side with them, what hauocke they made it is not hard to gesse. My lord Greie perceiuing the ex|tremitie, sent to the two forenamed flankers, that they should no longer spare. They streight went off, the diches and breach being couered with men. These vnlooked for ghests made the enimie that was com|ming to pause, and the other alreadie come to repent their hast. Thrée or foure bowts of these salutations began to cleare well the breach, though the dich grew the fuller at night. At last parted with no great tri|umph of others winnings (for as the Englishmen within went not scotfrée) so suerlie no small number of their enimies carcasses tooke vp their iodgings in the ditch that night.Enimies slaine.