[2] And touching Edward
Courtneie, she not onelie aduanced him to the earldome of Deuonshire,Edward Courtneie created earle of Deuon|shire. but
also to so much of his fathers possessions as there re|mained in hir hands;
whereby it was then thought of manie, that she bare affection to him by the
waie of marriage: but it came not so to
passe (for what cause I am not able to giue anie reason) but surelie the
subiects of England were most desirous thereof. Upon the receiuing of this
new queene, all the bishops which had béene depriued in the time of king
Edward the sixt hir brother,Bishops re|stored and o|thers
depri|ued. for the cause of reli|gion, were now againe restored to
their bishopriks; and such other as were placed in king Edward his time,
remoued from their sées, and others of con|trarie religion placed. Amongest
whom, Edmund Bonner doctor of the lawes, late
afore depriued from the sée of London, and committed prisoner to the
Marshalsea by order of king Edwards councell, was with all fauour restored
to his libertie and bi|shoprike. Maister Nicholas Ridleie doctor in
diuini|tie, late before aduanced to the same sée by the said king, was
hastilie displaced, and committed priso|ner to the tower of London. The
cause why such ex|tremitie was vsed towards the said bishop Ridleie, more
than to the rest, was for that in the time of ladie Iane,
Why Ridleie was more ri|gorouslie handled than the rest.
Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 1067.
Ille erat Europae Phoenix, quem funere acerbo(Vt flos vere nouo viridanti carpitur horto)Sustulit ante diem mors immatura Britannis,Inuidet haec terris pietatem & iura colentes.]