[1] Doctor Storie and other were appointed by the car|dinall,

This Storie [...] executed [...] quéen El [...]zabeths [...]

The death of Stephan Gardiner [...]shop of [...]inchester.

to visit euerie parish church in London and Middlesex, to see their relikes repared, and the ima|ges of the crucifix, with Marie and Iohn therevpon to be fixed.] During the time of this parlement, Ste|phan Gardiner bishop of Winchester, and chancel|lor of England died at his house called Winchester place, beside saint Marie Oueries in Southworke, the ninth daie of Nouember, whose corps was short|lie after solemnly from thence conueied to his church of Winchester, & there buried. The maner of whose death why should I blush to blaze as I find it by re|port? A [...]r. Fl. ex I. F. [...]tyrologio. The reporter [...] this additi| [...] a person of [...]dit. ¶One mistresse Mondaie, being the wife of one maister Mondaie secretarie sometime to the old lord Thomas duke of Norffolke, a present witnes of this that is testified, thus openlie reported in the house of a worshipfull citizen, bearing office in this citie, in words and effect as followeth. The same daie, when as bishop Ridleie and maister Latimer suffe|red at Oxford, being about the ninetéenth daie of October, there came to the house of Stephan Gar|diner, the old duke of Norffolke with the foresaid Mondaie his secretarie aboue named, reporter héer|of. The old aged duke, there waiting and tarieng for his dinner, the bishop being not yet disposed to dine, deferred the time till three or foure of the clocke at af|ter noone.