[1] [2] About two of the clocke the next daie at after noone, being the seuenth of Ianuarie,The poorest & meanest sort [...]o [...]ded out of Calis. a great number of the meanest sort were suffered to passe out of the towne in safetie, being garded through the armie with a number of Scotish light horssemen, who vsed the Englishmen verie well and friendlie: and after this euerie daie for the space of thrée or foure daies togither, there were sent awaie diuerse companies of them till all were auoided, those only excepted that were appointed to be reserued for prisoners, as the lord Wentworth, & others. There were in the towne of Calis fiue hundred English souldiors ordinarie,Garison of soldiors that were in Calis and no more: and of the townesmen not fullie two hundred fighting men (a small garison for the defense of such a towne) and there were in the whole number of men, women, and children (as they were accoun|ted when they went out of the gate) foure thousand and two hundred persons. But the Lord Went|worth deputie of Calis, sir Rafe Chamberleine cap|teine of the castell, Iohn Harlston capteine of Rice|banke, Nicholas Alexander capteine of Newnam|bridge, Edward Grimstone the comptrollor, Iohn Rogers surueior, with others, to the number of fiftie (as aforesaid) such as it pleased the duke of Guise to appoint, were sent prisoners into France.