[1] [2] The onelie pitie (if fond I cannot saie) that I haue of you,The lord [...] words [...] his soldiers being ashamed [...] their time| [...]nesse, and [...]pitieng [...] present [...]. hath caused me this daie to make such offers of composition, as neither your honesties, nor my honour, nor either of our duties in my thought maie well beare, which refused to take harder to the vtter defacing of our credits, sith the best would blot it.

If I would, souldiers, your selues (me thinketh) in vengeance thereof should turne your weapons vp|on me, and sacrifice so hartlesse a capteine, rather than to take it as a token of a pitifull capteine ouer you, and to yƩeld thanks for the same. We haue be|gun, as becommed vs: we haue yet held on as dutie dooth bind vs: let vs end then as honest dutie and fame dooth will vs. Neither is there anie such extre|mitie of despaire in our case, but that we maie yet dearelie inough sell our skins yer we lose them. Let vs then either march out vnder our ensignes dis|plaied, or else herewith die vnder them displaied.
The soldiers herewith in a mutinie flatlie answered, that they for his vainglory would not sell their liues.The lord [...] soul| [...]rs in a mu| [...] doo [...] against [...]. The desperatnesse of their case was not vnknowne vnto them (said they) and that their liues in other ser|uice might yet auaile their prince and countrie. In this now further to venture, was but like oxen to be thrust to the butcher. That his lordship was not to ex|pect anie one blow at their hands.