[1] Stephan Gardiner bishop of Winchester borne in the towne of saint Edmundsburie in Suffolke, of king Henrie the eights councell, and in king Ed|wards daies committed to ward within the tower, released by quéene Marie, made lord chancellor, and so died a stout champion in defense of the popes doc|trine, and a great enimie to the professours of the gospell. Iohn Philpot borne in Hamshire, sonne to sir Peter Philpot knight, was archdeacon of Win|chester, ended his life by fire in the yeare aforesaid 1555, the 18 of December, going then on the foure & fortith yeare of his age. Thomas Cranmer borne in Notinghamshire, archbishop of Canturburie, a worthie prelat, in sundrie vertues right commen|dable, suffered at Oxford the one and twentith of March, one thousand, fiue hundred, fiftie and six. Ri|chard Morison knight, borne in Oxfordshire, wrote diuerse treatises, and deceassed at Strausburge the 17 of March 1556. Iohn Poinet borne in Kent, bi|shop of Rochester first, & after of Winchester, deceas|sed likewise at Strausburgh, about the tenth or elea|uenth of August, in the yeare of our Lord 1556.