22.1. A supplication exhibited to cardinall Poole by the parlement.

A supplication exhibited to cardinall Poole by the parlement.

[1] _WE the lords spirituall and temporall, and commons in this present parlement as|sembled, representing the whole bodie of the realme of England and dominions o [...] the same, in the name of our selues particularlie, and also of the said bodie vniuersallie, offer this our most humble supplication to your maiesties, to this end and effect; that the same by your gratious inter|cession and meane maie be exhibited to the most re|uerend father in God the lord cardinall Poole legat, sent speciallie hither from our most holie father pope Iulie the third,This suppli|cation was exhibited to the king and quéene. and the sée apostolike of Rome. Wher|in we doo declare our selues verie sorie and repen|tant of the long schisme and disobedience happening in this realme, and the dominions of the same, a|gainst the sée apostolike, either by making, agréeing, or executing of anie lawes, ordinances or comman|dements against the primasie of the same sée, or o|therwise dooing or speaking that might impugne or preiudice the same. Offering our selues, and promi|sing by this our supplication, that for a token & know|ledge of our said repentance,Promise in signe of repen|tance to make full amends by being recõ|ciled to the ca|tholike church we be and shall be euer readie, vnder and with the authorities of your maie|sties, to the vttermost of our power, to doo that shall lie in vs, for the abrogation and repealing of all the said lawes and ordinances, made and enacted to the preiudice of the sée apostolike, as well for our selues as for the whole bodie whome we represent. Where|vpon we humblie beséech your maiesties, as persons vndefiled in offense of his bodie towards the said sée, which neuerthelesse God by his prouidence hath made subiect to you, so to set foorth this our humble sute, as we the rather by your intercession maie ob|teine from the sée apostolike, by the said most reue|rend father, as well particularlie as generallie, abso|lution, release, and discharge from all dangers of such censures and sentences as by the lawes of the church we be fallen into. And that we maie as children re|pentant, be receiued into the bosome and vnitie of Christs church: so as this noble realme, with all the members thereof, maie in this vnitie & perfect obedi|ence to the see apostolike, and popes for the time be|ing, serue God and your maiesties to the furthe|rance and aduancement of his honour and glorie, Amen.