[1] [2] In the first session of which parlement, there pas|sed no more acts but one, and that was, to declare queene Marie lawfull heire in descent to the crowne of England by the common lawes, next after hir brother king Edward;Treason. Felonie. Premunire. and to repeale certeine cau|ses of treason, fellonie, and premunire, conteined in diuers former statutes: the which act of repeale was, for that cardinall Poole was especiallie looked for (as after ye shall heare) for the reducing of the church of England to the popes obedience: and to the end that the said cardinall now called into England from Rome, might hold his courts legantine without the danger of the statutes of the premunire, made in that case, whereinto cardinall Wolseie (when he was legat) had incurred to his no small losse, and to the charge of all the clergie of England, for exerci|sing the like power:The parle|ment proro|ged. the which act being once passed, foorthwith the queene repaired to the parlement house, and gaue therevnto hir roiall assent, and then proroged the parlement vnto the foure and twentith daie of the said moneth. In which second session were confirmed and made diuerse and sundrie statutes concerning religion, wherof some were restored, and other repealed.