[1] Upon the fridaie the thrée and twentith of Fe|bruarie, about nine of the clocke, the duke of Suf|folke was brought foorth of the tower vnto the scaf|fold on the tower hill. And in his comming thither,The duke of Suffolke be|headed. there accompanied him doctor Weston, as his ghost|lie father: notwithstanding (as it should séeme) a|gainst the will of the said duke. For when the duke went vp the scaffold, the said Weston being on his left hand, pressed to go vp with him. The duke with his hand put him downe againe off the staires, and Weston taking hold of the duke forced him downe likewise. And as they ascended the second time, the duke againe put him downe. Then Weston said,Doctor Weston. that it was the quéenes pleasure he should so doo wherewith the duke casting his hands abrode, ascen|ded vp the scaffold, and paused a prettie while after, and then he said.