[1] Thus haue you heard the whole discourse of the conquest of the noble towne of Calis, with all the English fortresses and countrie adioining made by the duke of Guise. The news whereof when they came to the French king, no need to aske how ioiful|lie they were receiued, not onelie of him and all his court, but also vniuersallie through the whole realme of France. For the which victorie, there was (as the maner is) Te Deum sung, and bonefiers made e|uerie where,Triumphs in France for the getting a|gaine of Ca|lis. as it is woont to be in cases of common ioy and gladnesse, for some rare benefit of God. In so much that shortlie vpon the conquest, there was a publike assemblie at Paris of all the estates of France, who franklie in recompense of the kings charges emploied in the winning of Calis, and the places aforesaid, and for maintenance of his wars to be continued afterwards, granted vnto him thrée millians of French crowns: whereof the clergie of France contributed one millian, besides their dis|mes. And no maruell though the French did high|lie reioise at the recouerie of Calis out of the Eng|lishmens hands: for it is constantlie affirmed of manie, that be acquainted with the affaires of France, that euer since the same towne was first woone by Englishmen, in all solemne councels as|sembled to treat vpon the state of France, there was a speciall person appointed to put them in re|membrance from time to time of Calis: as it were to be wished that the like were vsed in England, vn|till it were regained from the French.