[1] Of such learned men as had written and did liue in the reigne of quéene Marie there were manie,Learned men in quéene Maries reigne. of whome no small number ended their liues also du|ring that short time of hir reigne, some by fire, and o|thers in exile, Iohn Rogers borne in Lancashire, wrote diuerse treatises, translated the bible into English with notes, and published the same vnder the name of Thomas Matthew, he suffred in Smith|field the fourth of Februarie, in the yeare 1555. Ni|cholas Ridleie bishop first of Rochester, and after of London, suffered at Oxford in the said yeare 1555. Hugh Latimer borne in Leicestershire, sometime bishop of Worcester, a notable preacher, and a most reuerend father, suffered at the same place, and in the same daie and yeare with bishop Ridleie. Iohn Hooper borne in Summersetshire, bishop first of Glocester, and after of Worcester, suffered at Gloce|ster in the yeare of our Lord 1555. Iohn Bradford, borne in Manchester, a notable towne in Lanca|shire, a sober, mild, and discréet learned man, suffered at London the first of Iulie in the said yeare 1555.