[1] The duke of Guise being
generall of the French armie,Guise entreth the English
frontier. procéeded in this enterprise with maruellous speed and
no lesse policie. For approching the Eng|lish frontier vnder colour to
vittell Bullongne and Ard, he entered the same vpon a sudden on New|yeares
daie, a sorie little plot of ground, intrenched at Sandgate,1558. Anno Reg. 5. and then diuided his
armie into two parts, sending one part with certeine peeces of great
artillerie along the downes by the sea side to|wards Ricebanke: and the
other part furnished also with batterie
péeces, marched streightfoorth to New|nambridge,
Newnam|bridge taken by the French. The master gunners head smitten cleane off with a gun.