[1] My lord Greie this night came into the bulworke,My lord Grei [...]s worke after the skir|mish ended. where after praise first to God, he gaue thanks and commendations to them all. The slaine men he cau|sed to be buried, the hurt to be remooued and looked vnto, saw the breach repared, inquired of their lacks, and (as he might) supplied the same. They that were great could not be helped, as cornpowder, fierworks, yea and pikes began to faile vs. The most part of the night he here bestowed, and longer as was thought had taried,My L. Greie hurt by mis|chance. had not a scaberdles sword about one of the souldiors as he went in the throng & darke amongst them, thrust him almost through the foot: wherevpon he withdrew him to be dressed, vsing first vnto his souldiors an exhortation to acquite them|selues no lesse valiantlie the next daie, assuring them that one or two more such bankets as this last, gi|uen to the enimie, would coole their courages for anie more assaults.