1.17. ¶The hiſtorie of king Edward the fifth, and king Richard the third vnfiniſhed, written by Maiſter Thomas Moore then one of the vnder She|riffes of London, about the yeare of our lorde .1513. according to a Copie of his owne hande: Printed among his other woorkes.

[page 1356]

¶The hiſtorie of king Edward the fifth, and king Richard the third vnfiniſhed, written by Maiſter Thomas Moore then one of the vnder She|riffes of London, about the yeare of our lorde .1513. according to a Copie of his owne hande: Printed among his other woorkes.

[figure appears here on page 1356]

[1] Edward the .v._KIng Edward of that name the fourth, af|ter that hee had liued fiftie and three yeres,1483 ſe|uen monethes, and ſixe dayes, and therof rai|gned twoo and twentie years, one Monethe, and eyght dayes, died at Weſt|minſter the ninth day of Aprill, the yeare of our redemption, a thouſande foure hundreth foure ſcore and three, leauyng muche fayre iſſue, that is to witte, Edwarde the Prince, a thirteene yeare of age: Richarde Duke of Yorke, twoo yeare yonger: Elizabeth, whoſe fortune and grace was after to bee Queene, wyfe vnto Kyng Henry the ſeuenth, and mother vnto the eyght: Cicelie not ſo fortunate as faire: Bri|get, whyche repreſentyng the vertue of hyr, whoſe name ſhee bare, profeſſed and obſerued a religious life in Dertforde, an houſe of cloſe Nunnes: Anne, that was after honourablye married vnto Thomas, then Lorde Hawarde and after Earle of Surrey: And Katherine, which long time toſſed in either fortune, ſom|time in wealth, ofte in aduerſitie, at the laſte, if this be the laſte, for yet ſhee liuethe, is by the benignitye of hir Nephewe King Henry the eyghte, in very proſperous eſtate, and worthy hir birthe and vertue.

[1] [2] This noble Prince deceaſſed at his Palaice of Weſtminſter, and wyth greate funerall ho|nour and heauineſſe of his people from thence conueyed,The loue of the people. was enterred at Windſor. A King of ſuch gouernaunce and behauiour, in time of peace (for in warre eche parte muſte needes bee others enimye) that there was neuer any Prince of this lande, attainyng the Crowne by battaile ſo hartelye beeleued wyth the [...]|ſtaunce of the people: nor he hymſelfe ſo ſpeci|allye in anye parte of hys life, as at the time of hys deathe. Whiche fauour and affection, yet after hys deceaſſe by the crueltie, miſchiefe, and trouble of the tempeſtuous worlde that follo|wed, highelye towarde him more increaſed. At ſuche tyme as he died, the diſpleaſure of thoſe that bare hym grudge, for Kyng Henryes ſake the ſixte, whome he depoſed, was well [...]|ged, and in effect quenched, in that, that ma|ny of them were deade in more than twentye yeares of hys raigne, a greate parte of a long life: And many of them in the meane ſeaſon growen into his fauour, of whiche he was ne|uer ſtrange. He was a goodlye perſonage,Deſcription of Edvvarde the fourthe. and Princely to beholde, of harte couragious, pol|litique in counſell, in aduerſitie nothyng a|baſhed, in proſperitie rather ioyfull than proud, in peace iuſte and mercifull, in warre ſharpe and fierce, in the fielde bolde and hardye, and natheleſſe no further than wiſedome woulde aduenturous, whoſe warres who ſo wel conſi|der, hee ſhall no leſſe commende hys wiſedome where hee voyded, than his manhoode where he vanquiſhed. Hee was of viſage lonelye, of bo|dy mightye, ſtrong, and cleane made: How|beit in his latter dayes wyth ouer liberall dyer, ſomewhat corpulent and boorely, and [...]atheles not vncomely, hee was of youth greately gi|uen to fleſhely wantonneſſe: from which health of body in great proſperity and fortune, with|out a ſpeciall grace hardely refraineth.

[1] [2] [3] Thys faulte not greately greeued the peo|ple: for neyther coulde anye one mans plea|ſure, ſtretche and extende to the diſpleaſure of verye manye, and was wythout violence, and ouer that in hys latter dayes leſſed and well lefte. In, whiche time of his latter dayes, this Realme was in quiet and proſperous eſtate, no feare of outwarde enemyes, no warre in hand, nor none towarde, but ſuche as no man looked for, the people towarde the Prince, not in a conſtrained feare, but in a willyng and lo|uyng obedience: among themſelues, the com|mons in good peace. The Lordes whome hee knewe at variaunce, hymſelfe in his deathe bed appeaſed: hee hadde lefte all gathering of mo|ney (whiche is the onely thing that withdraw|eth the hartes of Engliſhemen fro the Prince) nor any thing intended he to take in hande, by whyche hee ſhoulde bee driuen thereto, for hys [page 1357] tribute, [...] [...] of Fraunce; hee hadde before ob|teyne do And the yeare foregoing his deathe [...] hadde obteyned Warwicke. And albeit that [...] the time of his raigne hee was wyth his peo|ple, ſo be [...]igne coue [...]ous, and ſo families, that no part of his vertues [...] more eſ [...]emen yet yt condition in the ende of his dayes (in whyche many Princes by along continued [...] [...]+tie, [...]like [...] proud [...]por [...] from [...]bo [...]ain b [...] [...]r [...] their beginnyng) warde [...] flye in hym grewe and increaſed ſo farre, forth that in [...] the [...]e that [...] ſawe, hys h [...]m [...] being at Wi [...] [...]unting, thee for the M [...]or and Alderm [...] of London to hym for none [...] errande, and to [...] them h [...]band and he [...] m [...]rye with hym; where hee made them not ſo [...]ly, but ſo friendely and ſo fa|miliar cheare, and fence ve [...]ſon from thence ſo freely into the Citie that no [...]ng in ma|ny dayes before, ga [...] hym eyther m [...] heartes or more heartye fauour amongeſt the common people, whiche oftentimes more eſteeme and take for greater kindnes, a little courteſie, than a greate benefite. So deceaſſed (as I haue ſayde) this noble King, in that time, in whiche his life was moſte deſired. Whoſe loue of hys people, and their entire affection towarde him hadde bene to hys no [...] children (ha [...]ng in themſelues alſo as manye gifts of nature [...] many Princely vertues, aſmuche goodlye to|wardneſſe at their age coulde receyue) a [...] [...]llo [...] fortreſſe and fate armour, if diuiſion & diſſention of their friendes had not vnarmed them, and leſſe them deſtitute, and the execra|ble deſire of ſouerainty, prouoked hym to their deſtruction, whiche if eyther kinde of kindneſſe hadde houlden place, muſte needes haue bene their chiefe defence. For Richarde the Duke of Glouceſter, by nature their vncle, by office their protectour, to their father: be [...], to them|ſelfe by othe and allegiaunce bo [...]nden, all the bandes broken that binde [...] ma [...] and man to|gyther, wythout anye reſpecte of God or the worlde, vnnaturally contriued to berene them, not only their dignitie, but alſo their liues.

[1] But for aſmuche as this Dukes demeanor miniſtreth in effect all the whole matter where|of this booke ſhall intreate, it is therefore con|uenient, ſomewhat to ſhewe you ere wee far|ther goe, what manner of man thys was, that coulde finde in his harte ſo muche miſchiefe to conceiue.

[1] [2] Richarde Duke of Yorke.Richarde duke of Yorke, a noble man and a mightie, beganne not by warre, but by lawe, to chalendge the Crowne, puttyng hys claime into the Parliament, where his cauſe was ey|ther for righte or fauour ſo farre forthe auaun|ced, that King Henry his bloude (albeit he has a goodly Prince) vtterly reiected, the Crowne was by aucthoritie of parliament entailed vn|to the Duke of Yorke and his iſſue male in re|mainder, immediatly after the deathe of Kyng Henry. But the Duke not induryng ſo long to carry but entendyng vnder pretexte of diſ|ſention and debate ariſing in the Realme to preuent his time, and to take vppon hym the rule in Kyng Henry his life, was with many nobles of the Realme at Wakefielde ſlaine, leauing three ſonnes, Edwarde, George and Richard, All three as they were greate ſtates of birth, ſo were they great and ſtately of ſtomack, greedy and ambitious of auctoritie,Edvvarde. and impa|tient of partners. Edwarde reuenging his fa|thers deathe, depriued Kyng Henry,George Duke of Clarence. and attai|ned the Crowne. George Duke of Clarence was a goodly noble prince & at all points for|tunate, if either his owne ambition had not let him againſte hys brother or the enuy of his e|nimies his brother againſte hym. For were it by the Queene and lordes of hir bloude whiche highly maligned the kings ki [...]red (as women commonly not of malice, but of nature hate them whom their huſbands loue, (or were it a proude appetite of the duke hymſelf, intending to be king at the leaſt wiſe heinous treſon was there layde to his charge, and finally were hee faultie, were he faultleſſe, [...]taynted was he by Parlyamente, and iudged to the deathe, and there vpon haſhly drowned in a hutte of Mal|meſey, whoſe death kyng Ewarde (albeit hee commaunded it) when he wyſt it was done pi|teouſly bewayled, and ſorowfully repented.

[1] Richarde the thirde ſonne,The diſcription Richard the thirde. of whome wee nowe intreate, was in witte and courage [...]|gall with either of them, in bodie and prowes farre vnder them both, little of ſtature, yll fea|tured of limmes, crooke backed, his left ſhoulder muche hygher than hys ryght, harde fauoured of viſage, and ſuche as is in ſtates called war|lye, in other men otherwyſe, he was malicious, wrathfull, enuious, and from afore his byrth e|uer frowards. It is for truth reported, that the Ducheſſe his mother hadde ſo much adoe in hir trauaile, that ſhe could not be deliuered of hym vncut, and that he cam into the world with the feete forward, as mẽ be borne outward, and (as the fame runneth) alſo not vntoothed, whether men of hatred report aboue the truth, or elſe that nature chaunged hir courſe in his beginning, which in the courſe of his life many things vn|naturally committed.

[1] [2] None euill captain was he in the warre, as to which his diſpoſition was more metely than for peace. Sundry victories had he, and ſom|times ouerthrewes, but neuer in default as for his owne perſon, eyther of hardineſſe or politike [page 1358] order, free was he called of diſpence: and ſome|what aboue hys power liberall, wyth lardge giftes hee gate hym vnſtedfaſte friendeſhippe, for whiche he was faine to pill and ſpoile in o|ther places, and gette hym ſtedfaſte hatred. Hee was cloſe and ſecrete, a deepe diſſimuler, lowly of countenaunce, arrogant of harte, out|wardelye coumpinable w [...]ere hee inwardelye hated, not lettyng to kiſſe whome hee thought to kill: diſpitions and cruell, not for euill will alwaye, but offer for ambition, and eyther for the ſurety or increaſe of hys eſtate. Frend and foe was muche what indifferent, where his ad|vauntage grewe, hee ſpared no mans deathe, whoſe life wythſtoode his purpoſe. Hee flewe wyth his owne handes Kyng Henry the ſixte,The deathe of Kyng Henry the ſixte. being priſoner in the Tower, as men conſtant|ly ſaide, and that wythout commaundement or knowledge of the Kyng, which woulde vn|doubtedlye, if hee hadde intended that thyng, haue appointed that butcherly office to ſome o|ther, than his owne borne brother.

[1] [2] [3] Some wiſe men alſo weene that his drifte couertly conueyed, lacked not in helpyng forth his brother of Clarence to his deathe: whiche hee reſiſted openly, howdeit ſomewhat (as men deemed) more faintly than hee that were harte|lye minded to hys wealthe. And they that thus deeme, thinke that hee long time in King Ed|wards life, foreſt ought to be King in caſe that the King his brother (whoſe life hee looked that euill diet ſhoulde ſhorten) ſhoulde happen to deceaſſe (as in deede hee did) while his children were yong. And they deeme, that for this in|tent hee was gladde of his brothers deathe the duke of Clarence, whoſe life muſt needes haue hindered hym ſo intending, wheather the ſame Duke of Clarence hadde kepte hym true to his Nephewe the yong Kyng, or enterpriſed to be King himſelfe. But of all this pointe, is there no certaintie, and who ſo deuineth vppon con|iectures, may aſwell ſhoote to farre as to ſhorte. Howebeit this haue I by credible enformation learned, that the ſelfe nyght, in whyche Kyng Edward dyed, one Miſtlebrooke long ere mor|ning, came in greate haſte to the houſe of one Pottier dwellyng in Redecroſſtreete wythout Creeplegate: and when hee was wyth haſtye rappyng quicklye letten in, hee ſhewed vnto Pottier that King Edwarde was departed.

[1] By my truth man quod Pottier, then will my Maiſter the Duke of Glouceſter bee King. What cauſe hee had ſo to thinke harde it is to ſaye, whether hee beeing towarde hym, anye thyng knewe that hee ſuche thing purpoſed, or otherwiſe hadde any inkeling thereof: for he was not likelye to ſpeake it of nought.

[1] [2] But nowe to retourne to the courſe of this hyſtorye, were it [...] the Duke of [...] hadde [...] olde ſpring [...]ded this [...] was nowe at [...]e [...]e [...] in hope by the occaſion of the [...] a good [...] yong Princes, has Nephewes (as [...] and likel [...] of ſpeeds putteth a [...] rage of that) hee [...] not intende [...] [...] that hee contriued their deſtruction, [...] vſurpation of the [...]eg [...] dignitie vpon [...] And for aſmuche as hee [...] [...]wiſ [...]e and [...] [...]uta [...]e, along continu [...]dige [...] [...] brenning beetweene the Queenes kin [...] [...] the Kings [...] eyther partie [...] authoritie, he [...] [...] that [...] ſion ſhoulde beca [...] it was intended [...] beginnyng to the purſuite of hys int [...] [...] a ſure grounde, for the fount [...] of all [...] buildyng, if hee mighte firſte vnder the pre [...] of reuenging of [...] diſpleaſure, abuſe the an|ger and ignorants of the tone partie, to the di|ſtruction of the [...]other: and then winne to his purpoſe as many as he could, & thoſe that could not bee wonne, myght hee loſte ere they [...] therefore: For of o [...]ethyng was hee certayne, that if hys intent were perceyued hee ſhoulde ſoone haue made peace betwene the bothe par|tie [...] with hys owne bloude.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Kyng Edwarde in hys life, alheit that this diſſention betweene his friendes ſomewhat in| [...]d hym: yet in his good healthe he ſomewhat the leſſe regarded it, bycauſe hee thought what|ſoeuer buſines ſhould a fall betwene the [...], him|ſelfe ſhoulde always bee able to [...]ule [...]othe the parties. But in his laſt ſicknes, when hee per|ceyued his naturall ſtrengthe ſo ſore enfeebled, that hee diſpaired all recouerie, then hee conſi|deryng the youth of his children, alheit he po|thyng leſſe miſtruſted than that that happened, yet well foreſeeing that many harmes myghte growe by their debate, while the youthe of hys children ſhoulde lacke diſcretion of them ſelfe, and good counſaile of their friendes, of whiche eyther partie ſhoulde counſaile for their owne commoditie and rather by pleaſaunt aduiſe to wynne themſelfe fauoure, than by profitable aduertiſement to doo the children good hee cal|led ſome of them before hym that were at vani|aunce, and in eſpeciall the Lorde Marques Dorſet the Queenes ſonne by his firſte huſ|band, and William the Lord Haſtings a noble man then Lorde Chamberlaine, againe whom the Queene ſpecially grudged, for ye great fa|uour the King bare hym: [...] and alſo for that ſhe thought hym ſecretely familiar with the Kyng in wanton company. Hir kinred alſo bare him ſore, aſwell for that the Kyng hadde made hym Capytayne of Caleys, whyche Office the Lorde Riuers brother to the Queene claymed [page 1359] of the kings former, promiſſe, no for di [...] other great gifts which he receiued yt they looked for. When theſe Lorden wyth diuers other of ho [...]the the parties were come [...] fences, the Kyngs lifting vp himſelfe and vnderſet to [...] as it is [...]porte [...] and his wife ſaide vnto them My Lordes,The Oration of the King in to death bed. my deare kin [...] and [...], in what plight I lye you ſee, and I [...]erle By which the leſſe while I [...]ooke to liue wyth y [...] the more deepely am I [...] care in what caſe Alcou [...] you for ſuche [...] you ſuch hee my children like to [...]. Which [...] they ſhoulde, what God [...] finde you at [...] might ba [...] to felth [...]ſe was at warre, [...]re their diſcretion woulde ſerue to ſet you at peace, yee [...]et their youth, of whyche I recken the only ſuretye to reſte in your concorde. For it ſuffiſeth not that all you loue them, if eche of you bare other if they were men your faithful|neſſe happily woulde ſuffi [...]. But childehoode muſte be maintained by mens aucthoritie, and ſlipper youthe vnder [...]ped with elder coun|ſell, whiche neyther they can haue, but yee giue it, nor yee giue it, if yee gree not. For what a eche laboureth to breake that the other maketh and for hatred of eche of others perſon, im [...]|neth eche others counſaile, there muſte at [...]edes bee long e [...]a [...]ye good concluſion go forward: And alſo while eyther partye laboure [...] to bee chiefe [...]ttene ſhal haue more place than plaine and faythfull aduiſe, of whiche mu [...]e needes inſue the euill bringing vp of the Prince, whoſe minde it tender youthe infecte, ſhall redily fall to miſchiefe and riot, and drawe downe wyth his noble Realme to ruine, but if grace [...]urne hym ſo wiſedome: whyche if god ſende, then they that by euill meanes before pleaſed hym beſte, ſhall after fall fartheſt out of fauoure, ſo that euer at length euill drifts draw to nought, and good plaine wayes proſper. Greate vari|aunce hathe there long bene betweene you, not alwaye for greate cauſes. Sometime a thyng right well intended, our miſconſtruction tour|neth vnto worſe, or a ſmall diſpleaſure done vs, eyther our owne affection or euill tonges aga [...]|neth. But this woe I well yee neuer hadde ſo greate cauſe of hatred, as ye haue of loue. That wee bee all men, that wee bee Chriſtenmen, this ſhall I leaue for preachers to tell you (and yet I wol [...]are whether any preachers words ought more to moue you, thã his that is by and by going to the place that they all preache of).

[1] [2] But this ſhall I deſire you to remember, that the one parte of you is of my bloude, the other of mine alies, and eche of you wyth o|ther eyther of kinred affinitie, whyche ſpi|rituall kinred of affinitie, if the Sacramentes of Chriſtes Churche, hears that weyght wyth vs, that woulde God they didde, ſhoulde no leſſe moue vs to Charitie, than the reſpecte of fleſhely conſanguinitye. Our Lorde forbidde, that you loue togyther the worſe for the ſelfe cauſe yt you ought to loue the better. And yet that happeneth, and no where find we ſo dead|ly debate [...]oad, among them, whyche by nature and, [...]owe [...]ſt ought to agree togither. Suche a peſtian Serpent is ambition,Ambition. and deſire of vaine glorie and ſoue [...]intie, whiche among ſtates where hee once entreth, creepeth forth ſo farre, till with diuiſion and variaunce he tur|neth all to miſchiefe. Firſt longyng to banext the heſte afterwarde [...]all wyth the beſte, and at laſte [...]fe and aboue the beſte. Of whiche immoderate appetite of worſhippe and thereby of debate and diſſention, what loſſe, what ſor|rowe, what trouble hathe within theſe fewe yeares growne in this Realme, I pray God aſwell forget as wee well remember.

[1] [2] [3] [4] Which things if I could aſwell haue fore|ſeene [...] I haue with my more paine then plea|ſure proued, by Goddes bleſſed Ladye (that was [...]er his othe). I woulde neuer haue won the [...]ſ [...]e of mens knees, wyth the loſſe of ſo many heades. But ſithen thinges paſſed cannot hee gayne called, muche oughte wee the more beware, by what occaſion we haue taken ſo greate hurte afore, that we eftſoones fall not in that occaſion agayne. Now hee thoſe griefs paſſed, and all is (God be thanked quiet) and likely, right well to proſper in wealthfull peace vnder your couſins my children, if God ſende them life and you loue. Of whiche two things, the leſſe loſſe were they by whome, thoughe God did his pleaſure, yet ſhoulde the Realme alway finde Kings, and peraduenture as good Kings. But if you among your ſelfe in a childs raigne fall at debate, many a good man ſhall periſhe and haplye hee to, and yee to, ere this lande, finde peace againe. Wherefore in theſe laſte wordes that euer I looke to ſpeake wyth you. I exhorte you and require you all, for the loue that you haue euer borne to mee: for the loue that I haue euer borne vnto you: for the loue that our Lord beareth to vs all, from this time forwarde all griefs forgotten eche of you loue other. Whiche I verely [...]ruſte you will, if yee any thing earthly regarde, eyther God or your King, affinitie or kinred, this realme, your owne counter, or your own fuertie: And therewithall the King [...]o longer induryng to ſ [...]tte vp, laid him downe on his righte ſide, hys face towarde them: and none was there pre|ſent that coulde refraine from weepyng. But the Lordes recomfortyng him wyth as good wordes as they coulde, and aunſweryng for the time as they thought [...] ſtand [...] with hys [page 1360] pleaſure, there in hys preſence, as by theyr wordes appeared, eche forgaue other, and ioy|ned theyr handes togyther, when (as it after appeared by theyr deedes) their hartes, were farre aſunder. As ſoone as the King was de|parted, the noble Prynce his ſonne drewe to|warde London, whiche at the time of hys de|ceaſſe, kepte hys houſholde at Ludlowe in Wales, whiche countrey beeing farre [...]rom the lawe and recourſe to Iuſtice, was begon to be far out of good wil, and waxen wyld rob|bers & reuers, walkyng at libertie vncorrected.

[1] [2] And for thys ench [...]on the Prince was in the life of hys father ſente thither, to the ende that the aucthoritie of his preſence, ſhoulde re|fraine euill diſpoſed perſons fro the boldeneſſe of their former outrages. To the gouernaunce and orderyng of this yong Prince at hys ſen|dyng thither, was there appoynted Sir An|thony Wooduile lord Riuers, and brother vn|to the Queene,Lorde Riuers. a right honourable man, as va| [...]ant of hand as politike in counſel. Adioyned wer there vnto him other of ye ſame partie, & in effect euery one as he was nereſt of [...]n vnto the Quene, ſo was planted next about ye Prince.

[1] [2] [3] That drifte by the Queene not vnwiſely deuiſed, whereby hir bloude mighte of yo [...]he bee rooted in the Princes fauoure, the Duke of Glouceſter tourned vnto their deſtruction, and vppon that grounde ſette the foundation of all his vnhappye buildyng. For whomſoeuer he perceyued, eyther at variaunce wyth them, or bearing hymſelfe theyr fauoure, hee brake vnto them, ſome by mouthe, ſome by writyng and ſecret meſſengers, that it neyther was reaſon nor in any wiſe to bee ſuffered, that the yong Kyng their Maiſter and kinſman, ſhoulde bee in the handes and cuſtodye of his mothers kin|red, ſequeſtred in manner from their company and attendaunce, of whiche euery one oughte hym as faithfull ſeruice as they, and manye of them farre more honourable parte of kinne than his mothers ſide. Whoſe bloude (quod hee) ſa|uing the Kings pleaſure, was full vnmeetelye to bee matched wyth his: whiche nowe to bee as who ſaye remoued from the Kyng and the leſſe noble to bee left aboute hym, is (quod he) neyther honourable to his Maieſtie nor vnto vs, and alſo to his grace no ſuretie to haue the mightleſt of his friendes from hym, and vnto vs no little ieoperdye, to ſuffer our well pro| [...]ed euill willers to growe in ouer great aucto|ritie with the prince in youth, namely whiche is lighte of beleefe and ſoone perſwaded. Yee remember I trowe King Edwarde hymſelfe, albeit he was a man of age and of diſcretion, yet was he in many things ruled by the bende, more than ſtoode either with his honour, or our proue, or wt the condition of any [...] only the [...] of [...] Which whether they [...]rer [...] own weale, or our [...]o, it were hard I went [...]|geſſe. And if ſome [...] [...] houlde [...] better place wyth the Kyng [...] [...]|ny reſpect of [...], thys myght p [...]d [...] eaſilye haue be trapped and broughte [...] ſome of vs [...]re this. Why not [...] as they haue done [...] other already, [...] of his royall [...] hathe wroughte his will, and [...] grace that perill is paſſe. How [...] is growing, it we ſuffer this yong [...] enemies hande, whiche wythout his [...] myght abuſe the name of hys co [...]|ment, to any of out [...]ndooyng, whiche [...] God and good prouiſion forbidde.

[1] Of whiche good prouiſion none of [...] hath anything the leſſe neede, for the la [...] [...] at|tonement, in which the kings pleſure had [...] place than the parties willes. Nor none of [...], I beleeue is ſo vnwiſe, ouerſoone to leſſe a newe friende made of an olde for, or to thinke that an hourely kindeneſſe, ſodainely [...]tracte in one houre, continued yet ſcante for [...]yght ſhoulde bee deeper ſettled in their ſtomacke [...] than a long accuſtomed malice many ye [...]s [...]|ted. Wyth theſe wordes and writyngs and ſuche other, the Duke of Glouceſter ſame ſet a fire, them that wer of themſelf ethe to kindle, & in eſpeciall twayn, Edward duke of Bucking+ham, & William Lord Haſtyngs & Chamber|lain, both men of honour and of great power.

[1] The tone by long ſucceſſion from his aun|ceſtrie: the tother by his office, and the Kyngs fauoure. Theſe twoo not bearing ethe to other ſo muche loue as hatred bothe vnto the Quenes part: in this poynt accorded togyther wyth the Duke of Glouceſter, that they woulde vtterly amoue from the kings companye, all hys mo|thers frends, vnder the name of theyr enemies.

[1] [2] Vppon this concluded, the Duke of Glou|ceſter vnderſtandyng that the Lordes whiche at that time were aboute the King, entended to bring him vp to his coronation accompanied with ſuche power of their friends, that it ſhuld bee harde for hym to bring his purpoſe to paſſe, without the gathering & great aſſẽble of people & in maner of open warre, wherof ye [...]nd he wiſt was doubtfull, & in which the K. being on their ſide, his parte ſhuld haue the face and name of a rebellion: he ſecretly therfore, by diuers meanes cauſed the Queene to bee perſwaded & brought in the minde, that it neyther were neede, & [...]ſo ſhoulde bee ieopardous, the Kyng to co [...]p ſtrong. For whereas nowe euerye Lorde lo|ued other, and none other thyng [...] vpon [page 1361] but about the Coronation and honour of the King: if ye Lordes of hir kindred ſhould aſſemble in the Kings name muche people, they ſhoulde g [...]e the Lordes atwixte whome and them had [...]in ſometime debate, to feare and ſuſpect, leaſte they ſhould gather thys people, not for ye Kings ſafegard, whome no man impugned, but for theyr deſtruction, hauing more regarde to theyr olde variance, than theyr new attonement. For whiche cauſe they ſhoulde aſſemble on the other partie muche people agayne for theyr defence, whoſe power the wiſt well farre ſtretched. And thus ſhould all the Realme fall on a core. And of all the hurt that thereof ſhould enſue, which was likely not to bee little, and the moſt harme there like to fall where ſhe leaſt would, all the worlde would put hir and hir kindred in the wight, and ſay that they hadde vnwiſely and vntruely alſo broken the amitie and peace, that the Kyng hir huſband ſo prudently made, betweene his kinne and hirs in his deathe bed, and whiche the other partie faithfully obſerued.

[1] [2] The Queene beeing in this wiſe perſwaded, ſuch word ſent vnto hir ſonne, and vnto hir bro|ther beeing about the King, and ouer that the Duke of Glouceſter himſelfe and other Lordes the chiefe of his bende, wrote vnto the King ſo reuerently, and to the Queenes friendes there ſo louingly, that they nothing earthly miſtru|ſting brought the King vp in great haſt, not in good ſpeede, with a ſober companye. Now was the King in his way to London gone frõ Nor|thampton, when theſe Dukes of Glouceſter and Buckingham came thither, where remayned behinde the Lord Riuers the Kings Vncle, in|tending on the morrowe to followe the Kyng, [...]he with him at Stome Stratford, myles thence earely or he departed. So was there made that night muche friendly cheere betweene theſe Dukes and the Lorde Riuers a greate whyle. But incontinente, after that they were openly with great curteſie departed, and the Lorde Ri|uers lodged, the Dukes ſecretely with a fewe of [...] moſt priuie friends, ſet them downe in coũ|ſayle, wherein they ſpente a greate parte of the [...]ight. And at their riſing in the dawning of the day, they ſente about priuily to their ſe [...]untes in their Innes and lodgings about, giuing them commandement, to make themſelfe ſhortly rea|die, for their Lordes were to horſebacke warde. Vppon whiche meſſages, manye of theyr folke were attendaunce, when many of the Lord Ri|uers ſeruauntis were vnready. Nowe had theſe Dukes taken alſo into their cuſtodie the keyes of the Inne, that none ſhoulde paſſe foorth with|out the [...] licence.

[1] [2] [3] And ouer this, in the high way toward Sto|nie Stratford, where the King lay, they had be|ſtowed certaine of their folke, that ſhoulde ſende backe agayne, and compell to returne, any man that were goten out of Northampton; towarde Stonie Strafforde, till they ſhoulde giue other licence. For as much as the Dukes themſelfe intended for the ſhewe of theyr diligence, to bee the firſte that ſhoulde that daye attende vpon the Kings highneſſe out of that Towne: thus bare they folke in hand. But when the Lorde Riuers vnderſtoode the gates cloſed, and the wayes on euery ſide beſet, neyther his ſeruauntes nor hym|ſelfe ſuffered to gone out, perceyuing well ſo great a thing without his knowledge not begun for naughte, comparing this manner preſente, with this laſt nightes cheere, in ſo fewe houres ſo great a change, maruellouſly miſliked. How|beit, ſith he could not get away, and keepe hym|ſelfe cloſe he woulde not, leaſt hee ſhoulde ſeeme to hyde hymſelfe for ſome ſecrete feare of hys owne faulte, whereof hee ſawe no ſuche cauſe in himſelfe. He determined vpon the ſuretie of hys owne conſcience, to goe boldly to them, and in|quire what this matter myghte meant, whome [...] as they ſawe, they began to quarrel with him and ſay, that he intended to ſet diſtaunce be|tweene the King and them, and to bring them to re [...]ſion, but it ſhould not lie in his power. And when he began (as he was a very well ſpo|ken in all) in goodly wiſe to excuſe himſelfe, they tarried not the ende of his aunſwere,The Lorde Riuers put in warde. but ſhortly tooke hym, and put him in ward, and that done, forthwith wente to Horſebacke, and tooke the way to Stony Stratforde, where they founde the King with hys companie, readie to leape on Horſebacke, and departe forwarde to leaue that lodging for them, bycauſe it was to ſtraight for both companyes. And aſſoone as they came in his preſence, they lighte adowne with all theyr companie about them. To whome the Duke of Buckingham ſayde, goe afore Gentlemen, and yeomen keepe your twines.

[1] [2] And thus in a goodly aray, they came to the King, and on their knees in very humble will, ſalued his grace, whiche receyued them in verye ioyous and amiable manner, nothing earthly knowing nor miſtruſting as yet. But euen by and by in his preſence, they piked a quarrell to the Lorde Richarde Grey,The Lorde Grey. the Kings other bro|ther by his mother, ſaying, that he with ye Lorde Marques his brother, and the Lord Riuers hys Vncle, had compaſſed to [...] the King and the Realme, and to ſet variance among the ſtates and to ſubdue and deſtroy the noble proud of the Realme. Towarde the accompliſhing where|of they ſayd that the Lord Marques had entred into the Tower of London, and thence taken out the Kings treaſure, and ſente menne to the Sea.

[1] [2] [3] [page 1362] All which things theſe Dukes wiſt wel were done for good purpoſes & neceſſarie by the whole counſayle at London, ſauing that ſomewhat they muſt ſay. Vnto whiche wordes the Kyng aunſwered. What my brother Marques hathe done I cannot ſay: But in good faithe I dare well aunſwere for mine vncle Riuers and my brother heere, that they be innocent of anye ſuch matter. Yea my liege quoth the Duke of Buc|kingham, they haue kept theyr dealing in theſe matters farre fro the knowledge of youre good grace. And forthwith they areſted the Lord Ri|chard and Sir Thomas Vaughan Knighte, in the Kings preſence, and brought the King and all backe vnto Northampton, where they tooke againe further Counſell. And there they ſente away from the Kyng, whome it pleaſed them, and ſet new ſeruauntes about hym, ſuche as ly|ked better them than him. At whiche dealing hee wepte, and was nothing contente, but it booted not. And at dinner, the Duke of Glouceſter ſent a diſh from his owne table to the Lord Riuers, praying him to bee of good cheere, all ſhoulde bee well ynough. And hee thanked the Du e, and prayed the meſſenger to beare it to his nephewe the Lord Richard with the ſame meſſage for his comfort, who bee thoughte hadde more neede of comforte, as one to whome ſuch aduerſitie was ſtrange. But hymſelfe hadde bin all hys dayes in vre therewith, and therefore could beare it the better. But for all thys comfortable curteſie of the Duke of Glouceſter, hee ſente the Lorde Riuers,The death of the L. Riuers and other. and the Lorde Richarde, with ſir Tho|mas Vaughan into the North Countrey, into dyuers places to priſon, and afterwarde all to Pomfraite, where they were in concluſion beheaded.

[1] In this wiſe, the Duke of Glouceſter tooke vpon hymſelfe the order and gouernaunce of the yong Kyng, whome with much honor & hum|ble reuerence, hee conueyed vpwarde towarde the Citie. But anone, the tidyngs of thys matter came haſtily to the Queene a little before the midnighte following, and that in ye ſoreſt wiſe, that the King hir ſonne was taken, hir brother, hir ſonne, and hir other friendes arreſted, and ſent no man wiſt whither, to bee done with GOD wot what. With whyche tydyngs, the Queene in greate flighte and heauineſſe, bewayling hyr childes raigne, hir friendes miſchance, and hyr owne infortune, damning the tyme that euer ſhe diſſwaded the gathering of power about the King, gate hir ſelfe in all the haſt poſſible with hir yonger ſonne and hir daughters, out of the palace of Weſtminſter, in which ſhe then lay, into the Sanctuarie,The Q taketh Sanctuary. lodging hir ſelfe and hir cõ|panie there in the Abbots place.

[1] [2] Nowe came there one in likewiſe not long after midnight fro the Lord Chamberlayne, [...] to the Archbyſhoppe of Yorke, then Chancellor of England, to his place not farre from Weſt|minſter. And for that hee ſhewed his ſeruauntes that he hadde tidings of ſo greate importaunce, that his maiſter gaue him in charge, not to for|beare his reſt, they letted not to wake hym, nor hee to admitte this meſſenger into his beds [...] Of whome hee hearde that theſe Dukes were gone backe with the Kings grace from Stonie Stratford vnto Northampton. Notwithſtan|ding Sir (quoth hee) my Lorde ſendeth youre Lordſhippe worde, that there is no feare: for [...]ee aſſureth you that all ſhall bee well. I aſſure him quoth the Archebyſhoppe, be it as well as it vpõ it will neuer be ſo well as we haue ſeene it. And therevpon, by and by after, the meſſenger depar|ted, he cauſed in all the haſt all his ſeruauntes to bee called vp, and ſo with hys owne houſeho [...] a|bout hym, and euerye man weaponed, he tooke the greate ſeale with hym, and came yet before day vnto the Queene. About whome he founde muche heauineſſe, rumble, haſt and buſineſſe, ca|riage and conueyance of hir ſtuffe into San|ctuarie, cheſtes, coffers, packes, fardels, truſſed all on mens backes, no man vnoccupyed, ſome la|ding, ſome going, ſome diſcharging, ſome com|ming for more, ſome breaking downe the walles to bring in the nexte way, and ſome yet d [...] to them that holp to carrrie a wrong way.

[1] The Queene hir ſelfe ſate alone [...] on the ruſhes all deſolate and diſmayde, whome the Archbyſhop comforted in the beſt manner hee coulde, ſhewyng hir that hee truſted, the matter was nothyng ſo ſore as ſhe tooke it for. And that hee was putte in good hope and out of feare by the meſſage ſent hym from the Lord Cham|berlayne. Ah wo worth him (quoth ſhe) for he is one of them that laboureth to deſtroy [...] my bloud.

[1] [2] [3] Madame (quoth he) be yee of good cheers, for I aſſure you, if they Crowne anye other [...] than youre ſonne, whome they nowe [...] with them, wee ſhall on the morrowe Crowne hys brother, whome you haue heere with [...]. And heere is the greate ſcale, whiche in lykewiſe as that noble Prince youre huſband deliuered it vnto me, ſo heere I deliuer, it vnto you, to ye vſe and behoofe of your ſonne, and therewith hee be|tooke hir ye greate ſeale, & departed home againe, yet in ye dawning of the day. By which tyme [...] might in his chamber window, ſee al ye [...] full of boates of the D. of Glo [...]eſters ſeru [...], watching that no man ſhould goe to Sanctua|rie, nor none could paſſe vnſearched. Then was there great commotion and murmure, as well [page 1363] in other places about, as ſpecially in the Citie, the people diuerſly diuining vpon thys dealing. And ſome Lordes, Knyghtes, and Gentlemen, eyther for fauoure of the Queene, or for feare of themſelues, aſſembled in ſundrye companyes, and wente flockemele in harneys and many al|ſo, for that they reckoned this demeanoure attẽp|ted, not ſo ſpecially againſte the other Lordes, as againſt the King hymſelfe in the diſturbance of his Coronation. But then by and by ye Lords aſſembled togither at [...] Towarde whyche meeting, the Archebyſhoppe of Yorke fearing that it woulde bee aſcribed (as it was in|deede) to hys ouermuche lightneſſe, that hee ſo ſuddaynely hadde yeelded vp the greate ſeale to the Queene, to whome the cuſtodie thereof no|thing perteyned, without eſpeciall commaunde|ment of the Kyng, ſecretely ſent for the ſeale a|gayne, and brought it with him after the cuſto|mable manner. And at thys meetyng the Lorde Haſting, whoſe trouth toward the king, no man doubted nor needed to doubte, perſwaded the Lordes to beleeue, that the Duke of Glouceſter was ſure and faſtly faythfull to his Prince, and that the Lorde Riuers and Lord Richard with the other Knightes were for matters attempted by them againſte the Dukes of Glouceſter and Buckingham, put vnder areſt for their ſuretie, not for the Kings ieoperdie: and that they were alſo in ſafegarde, and there no longer ſhoulde re|mayne, than til the matter were, not by ye Dukes only, but alſo by al the other Lordes of the kings counſayle indifferently examined, and by other diſcretions ordered and eyther iudged or appea|ſed.

[1] But one thing he aduiſed them beware, that they iudged not the matter too farre foorthe, ere they knewe the trueth, nor turning theyr priuate grudges into the common hurte, yrriting and prouokyng men vnto anger, and diſturbing the Kings Coronation, towarde whych the Dukes were commyng vp, that they myght peraduen|ture bryng the matter ſo farre out of ioyne, that it ſhoulde neuer bee broughte in frame agayne. Which ſtrife if it ſhould happe, as it were likely to come to a fielde though both parties were in all other things egall, yet ſhoulde the authoritie be on that ſyde where the King is himſelfe, with theſe perſwaſions of the Lorde Haſtings, wher|of parte hymſelfe beleeued, of parte hee wiſt the contrarie, theſe commotions were ſomewhat appeaſed. But ſpeciallie by that that the Dukes of Glouceſter and Buckingham were ſo neere and came ſo ſhortly on with the Kyng, in none other manner, with none other voyce or ſem|blaunce than to hys coronation, cauſing the fame to be blowen about, that theſe Lordes and Knyghtes which were taken, had contriued the deſtruction of the Dukes of Glouceſter and Buckyngham, and of other the noble bloud of the Realme, to the ende that themſelfe woulde alone, demeane and gouerne the Kyng at theyr pleaſure.

[1] And for the coulourable proofe thereof, ſuche of the Dukes ſeruauntes as rode with the cartes of theyr ſtuffe that were taken (among whyche ſtuffe, no maruell though ſome were harneys, whyche at the breaking vppe of that houſholde, muſt needes eyther bee broughte away, or caſt away) they ſhewed vnto the people al the wayes as they wente: loe heere bee the barrels of har|neys that theſe Traytors hadde priuily con|ueyde in theyr carriage to deſtroye the noble Lordes withall.

[1] Thys deuiſe albeit that it made the matter to wiſe menne more vnlykely, well perceyuing that the intendours of ſuche a purpoſe woulde rather haue hadde theyr harneys on theyr backes than to haue bounde them vppe in barrels, yet muche parte of the common people were there|with verye well ſatiſfyed, and ſayde it were al|moyſe to hang them.

[1] When the King approched neere to the Ci|tie, Edmonde Shaa goldeſmith, then Maior, with William White, and Iohn Mathewe Sheriffes, and all the other Aldermen in Scar|lette, with fyue hundred Horſe of the Citizens in violet receyued hym reuerently at Harneſey: and riding from thence accompanyed hym in|to the Citie,The Kings comming to London. whyche hee entred the fourth daye of Maye, the fyrſte and laſte yeare of hys raigne.

[1] [2] But the Duke of Glouceſter bare hym in open ſyght ſo reuerently to the Prince, with all ſemblaunce of lowlyneſſe, that from the greate obloquie in whych he was ſo late before, he was ſuddaynely fallen in ſo greate truſt, that at the Counſayle nexte aſſembled, hee was made the onely man choſe and thought moſt meete,The protec|tour made. to be Protector of the King and hys Realme, ſo (that were it deſtenie or were it follie) the lambe was betaken to the wolfe to keepe. At whych Coun|ſayle alſo, the Archebyſhoppe of Yorke Chaun|cellour of Englande whyche hadde deliuered by the greate ſeale to the Queene, was thereof greately reprooued, and the Seale taken from hym, and deliuered to Doctor Ruſſell By|ſhoppe of Lincolne, a wiſe men and a good,The Biſhop of Lincolne made Lorde Chancellour. and of muche experience, and one of the beſte learned menne vndoubtedly that England had in hys tyme. Diuers Lordes and Knyghtes were appoynted vnto diuers roomes. The Lord Chamberlayne and ſome other kepte ſtill theyr offices that they had before.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [page 1364] Now all were it ſo that the Protector ſo ſore thirſted for the furniſhing of that hee hadde be|gunne, that thoughte euerye daye a yeare, till it were atchieued, yet durſt he no further attempte, as long as hee hadde but halfe his pray in hys hande: well witting, that if he depoſed the one brother, all the Realme woulde fall to the to|ther, if hee eyther remayned in Sanctuarie, or ſhoulde happely bee ſhortlye conueyd to hys fa|thers libertie. Wherefore incontinent at the next meeting of the Lordes at the Counſaile, he pro|poſed vnto them, that it was a haynous deede of the Queene,The protec|tors orations. and proceeding of great malice towarde the Kings Counſailers, that ſhe ſhould keepe in Sanctuarie the kings brother frõ hym, whoſe ſpeciall pleaſure and comforte were to haue his brother with him. And that by hir done to none other intente, but to bring all the Lords in obloquie, and murmure of the people. As though they were not to be truſted with ye kings brother, that by the aſſente of the Nobles of the land, were appoynted as the kings neereſt friẽds, to the tuition of his owne royall perſon. The proſperitie whereof ſtandeth (quoth he) not all in keeping from enimies, or ill vyande, but partlye alſo in recreation, and moderate pleaſure: which hee cannot in this tender youth, take in the com|panie of auncient perſons, but in the familiar cõ|uerſacion of thoſe that be neyther farre vnder, nor farre aboue his age. And naytheleſſe of eſtate cõ|uenient to accompanie his noble maieſtie, wher|fore with whome rather, than with hys owne brother? And if any man thinke this conſidera|tion (whiche I thinke no man thinketh that lo|ueth the King) let him conſider, that ſometyme without ſmall thinges, greater cannot ſtande. And verily, it redoundeth greately to the diſho|nor both of the Kinges highneſſe, and of all vs that bene about his grace, to haue it runne in e|uery mans mouth, not in this Realme only, but alſo in other lands (as euill wordes walke farre) that the kings brother ſhoulde bee fayne to keepe Sanctuarie. For euery man will weene, that no man will ſo do for naught. And ſuch euil opini|on once faſtned in mens heartes, harde it is to wraſt out, and may growe to more griefe than any man can heere deuine. Wherefore me thyn|keth it were not worſt to ſende vnto ye Queene, for the redreſſe of this matter, ſome honorable truſtie man, ſuche as both tendereth the Kynges wealt, and the honour of his counſayle, and is alſo in fauoure and credence with hir. For all whiche conſiderations, none ſeemeth mee more meetely, than our reuerende father heere preſent, my Lorde Cardinall, who maye in this matter doe moſt good of any man, if it pleaſe him to take the payne, whiche I doubte not of hys goodneſſe he will not refuſe for the Kyngs ſake and ours, and wealth of the yong Duke himſelf, the kings moſt honorable brother, and after my ſouerai [...] Lorde hymſelfe, my moſte deere nephewe, con|ſidered that thereby ſhall be ceaſſed the ſlaunde|rous rumor and obloquie nowe goyng, and the hurtes auoyded that thereof myghte enſue, and muche reſt and quiete growe to all the Realme. And if ſhe bee percaſe ſo obſtinate, and ſo preciſelie ſette vppon hir owne will, that ney|ther hys wiſe and faythfull aduertiſemente, can+not moue hir, nor anye mans reaſon contente hir: then ſhall we by myne aduice, by the kyngs authoritie, fetche hym out of that priſon, and bryng him to his noble preſence, in whoſe con|tinuall companie, hee ſhall be ſo well cheriſhed and ſo honorablie intreated, that all the worlde ſhall to our honor and hir reproche perceyue, that it was only malice, frowardneſſe, or follie, that cauſed hir to keepe him there: this is my mynde in this matter for this time, except any of youre Lordſhippes any thing perceyue to the contraiſe, for neuer ſhall I by Goddes grace ſo wedde my ſelfe to myne owne will, but that I ſhall be rea|die to change it vpon your better aduiſes.

[1] [2] [3] [4] When the Protector hadde ſayde, all the Counſayle affirmed, that the motion was good and reaſonable, and to the King and the Duke his brother, honorable, and a thing that ſhoulde ceaſſe great murmure in the Realme, if ye mo|ther mighte be by good meanes enduced to dely|uer him. Which thing the Archbiſhop of Yorke, whome they all agreed alſo to bee thereto moſt conueniente, tooke vppon hym to moue hir, and therein to doe his vttermoſt deuoire. Howbeit, if ſhe could be in no wiſe intreated with hir good will to deliuer him, then thought he, and ſuch o|ther as were of the Spiritualtie preſente, that it were not in anye wiſe to bee attempted to take him out againſt hir wil. For it would be a thing that ſhould turne to the great grudge of all men,Sanctuary. and high diſpleaſure of God, if the priuiledge of that holy place ſhoulde nowe be broken, whyche had ſo manie yeares be kept, whiche both Kings and Popes ſo good had graunted, ſo many hadde confirmed, and whiche holy grounde was more than fyue hundred yeares agoe by S. Peter in his owne perſon in ſpirite accompanyed, with great multitude of Angels by nighte, ſo ſpecial|ly halowed, and dedicate to God (for the pri [...]t whereof, they haue yet in the Abbey Saynt Pe|ters Cope to ſhew) that from that time hy [...]|ward, was there neuer ſo vndeuout a King, that durſt that ſacred place violate, or ſo holy a By|ſhop, that durſt it preſume to conſecrate. And therefore (quoth the Archebyſhop of Yorke) God forbid that any man ſhuld for any thing earth|ly enterpriſe to breake the immunitie and libertie of ye ſacred Sanctuarie, that hath bin ye ſafegard [page 1365] of ſo many a good mans life and I will (quoth hee) with Goddes grace, wee ſhall not neede it. But for any manner neede, I would not we ſhoulde doe it. I truſt that ſhee ſhall bee with reaſon contented, and all thynges in good ma|ner obteyned. And if it happen that I bryng it not ſo to paſſe, yet ſhall I towarde it ſo farre|foorth doe my beſt, that yee ſhall all well per|ceyue, that no lacke of my deuoire, but the mo|thers dread and womaniſhe feare, ſhall bee the lette. Womaniſhe feare, naye womaniſhe fro|wardeneſſe (quoth the Duke of Buckyngham) For I dare take it vpon my ſoule, ſhe well kno|weth ſhee needeth no ſuche thyng to feare, ey|ther for hir ſonne or for hir ſelfe. For as for hir, heere is no man that will be at warre with wo|men. Woulde God ſome of the men of hir kinne, were women too, and then ſhoulde all be ſonne in reſt. Howheit, there is none of hir kynne the leſſe loued, for that they hee hir kynne, but for there owne euill deſeruing. And natheleſſe, if we loued neither hir nor hir kinne, yet were there no cauſe to thynke that we ſhould hate the kings noble brother, to whoſe Grace, we once ſelfe bee of kynne. Whoſe honoure, if ſhe as muche deſi|red as our diſhonoure, and as muche regarde tooke to hys wealthe, as to hir owne will, ſhee woulde hee as loth to ſuffer hym from the King, as any of vs he. For yf yee haue anye witte, (as woulde God ſhee had as good will as ſhee hathe ſhrewde witte) ſhe reckoneth his ſelfe no wiſer, than ſhee thynketh ſome that be heere, of whoſe faythfull mynde, ſhee nothyng doubteth, but verily beleeueth and knoweth, that they would bee as ſorie of hys harme as hir ſelfe, and yet woulde haue hym from hir if ſhee hyde there: And we all I thynke) content, that both he with hir, if ſhee come thence and byde in ſuche place where they may with theyr honour be.

[1] [2] Nowe then if ſhee refuſe in the deliueraunce of him, to followe the reconſaile of them, whoſe wiſedome ſhee knoweth, whoſe trueth ſhe well truſteth is ethe to perceyue, that frowardneſſe letteth hir, and not feare. But go to ſuppoſe that ſhe feare (as who may lette hir to feare hir owne ſhadowe) the more ſhee feareth to deliuer hym, the more ought we feare to leaue him in hir [...]ãd [...] For if ſhee caſt ſuch fond doubtes, that ſhe feare his hurt: then will ſhe feare that he ſhall bee ſette thence. For ſhe will ſoone thynke, that if menne were ſette (whych God forbidde) vpon ſo greate a miſchiefe, the Sainctuarie woulde little lette them: which good menne myghte as me thyn|keth, without ſinne, ſomewhat leſſe regard than they doe.

[1] [2] Nowe then, if ſhe doubte, leaſt hee myghte be fetched from hir is it not lykely ynough that ſhe ſhal ſend hym ſome where out of the realme? Verily I looke for [...] other. And I doubte not, but ſhee nowe as [...] mynde th [...] as we [...] lette thereof. And if ſhee mighte happen to bryng that to paſſe, [...] [...]t were [...]o greate maiſt [...] wee letting hir (alone) all the worlde woulde ſaye that we were a wiſe for [...] of Counſailers aboute a Kyng, that lette his brother he caſt [...]y vn|der oure noſes. And therefore, I enſure you faythfully for my mynde. I will [...] [...]gre hir minde fetch him away, then leaue him there, till hir frowardneſſe and fonde feare [...] away. And yet will I breakend Sainctuarie therefore. For verily, ſith the priuileges of that place and other lyke, haue bene of long con [...]u|ed. I am not bee that would be about to breake them. And in good fayth, if they were now to be|ginne: I woulde not be he that ſhoulde he about to make them.

[1] Yet will I not ſay naye,Of Sãctuarles. but that it is a deede of pitie, that ſuch menne as the Se [...], [...] their e|uill dettours haue broughte in pouertie, ſhoulde haue ſome place of libertie, to keepe theyr b [...]|dyes, out of the daunger of theyr [...] [...]|tours.

[1] And alſo, if the Crowne happen (as it hathe done) to come in queſtion, whyle eyther p [...]e taketh other as Traytors, I will well there be ſome places of refuge for both.

[1] By [...]s for the [...]nes, of whyche, theſe places bee [...]ll, and whyche neuer fall from the crafte, after they once fall thereto, it is pitie the San|ctuarie ſhoulde ſerue them. And much more miſ [...]|quellers, whome GOD: hade to take from the Au [...] and [...]yll them if theyr [...] were wilfull. And where it is otherwiſe; there neede wee [...]o [...] the Sanctuaries that God appoynted in the olde lawe. For if eyther neceſſit [...] hys owne defence, or miſfortune draweth hym to that deede a pardon [...]r [...]eth, whiche eyther the lawe grau [...]eth of courſe [...] King of pa [...]e maye.

[1] Then looke me nowe howe fewe Sanctuarie mẽ there be, whom [...] f [...] noble e [...]ſſi [...]ed|pelled to goe thyther. And then ſee on the other ſyde, what a ſort, there be commonly therein of the [...] whome wilfull vnth [...]neſſe, hathe brau|ght to naught.

[1] What a noble of thence, my [...]ther [...] and malitious heynous Traytors and th [...] [...] places ſpecially. The [...]n [...] at the elbowe of the Citie, the tother in the verye [...] well anow [...] it, may the g [...] that the [...] doe,Weſtminſter and Saint Mertina. with the hurte that [...]m [...]th of them, [...] yee ſhall fynde it muche better to looke both than haue bothe. And thys I ſaye, although they were not abuſed as they nowe bee, and ſo long haue bee, that I [...] they [...]ee, whyle menne be afrayde to ſette their hand [...] to [page 1366] the mendmente, as though God and Saincte Peter, were the pat [...]es of vngratious ly|uing.

[1] The abuſe of Sanctuaries.Nowe vnthriftes riote, and runne in debte, vpon the boldneſſe of theſe places, yea, and rich men runne thither with poore mens goodes, there they buylde, there they ſpende, and blode theyr creditors goe whiſtle them.

[1] Mens wines runne thyther with theyr huſ|bandes plate, and ſaye, they dare not abyde with theyr huſbands for beating.

[1] Theeues bring thither theyr ſtollen goodes, and there lyue thereon.

[1] There deuiſe they newe robberies, nightelie they ſteale out, they robbe, and rea [...]e, and kyll, and come in agayne, as though thoſe places gaue them not onely a ſauegarde for the harme they haue done, but a licence alſo to doe more. Howbeit, much of thys miſchiefe if wiſe menne would ſette theyr handes to it, might be amen|ded, with great thankes of God, and no breathe of the priuiledge.

[1] The reſidue, ſith ſo long agoe I wore neere what Pope, and what Prince more piteous than politike, hathe graunted it, and other men, ſince of a certayne religious feare, haue not broken it, [...]ete vs take a payne therewith, and lette it a Goddes name ſt [...]de in force, as farre forthe as reaſon will, whych is not fully ſo farre forthe, as maye ſerue to lette vs of the fetching forthe of thys noble man, to hys honor and wealthe, out of that place, in whyche hee neyther is, nor can be a Sanctuarie man.

[1] A Sanctuarie ſerueth alway to defende the bodye of that man that ſtandeth in daunger a|broade, not of greate hurte onely, but alſo of lawfull hurte, for agaynſte vnlawfull harmes, neuer Pope nor Kyng intended to priuiledge any one place, for that priuiledge hathe euerye place: knoweth anye man, anye place, where|in it is lawefull one manne to doe another wrong?

[1] That no man vnlawfully take hurte, that lybertie, the Kyng, the lawe, and verye na|ture, forbyddeth in euery place, and maketh to that regarde, for euery man euery place a San|ctuarie.

[1] [2] But where a man is by lawfull meanes in perill, there needeth he the tuicion of ſome ſpeciall priuiledge, whyche is the onely grounde and cauſe of all Sanctuaries: from whyche neceſſi|tie, thys noble Prince is farre, whoſe loue to hys Kyng, nature and kindred proueth, whoſe innocencie to all the worlde, his tender youth proueth, and ſo Sanctuarie, as for hym, ney|ther none he needeth, nor alſo none can haue.

[1] Men come not to Sanctuarie, as they come to Baptiſme, to require it by theyr Godfathers, he muſt aſke it himſelfe, that muſt haue it, [...] reaſon, ſith no man hathe cauſe to haue it, but whoſe conſcience of his owne fault maketh him fayne, neede to require it, what will then [...] yonder babe? whyche and if hee hadde diſcre|tion to require it, if neede were, I dare ſaye woulde nowe bee ryght angrie with them that keepe hym there: and I would thynke without anye ſcruple of conſcience, withoute any brea [...] of priuiledge, to bee ſomewhat more hounly with them that be there Sanctuarie menne in|deede.

[1] [2] For if one goe to Sanctuarie with [...]|ther mans goodes, why ſhoulde not the Kyng, leauing his bodye at libertie, ſatiſfie the partie of hys goodes, euen within the Sanctuarie for neyther Kyng nor Pope can gyue any place ſuche a priuiledge, that it ſhall diſcharge a man of his debtes, beeyng able to pay: and with that, dyuers of the Cleargie that were preſente, whyther they ſayde it for hys plea [...]e, or as they thought, agreed playnelye, thirty the lawe of God and of the Churche, the goodes of a Sanctuarie man ſhoulde be deſyue|red in paymente of hys debtes, and [...] goodes to the owner, and onely lybertie teſ [...]|ued hym to gette hys liuing with the laboure of hys handes, verilye (quoth the Duke) I thynke you ſay very trueth, and what if a mans wife will take Sanctuarie, bycauſe ſhee [...] to runne from hir huſbande, I woulde w [...] if ſhee coulde alledge none other cauſe, hee maye lawfully, withoute anye diſpleaſure to [...] Peter, take hir out of Sainte Peters [...] by the arme.

[1] And if no bodye maye bee taken out of San|ctuarie, that ſayeth hee will byde there, then if a childe will take Sanctuarie, bycauſe he feareth to goe to Schole, hys maiſter muſt lette him alone.

[1] And as ſimple as that ſample is, yet is there leſſe reaſon in our caſe than in that, for there|in, though it bee a childiſhe feare, yet is there, at the leaſtwiſe ſome feare, and heerein to there none at all. And verily, I haue often hearde of Sanctuarie menne, but I neuce hearde earle of Sanctuarie children.

[1] And therefore, as for the concluſion of my mynde, who ſo maye haue deſerued to neede if, if they thynke it for theyr ſuretie, let them keepe it.

[1] But hee can bee no Sanctuarie man, that neyther hathe wiſedome to deſire it, nor malice to deſerue it, whoſe life or libertie, can by no lawfull proceſſe ſtande in ieoperdie.

[1] And hee that taketh one out of Sanctuarie to doe hym good, I ſaye playnely, that hee breaketh no Sanctuarie.

[1] [page 1367] When the Duke hadde done, the Tempo|rall menne whole, and a good parte of the ſpi|rituall alſo, thynkyng no hurte earthely, meant towarde the yong babe, condiſcended in effect, that if hee were not delyuered, hee ſhoulde bet fetched.

[1] Howbeit, they thoughte it all beſt, in the a|uoydyng of all manner of rumor, that the Lord Cardinall ſhoulde fyrſte aſſay to gette hym with hir good will.

[1] And therevppon, all the Counſayle came vnto the Starre Chamber at Weſtminſter, and the Lorde Cardinall, leauing the Pro|tector with the Counſayle in the Starre Chamber, departed into the Sanctuarie to the Queene, with dyuers other Lordes with hym, were it for the reſpect of hys honoure, or that ſhee ſhoulde by preſence of ſo manye perceyue, that thys errande was not one mans mynde: or were it, for that the protect or in|tended not in thys matter, to truſt anye one manne alone, or elſe, that if ſhee finallye were determined to keepe hym, ſome of that com|panie hadde happily ſecrete inſtruction incon|tinente, mangre hir mynde, to take hym, and to leaue hir no reſpite to conuey hym, whyche ſhe was lykelye to mynde after thys matter, bro|ken to hir, if hir time woulde in any wiſe ſerue hir.

[1] When the Queene, and theſe Lordes were come togyther in preſence, the Lorde Cardinall ſhewed vnto hir, that it was thou|ghte vnto the protector, and vnto the whole Counſayle, that hir keepyng of the Kynges brother in that place, was the thyng, whyche highlye ſounded, not onely to the greate ru|mour of the people and theyr obloquie, but alſo to the importable griefe and diſpleaſure of the Kynges royall maieſtie, to whoſe grace it were as ſingular comforte, to haue hys naturall brother in companye, as it was their bothe diſhonoure, and all theyrs and hirs alſo, to ſuffer hym in Sanctuarie, as though the one brother ſtoode in daunger and perill of the tother.

[1] And hee ſhewed hir, that the Counſayle therefore hadde ſente hym vnto hir, to require hir the deliuerie of hym, that hee myghte be broughte vnto the Kynges preſence at hys ly|bertie, out of that place, whyche they recko|ned as a priſon, and there ſhoulde hee bee de|meaned, accordyng to hys eſtate, and ſhee in thys doyng, ſhoulde both doe greate good to the Realme, pleaſure to the Counſayle, and profite to hir ſelfe, ſuccoure to hir friendes that were in diſtreſſe, and ouer that (whyche hee wiſt well ſhee ſpecially tendered,) not one|ly greate comforte and honor to the Kyng, but alſo to the yong Duke hymſelfe, whoſe both greate wealthe it were to bee together, as well for many greater cauſes, as alſo for theyr both diſporte, and decreation: whyche thyng, the Lorde eſteemed no ſlighte,Protector. though it ſeeme lyghte, well pondering that their youth without recreation and playe, cannot endure, nor anye ſtraunger, for the conuenience of their both ages and eſtates, ſo meerely in that pointe for any of them, as eyther of them for o|ther.

[1] My Lorde (quoth the Queene) I ſaye not naye, but that it were very conueniente,The Queenes aunſwere. that thys Gentleman whome yee require were in companye of the Kyng hys brother: and in good faythe, mee thynketh it were as greate commoditie to them bothe, as for yet awhile, to beene in the cuſtodie of theyr mother, the tender age conſidered of the elder of them both, but ſpecially, the yonger, which beſydes hys infancie, that alſo needeth good lookyng to [...], hathe awhyle beene ſo ſore diſeaſed, vexed wyth ſickneſſe, and is ſo newly rather a little amended, than well recouered, that I dare putte no perſone earthely in truſt wyth hys keepyng, but my ſelfe onely, conſideryng that there is (as Phiſitians ſaye) and as wee alſo fynde, double the perill in the recidina|tion, that was in the fyrſte ſickneſſe, with whyche diſeaſe, Nature beeyng ſore labou|red, foreweeried and weakened, war [...] the leſſe able to beare out & ſuſteine a newe ſur|fette.

[1] And albeeit there myghte bee founden other that woulde happely doe theyr beſte vnto hym, yet is there none that eyther knoweth better howe to order hym, than I that ſo long haue kepte hym: or is more tenderlye lyke to che|ryſhe hym, than hys owne mother that bare hym.

[1] [2] [3] No manne denyeth, good Madame, (quod the Cardinall) but that youre grace were of all folke moſte neceſſary aboute your chyldren and ſo woulde all the Counſell not onely bee con|tente, but gladde that ye were, if it myghte ſtande wyth youre pleaſure to bee in ſuche place as myghte ſtande wyth theyr honoure. But yf you doe appoynte youre ſelfe to tarry heere, then thynke they it more conuenyente that the Duke of Yorke were wyth the King honourably at hys lybertye to the coumforte of them bothe: then heere as a Sanctuarye manne, to their bothe diſhonour and obloquie, ſithe there is not alwaye ſo greate neceſſy|tie to haue the Chylde to bee with the Mother: but that occaſion maye ſometime be ſuche, that [page 1367] it ſhoulde be more expediente to keepe hym elſe where, whyche in thys well appeareth, that at ſuche time as youre deereſt ſonne then Prince, and nowe Kyng, ſhoulde for hys honor, and good order of the Countrey, keepe houſholde in Wales, farre out of your company: youre grace was well contente therewith youre ſelfe. Not very well contente quoth the Queene: And yet the caſe is not lyke, for the tone was then in healthe, and the tother is nowe ſicke: In whi|che caſe, I maruell greately, that my Lord pro|tector is ſo deſirous to haue hym in his keeping, where if the childe in hys ſickneſſe miſcarried by nature, yet myghte hee runne into flaunder and ſuſpition of fraude. And where they call it a thing ſo ſore agaynſte my childes honor, and theyrs alſo, that he bydeth in this place: it is all theyr honors there to ſuffer hym byde, where no man doubteth he ſhall bee beſt kepte, and that is heere, whyle I am heere, which as yet intende not to come forth, and ieobarde my ſelfe after o|ther of my friendes, whiche woulde God were rather heere in ſuretie with me, than I were there in ieoperdie with them. Why Madame (quoth another Lorde) knowe you anye thyng why they ſhoulde be in ieoperdie? Nay verily ſir quoth ſhee, nor why they ſhoulde bee in priſon neyther, as they nowe bee. But it is I trow, no greate maruell though I feare, leaſt thoſe that haue not letted to put them in dureſſe withoute couloure, will let as little to procure theyr de|ſtruction without cauſe.

[1] [2] [3] The Cardinall made a countenaunce to the other Lorde, that hee ſhoulde harp no more vpon that ſtring, and then ſaid he to the Quene, that he nothyng doubted, but that thoſe Lordes of hir honorable kynne, whyche as yet remay|ned vnder arreſt, ſhoulde vppon the matter exa|mined, doe well ynough: and as towarde hir no|ble perſon, neyther was, nor could be any man|ner ieoperdy. Whereby ſhoulde I truſt that (quoth the Queene) in that I am giltleſſe? as though they were giltie, in that I am with theyr enimies better loued than they? when they hate them for my ſake, in that I am ſo neere of kynne to the King? and howe farre they be of, if that would helpe, as God ſende grace it hurt not, and therefore as for me, I purpoſe not as yet, to de|part hence. And as for thys Gentleman my ſonne, I mynde that hee ſhall bee where I am, tyll I ſee further: for I aſſure you, for that I ſee ſome menne ſo greedie, without any ſubſtan|tiall cauſe to haue hym, thys maketh me much the more fearder to delyuer hym. Truely madame, quoth hee, and the fearder that you bee ſo deliuer hym, the fearder bin other menne to ſuffer you to keepe him, leaſt your cauſeleſſe feare myghte cauſe you farther to conuey him, and many bee there that thynke he can haue no pri|uiledge in thys place, whiche neyther [...] will to aſke it, nor malice to deſerue it, and therefore, they recken no priuiledge broken, though they fetche hym out, whyche if yet f [...]+nally refuſe to delyuer hym, I verily thynke they will. So muche dread hathe my Lorde hys Vncle, for the tender loue hee beareth him, leaſt your grace ſhould hap to ſend him away.

[1] A Syr (quod the Queene) hath the Protector ſo tender zeale,The Queene. that hee feareth nothyng but leaſte, hee ſhoulde eſcape hym? Thy [...]keth hee that I woulde ſende hym hence, whyche neyther is in the plyghte to ſende oute and [...] what place coulde I recken hym ſure, if hee [...] not ſure in thys Sanctuarie? whereof was [...] neuer Tyraunt yet ſo diuellyſhe that durſte pre|ſume to breake. And I truſte God is as ſtrong nowe to withſtande hys aduerſaries, as euer he was.

[1] [2] But my foure can deſerue no Sanctua|rye, and therefore he can not haue it. For [...] hee hathe founden a goodlye gloſe, by whyche that place that may: defende a Theefe, maye not ſaue an Innocente. But hee is in no ieo|padye, nor hathe no neede, thereof, wolde God hee hadde not. Troweth the Protecture (I praye GOD hee maye proue a Protectoure) troweth hee that I perceyue not where vnto hys paynted proceſſe draweth? It is not honoura|ble that the Duke byde heere: It were comfor|table for them both, that hee were wyth hys bro|ther, bycauſe the Kyng lacketh a play fellowe bee ye ſure. I praye God ſende them bothe bet|ter playfellowes than hym, that maketh ſo [...] a matter vppon ſuche a tryfelyng proceede: [...] thoughe there coulde none bee founden to playe wyth the Kyng, but if hys brother that hath [...] luſte to playe for ſickeneſſe, come out of ſanctua|rye out of hys ſafegarde to playe with hym: As though princes as yõg as they be, could not play but with their peeres, or children coulde not play but with their kinred, with whom for the more parte they agree much woorſe than withſtran|gers.

[1] [2] But the chylde can not requyre the priui|ledge, who told him ſo, he ſhal heare him aſk it, & he wil. Howbeit this is a gay matter, ſuppoſe he coulde not aſke it, ſuppoſe he woulde not aſke it, ſuppoſe he woulde aſke to goe oute, if I ſay he ſhall not, if I aſke the priuiledge but for my ſelfe, I ſay he that agaynſt my will taketh him oute, breaketh the Sanctuarie. Serueth this libertie for my perſon onely, or for my goodes [...] Ye may not hence take my horſe fro me: and maye you take my childe fro me? He is alſo my ward: [page 1369] for as my learned counſaile ſheweth me, ſithe hee hath nothing by diſſent holden by knightes ſer|uice, the lawe maketh his mother his gardaine. Then may no man I ſuppoſe take my warde fro me out of Sanctuarie, without the breache of the Sanctuarie. And if my priuiledge coulde not ſerue him, nor be aſke it for himſelfe, yet ſith the lawe committeth to me the cuſtodie of him, I may require it for him, except the law giue a child a gardaine onely for his goodes and landes, diſ|charging him of the cure and ſafekeeping of hys bodie, for whiche onely both landes and goodes ſerue.

[1] [2] [3] [...] that is [...] betwene [...] marke * [...]d it is marke [...] wit| [...] by him in [...]gliſh but is [...]ed out [...] this Hiſtory which he [...] [...]a [...]en.And if examples be ſufficient to obteyne pri|uiledge for my childe, I neede not farre to ſeeke. For in this place in which we now be (and which is nowe in queſtion whether my childe may take benefite of it) mine other ſonne nowe king was borne, and kept in his Cradle, and preſerued to a more proſperous fortune, which I pray God lõg to continue. And as all you know, this is not the firſt time that I haue taken Sanctuarie. For when my Lord my huſbande was baniſhed, and thruſt out of hys kingdome, I fled hither, beeing great with childe, and here I bare the Prince. And when my Lorde my huſbande returned ſafe againe, and had the victorie, then went I hence to welcome him home, & from hence I brought my babe the Prince vnto his father, when he firſt tooke him in his armes. And I pray God that my ſonnes palace may bee as great ſauegarde vnto him now raigning, as this place was ſometyme to the kings enimie. In which place I intende to keepe his brother ſithe. &c. Wherefore here intende I to keepe him, ſince mans law ſerueth the gardaine to keepe the infant. The law of na|ture will the mother keepe hir childe, Gods lawe priuiledgeth the Sanctuarie, and the Sanctuarie my ſonne, ſithe I feare to put him in the Protec|tors handes that hath his brother alreadie, and were (if both fayled) inheritor to the crowne. The cauſe of my feare hath no man to do to examine. And yet feare I no farther than the lawe feareth, which as learned men tell me, forbiddeth euerye man the cuſtodie of them, by whoſe death he may inherite leſſe lande than a kingdome. I can no more, but whoſoeuer he be that breaketh this ho|ly Sanctuarie, I pray God ſhortly ſende him neede of Sanctuarie, when hee may not come to it. For taken out of Sanctuarie would I not my mortall enimie were.

[1] The Lorde Cardinall perceyuing that the Queene waxed euer the longer the farther off, and alſo that ſhe began to kindle and chafe, and ſpake more byting wordes agaynſt the Protec|tor, and ſuch as he neither beleeued, and was alſo loth to heare, he ſayd to hir for a finall concluſion, that he would no longer diſpute the matter: but if ſhe were content to deliuer the duke to him, and to the other Lordes preſent, he durſt lay his owne bodie and ſoule both in pledge, not onely for hys ſuretie but alſo for his [...]ſtate. And if ſhe woulde giue [...] [...]re anſwere to the contrarie, hee woulde forthwith depart therewithall, and ſhyfte who ſo woulde with this buſineſſe afterwardes, for hee neuer intended more to moue hir in that matter, in which ſhe thought that he and al other alſo ſaue hirſelfe lacked eyther wit or truth. Wit if they were ſo bull that they coulde nothing per|ceyue what the Protector intended: truth if they ſhould procure hee ſonne to be deliuered into hys handes, in whom they ſhoulde perceyue towarde the childe any euill intended.

[1] [2] [3] [4] The Queene with theſe wordes ſtood a good while in a greate ſtudie. And foraſmuche as hir ſeemed the Cardinall more readie to depart than ſome of the remnant, and the Protector himſelfe readie at hande, ſo that ſhee verily thought ſhee coulde not keepe him there, but that he ſhould in|continent bee taken thence: and to conuey hym elſe where, neyther had ſhe time to ſerue hir, nor place determined, nor perſõs appointed, al things vnredie, this meſſage came on hir ſo ſodainly, no|thing leſſe looking for, than to haue him ſet out of Sancturie, which ſhe thought to be now beſet in ſuch places about, that he could not be conueyed out vntaken, and partly as ſhee thought it myght fortune, hir feare to bee falſe, ſo well ſhe wyſſe it was eyther needleſſe or bootleſſe: wherefore if ſhe ſhould needes go from him, ſhe deemed it beſt to deliuer him. And ouer that, of the Cardinalles fayth ſhee nothing doubted, nor of ſome other Lordes neyther, whom ſhe there ſawe. Whiche as ſhe feared leaſt they might be deceyued: ſo was ſhe well aſſured they woulde not bee corrupted: then thought ſhee it ſhoulde yet make them the more warely to looke to him, and the more cir|cumſpectly to ſee to his ſurety, if ſhe with hir own handes betooke him to them of truſt. And at the laſt ſhe tooke the yong duke by the hande, & ſayde vnto the Lordes: My Lordes (quoth ſhee) and all my Lordes, I neyther am ſo vnwyſe to myſtruſte youre wyttes, nor ſo ſuſpitious to myſtruſt your truthes: Of which thing I pur|poſe to make you ſuche a proofe, as if eyther of both lacked in you, myghte turne bothe mee to greate ſorowe, the Realme to muche harme, and you to great reproch. For we, heere is (quoth ſhe) thys Gentleman, whome I doubt not, but I coulde heere keepe ſafe, if I woulde, whatſoe|uer anye man ſaye: and I doubte not alſo, but there bee ſome abrode ſo deadly enimies vnto my bloud, that if they wyſt where any of it laye in theyr owne bodie, they would let it out. Wee haue alſo experience that the deſire of a kingdom knoweth no kindred. The brother hath beene the [page 1370] brothers bane: and may the nephewes be ſure of theyr vncle? Eche of theſe children is the others defence while they be aſunder, and eche of theyr liues lieth in the others bodie. Keepe one ſafe and both be ſure, and nothing for them both more pe|rillous, than to be both in one place. For what wiſe Marchant aduentureth all his goodes in one ſhip? All this notwithſtanding, here I deliuer him, and his brother in him, to keepe, into youre handes, of whom I ſhall aſke thẽ both afore god and the world. Faythfull ye be that wore I well, and I know well you be wiſe. Power & ſtrength to kepe him if you liſt, neither lack ye of your ſelf, nor can lacke helpe in this cauſe. And if ye can|not elſe where, then may you leaue him here. But only one thing I beſeech you, for the truſt which his father put in you euer, & for ye truſt that I put in you nowe, that as farre as yee thinke that I feare too muche, be you well ware that you feare not as farre too little. And therewithall ſhe ſayde vnto the childe, fare well mine owne ſweete ſon, God ſend you good keeping: let me kiſſe you yet once ere you goe, for God knoweth when wee ſhall kiſſe togither agayne. And therwith ſhe kiſ|ſed him, and bleſſed him, turned hir backe & wept, and went hir way, leauing the childe weeping as faſte.

[1] When the Lorde Cardinall, and theſe other Lordes with him, had receyued this yong duke, they brought him into the ſtarre Chamber, where the Protector tooke him in his armes, and kiſſed him,O diſsimula|tion. with theſe wordes: now welcome my Lord euen with all my very heart. And he ſayd in that of likelyhoode as he thought. Therevpon forth|with they brought him vnto the king his brother, into the Biſhoppes Palace at Poules, and from thence throughe the Citie honourably into the Tower, out of the which after that day they ne|uer came abrode.

[1] [2] [3] This that is heere betwene this marke * and t [...]s marke * was not writ|ten by him in engliſh b [...]t is tranſlated out of this Hiſtory which he wrot in Latten. When the Protector had both the children in his handes, he opened himſelfe more boldely, both to certaine other men, and alſo chiefly to the duke of Buckingham. Although I knowe that many thought that this duke was priuy to al the Protectors counſaile, euen from the beginning, and ſome of the Protectors friends ſayde, that the duke was the firſt mouer of the Protector to this matter, ſending a priuie meſſenger vnto hym, ſtreight after king Edwards death. But other a|gaine which knew better the ſubtil wit of the pro|tector, denie that he euer opened his enterpriſe to the duke, vntill he had brought to paſſe the things before rehearſed. But when hee had impryſoned the Queenes kinſfolkes, and gotten both hir ſonnes into his owne handes, then he opened the reſt of his purpoſe with leſſe feare to them whõ he thought meet for the matter, and ſpecially to the duke, who being woon to his purpoſe, he thought his ſtrength more than halfe [...].

[1] [2] The matter was broken vnto the duke [...] till folkes, and ſuch as were their craftmaiſt [...] in the handling of ſuch wicked deuiſes [...] who de|clared vnto him that the yong king was [...] with him for hys kinſfolkes ſake and if hee [...] euer able he would [...]nge them. Who w [...]t pricke him forwarde therevnto if they [...] they would remember their impriſonmẽt) or [...] if they were put to death, without doubt the yong king woulde bee carefull for their deathes, whoſe impriſonment was grieuous vnto him. And that with repenting the duke ſhoulde nothing auaile, for there was no way left to redeeme his offence by benefites, but he ſhoulde ſooner deſtroy hym|ſelfe than ſaue the king, who with his brother and his kinſfolkes he ſawe in ſuch places impriſones, as the Protectour myghte wyth a backe deſtroye them all: and that it were no doubt but he would doe it in deede, if there were any newe enterpriſe attempted.

[1] And that it was likely, that as the Protec|tour had prouided priuie garde for himſelfe, ſo hadde hee ſpyalles for the Duke, and traynes to catche him, if hee ſhoulde be agaynſte hym, and that peraduenture from them, whome hee leaſte ſuſpected. For the ſtate of things and the diſpo|ſitions of men were then ſuch, that a man coulde not well tell whom he might truſt, or whome he might feare.

[1] Theſe things and ſuch like, beyng beaten in|to the Dukes mynde, brought him to that point that where hee had repented the way that he had entred, yet woulde he goe forth in the ſame, and ſince he had once begoonne, he would ſtoutely go through. And therefore to this wicked enterpriſe which he beleeued coulde not be voyded, he bent himſelfe, and went through and determined, that ſince the common miſchiefe coulde not be amen|ded, he would turne it as much as he might to his owne commoditie.

[1] Then it was agreed, that the Protector ſhould haue the Dukes ayde to make him king, and that the Protectors onely lawfull ſonne ſhould mary the Dukes daughter, and that the Protectour ſhould graunt him the quiet poſſeſſion of the erle|dome of Hertford, which he claymed as his inhe|ritaunce, and could neuer obteyne it in king Ed|wardes tyme.

[1] [2] Beſides theſe requeſtes of the Duke, the Pro|tector of his owne minde promiſed him a greate quantitie of the kings treaſure, and of his houſe|holde ſtuffe. And when they were thus at a point betwene themſelues, they went about to prepare for the coronation of the yong king as they wold haue it ſeme. And that they might turne both the eies & minds of men frõ perceyuing of their drifts otherwhere, the lords being ſent for frõ all partes [page 1371] of the Realme, came thicke to that ſolemnitie. But the Protectour and the Duke af [...] that, that they had ſent the Lorde Cardinal, the Arch|biſhop of Yorke then Lorde Chauncellour, the Biſhop of Elie, the Lorde Stanley, and the lord Haſtings then Lorde Chamberlaine, with ma|ny other noble men to common and deuiſe aboute the coronation in one place, as faſt were they in another place, contriuing the con|trarie, and to make the Protector King. To which Councell, albeit there were adhibited very few, and they were ſecrete: yet began there here and there aboute, ſome maner of muttering a|mong the people, as though all ſhould not long he well, though they neyther wyſte what they feared, nor whefore, were it that before ſuch great things mens hearts of a ſecrete inſtinct of nature miſgiue them.

[1] As the ſea without wind ſwelleth of himſelf ſometime before a tempeſt: or were it that ſome one man happily ſomewhat perceyuing filled many men with ſuſpition, though hee ſhewed fewe men what hee knew. Howheit ſomewhat the dealing it ſelf made men to muſe on the mat|ter, though the Councell were cloſe. For by little and little, all folke withdrewe from the Tower, and drewe to Croſbies in Biſhops gates ſtreet, where the Protector kept his houſhold. The pro|tectour had the reſort, the King in manner de|ſolate.

[1] While ſome for theyr buſineſſe made ſute to them that had the doing, ſome were by theyr friendes ſecretely wanted, that it might happily turne them to no good, to bee too much atten|dante about the King wythout the Protectors appoyntment, whiche remoued alſo diuerſe of the princes olde ſeruants from him, and ſet new about him.

[1] [2] Thus many things comming togyther, part|ly by chance, partly of purpoſe, cauſed at length not common people onely, that wound with the winde, but wiſe men alſo, and ſome Lordes [...]e to marke the matter, and muſe there [...] ſo farre forth, that the Lorde Stanley that was after Earle of Darby, wiſely miſtruſted it, and ſayde vnto the Lorde Haſtings, that he muche miſly|ked theſe two ſeuerall Councels. For while wee [...]oth hee) talke of one matter in the [...]a place, little wote wee, whereof they talke in the tother place. My Lorde, (quoth the Lorde Haſt [...]gs) on my life neuer doubt you: for while one man is there, which is neuer thence, ne [...]er can there he thing once moued, that ſhoulde ſounde amiſſe towarde me, but it ſhoulde hee in na [...]e euery ere it were well out of their mouthes.

[1] Ca [...]by.This ment he by Cateſby, which was of hys neare ſecrete counſaile, and whome he verie fa|miliarly vſed, and in his moſt weightie [...] matters put no man in ſo ſpecial truſt, riche thing himſelfe to no man ſo liefe, fithe hee well wyſt there was no man ſo muche to him beholden as was thys Cateſbie, which was a man well learned in the lawes of this lande, and by the ſpeciall honour of the Lorde Chamberlayne, in good authoritie, and much rule bare in all the Countie of Leyceſter, where the Lorde Chamberleynes power chiefely laye.

[1] But ſurely greate pitie was it, yt hee had not had eyther more truth or leſſe wit. For his diſſi|mulation onely, kept all that miſchiefe vp. In whome if the Lorde Haſtings, hadde not put ſo ſpeciall truſt, the Lorde Stanley and he had de|parted with dyuerſe other Lordes, and broken all the daunce, for many yll ſignes that he ſawe, which he nowe conſtrues all to the beſt. So ſure|ly thought he, that there coulde be none ha [...]e to|ward him in that Councell intended, where Ca|teſhie was.

[1] [2] And of truth the Protectour, and the Duke of Buthingham, made verie good ſemblaunce vnto the Lord Haſtings, and kept him much in companie. And vndoubtedly, the Protector loued him well, and loth was to haue loſt him, ſauing for feare leaſt his lyfe ſhoulde haue quayled their purpoſe. For which cauſe he mooued Cateſbie to proue with ſome words caſt out a farre off, whe|ther he coulde thinke it poſſible to win the Lorde Haſtings vnto their part. But Cateſbie whether he aſſayed him, or aſſayed him not, reported vn|to them, that he found him ſo faſt, and heard him ſpeake ſo terrible wordes, that hee dueſt no fur|ther breake.

[1] And of truth the Lorde Chamberlaine of ve|rie truſt ſhewed vnto Cateſbie the diſtruſt that o|ther beganne to haue in the matter. And therfore hee fearing leaſt theyr motion mighte with the Lorde Haſtings [...]niſhe his credence, where vn|to onely all the matter leaned, procured the Pro|tector haſtily to rid him. And muche the rather, for that he truſted by his death to obteyne muche of the rule that the Lorde Haſtinges ha [...] in his Countrey the onely deſire whereof was the allectiue that induced hym to bee partner and one ſpeciall contriuer of all thys horrible treaſon.

[1] Wherevpon ſoone after,Thirtenth of Iune. that is to wit on the Fryday the [...] day of [...] many Lordes aſſembled in the Tower, and their ſ [...]te in Coun|cell, d [...]uiſhing the honourable ſolemnitie of the Kings Coronation, of which the tyme appoyn|ted then to neare approached, that the pa [...]antes and ſubtiltyes to ere [...] king, daye and night at Weſtminſter, and much vytayle killed there|fore, that afterwarde was caſt away.

[1] Theſe Lordes ſo ſitting togither co [...]ning of this matter, the Protector came in amongſt [page 1372] them, firſt about .ix. of the clocke, ſaluting them courteouſly, and excuſing himſelfe that hee had beene from them ſo long, ſaying merily [...] had bene a ſleeper that day.

[figure appears here on page 1372]

[1] And after a little talking with them, he ſayde vnto the Biſhop of Elie: My Lorde you haue very good Strawberies at your Garden in Hol|borne, I require you let vs haue a meſſe of them. Gladly my Lorde (quoth he) woulde God I had ſome better thing as readie to youre pleaſure as that. And therewith in all the haſte hee ſent hys ſeruant for a meſſe of Strawberies.

[1] [2] The Protectour ſet the Lordes faſt in com|muning, and therevpon praying them to ſpare him for a little while, departed thence. And ſoone after one houre, betweene tenne and eleuen he re|turned into the Chamber among them al, chan|ged with a wonderful ſoure angrie countenance, knitting the browes, frowning and fretting, and gnawyng on his lyppes, and ſo ſatte hym downe in his place, all the Lordes muche diſ|mayde and ſore marueyling of this maner of ſo|daine chaunge, and what thing ſhould him ayle. Then, when he had ſitten ſtill a while, thus he be|ganne: What were they worthie to haue that compaſſe and ymagine the deſtruction of me, be|ing ſo nere of bloud vnto the king, and Protector of his royal perſon and his realme? At this queſti|on, al the Lordes ſat ſore aſtonied, muſing much by whom this queſtion ſhould be ment, of whiche euery man wyſt himſelfe cleare.

[1] Then the Lorde Chamberlaine as he that for the loue betwene them thought he might bee bol|deſt with him, aunſwered and ſayde, that they were worthie to be puniſhed as heynous traitors, whatſoeuer they were. And all the other affyr|med the ſame. That is quoth he yonder ſorcereſſe my brothers wife, and other with hir, meaning the Queene.

[1] [2] At theſe wordes manye of the other Lordes were greatly abaſhed, that fauoured hir, But the Lord Haſtings was in his minde [...] content, yt it was moued by hir, thã by any other whõ he loued better: Albeit his heart ſo [...]w [...] grudged, that he was not afore made of [...] in this matter, as he was of the taking of hir [...]|red, and of their putting to death, which were by his aſſent before, deuiſed to be beheaded at Pon [...]|fret this ſelfe ſame day, in which he was not ware that it was by other deuiſed, that himſelfe ſh [...] be beheaded the ſame day at London. Then ſayd the Protector, ye ſhall all ſee in what wiſe t [...] ſorcereſſe, and that other Witche of hir cou [...] Shores wife with their affinitie, haue by theyr ſor [...]erſe and witchcraft waſted my bodie. [...]ad therewith he plucked vp his dubled ſleeue to hys elbow vpõ his left arme, where he ſhewed a [...]|riſh withered arme, and ſmall, as it was neuer o|ther. And therevpon euery mans minde ſore miſ|gaue them, well perceyuing that this [...] was but a quarell. For they well wy [...] [...] Queene was too wiſe to goe aboute anye [...] folly. And alſo if ſhee woulde, yet woulde [...]e [...] of all folke leaſt, make Shores wiſe of [...]o [...]u [...], whome of all women ſhee moſte hated, [...] Concubine whom the king hir huſband had [...] loued.

[1] And alſo, no man was there preſent but well knewe that his arme was euer ſuche ſince hys byrth. Naytheleſſe the Lorde Cha [...] [...] (whiche fro the death of King Edwarde [...] Shores wyfe, on whome hee ſomewhat [...] in the Kings lyfe, ſauing (as it is ſayd) he, [...]ha [...] while forbare hir of reuerence Edwarde the [...] or elſe of a certayne kynd of fidelitie to his [...]) aunſwered and ſayde: certainlye my Lorde, if they haue ſo heynouſly done, they be worthie [...]|nous puniſhment.

[1] [2] [page 1373] What (quoth the Protectour) thou ſerueſt me I wene wyth iffes and wyth andes, I tell thee they haue ſo done, and that I will make good on thy bodie traytour: and therewith as in a greate anger, he clapped his fyſt vpon the bourd a great rappe. At which token giuen, one cried treaſon withoute the Chamber. Therewith a doore clapped, and in come there ruſhing men in harneſſe, as many as the chamber myght holde. And anone the Protectour ſayd to the Lord Ha|ſtings: I arreſt thee Traytour: What mee my Lorde? (quoth he) yea thee traytour quoth the Protector. And another let flie at the Lorde Stanley,The Lord Stã| [...] [...]eded. whiche ſhrunke at the ſtroke, and fell vnder the Table, or elſe his heade had beene cleft to the teeth: for as ſhortly as he ſhranke, yet came the bloud about his eares. Then were they all quickly beſtowed in diuerſe Chambers, except the Lorde Chamberlaine, whome the Protectour hade ſpeede and ſhrine him apace, for by Saint Paule (quoth hee) I will not to dinner till I ſee thy head off.

[1] It booted him not to aſke why, but heauily tooke a prieſt at auenture, and made a ſhort ſhrift for a longer would not be ſuffered, the Protector made ſo much haſt to dinner, which hee myghte not goe to, till this were done, for ſauing of hys othe. So was hee brought forth into the greene beſide the Chappell within the Tower, and hys heade layd downe vpon a long logge of tymber, and there ſtryken off, and afterwarde his bodie with the heade enterred at Windſore beſyde the bodie of king Edwarde, whoſe both ſoules oure Lorde pardon.

[1] [2] A marueylous caſe is it to heare eyther the warnings of that he ſhoulde haue voyded, or the tokens of that hee coulde not voyde, for the ſelfe night next before his death, the Lorde Stanley ſent a truſtie ſecrete Meſſenger vnto him at mid|night in all the haſt, requyring him to riſe and ryde away with hym, for hee was diſpoſed vtter|lye no longer to byde, hee hadde ſo fearefull a dreame, [...] Lorde [...]deyt [...]e. in whiche him thought that a Boare with his tuſkes ſo raſed them both by the heades, that the bloud ranne about both theyr ſhoulders. And foraſmuch as the Protector gaue the Boare for his cogniſaunce, this dreame made ſo feare|full an impreſſion in his heart, ye he was through|ly determined no lõger to tarie, but had his horſe readie, if the Lorde Haſtings would go with him to ride yet ſo farre the ſame night, that they ſhuld be out of daunger ere day. Ha good Lorde (quoth ye Lord Haſtings to this meſſenger) leaneth my Lorde thy maiſter ſo much to ſuch tryfles, and hath ſuch fayth in dreames, whiche eyther hys owne feare fantaſteth, or doe ryſe in the nyghtes reſt by reaſon of his day thoughtes? Tell hym it is plaine witchcraft to beleue in ſuch dreames, whiche if they were tokens of things to come, why thinketh he not that we might bee as lykely to make them true by our goyng, if wee were caughte and brought backe (as friends fayle fleers) for then had the Boare a cauſe likely to race vs wyth hys Tuſkes, as folke that [...]de for ſome falſehoode, wherefore eyther is there no perill, nor none there is in deede: or if any bee, it is rather in going than byding. And if wee ſhould needes coſt fall in perill one way or other, yet hadde I lieffer that manne ſhoulde ſee that it were by other mennes falſehoode, than thinke it were eyther by our owne faulte, or faynt heart. And therefore go to thy maiſter man, and com|mende mee to him, and pray him be merie and haue no feare: for I enſure him I am as ſure of the man that he woteth of, as I am of mine own hande. God ſend grace ſir, quoth the meſſenger, and went his way.

[1] Certaine is it alſo, that in ryding towardes the Tower the ſame morning in which he was beheaded, hys Horſe twiſe or thriſe ſtumbled wyth him, almoſt to the falling, which thing al|beit eche man wote wel dayly happeneth to them to whome no ſuch myſchaunce is towarde, yet hath it beene of an olde ryte and cuſtome, obſer|ued as a token oftentymes notably foregoyng ſome great miſfortune.

[1] Nowe this that followeth was no warning but an enuious ſkorne.

[1] The ſame morning ere hee was vp, came a knight vnto him, as it were of courteſie, to ac|companie him to the Councell, but of truth ſent by the Protectour to haſt him thitherwards, with whom he was of ſecret confederacie in that purpoſe, a meane man at that time, and nowe of great authoritie.

[1] This knight when it happed the Lord Chã|berlayne by the way to ſtay his horſe, and com|mane a while wyth a Prieſt whome he mette in the Tower ſtreete, brake his tale, and ſayde me|rily to him, what my Lord I pray you come on, whereto talke you ſo long wyth that Prieſt, you haue no neede of a Prieſt yet: and therewyth hee laughed vpon him, as though he would ſay, ye ſhall haue ſoone. But ſo little wyſt the to|ther what he ment, and ſo little miſtruſted, that he was neuer mery [...]r, nor neuer ſo [...]ll of good hope in his lyfe, which ſelfe thing is [...] a ſigne of chaunge. But I ſhall rather ſet anye thing paſſe me, than the vaine ſuretie of mannes minde ſo neare his death.

[1] [2] Vpon the verie Tower Wharfe, ſo neare the place where his head was off ſoone after, there met he with one Haſtings a P [...]rſeuaunt of his owne name. And of theyr meeting in that place, hee was put in remembraunce of another tyme, in whiche it had happened them before to meete in [page 1374] like maner togither in the ſame place. At which other time the Lorde chamberlaine had beene ac|cuſed vnto King Edwarde by the Lorde Ry|uers the Queenes brother, in ſuche wiſe as hee was for the while (but it laſted not long) farre fallen into the kings indignation, and ſtoode in great feare of himſelfe. And foraſmuche as hee now met this Purſeuaunt in the ſame place that ieopardie ſo well paſſed, it gaue him great plea|ſure to talke with him thereof, wyth whome he hadde before talked thereof in the ſame place, while he was therein. And therefore he ſayd: Ah Haſtings art thou remembred when I met thee here once with an heauie heart? Yea my Lorde, (quoth he) that remember I well, and thanked bee God, they gat no good, nor you no harme thereby. Thou wouldeſt ſay ſo (quoth hee) if thou kneweſt as much as I knowe, which few know elſe as yet, and mo ſhall ſhortly. That ment hee by the Lordes of the Queenes kyndred that were taken before, and ſhould that day be beheaded at Pomfret: which he well wyſt, but nothing ware that the Axe hung ouer his owne heade. In fayth man (quoth he) I was neuer ſo ſorie, nor neuer ſtoode in ſo greate dreade in my lyfe, as I did when thou and I mette here. And lo howe the worlde is turned, nowe ſtand mine enimyes in the daunger (as thou mayeſt happe to heare more hereafter) and I neuer in my lyfe ſo mery, nor neuer in ſo great ſuretie.

[1] O good God the blindneſſe of our mortal na|ture, when he moſt feared, he was in good ſuretie, when hee reckened himſelfe ſureſt he loſt his life, and that within two houres after.

[1] The diſcriptiõ of the Lord HaſtingsThus ended this honourable man, a good Knight and a gentle, of greate authoritie wyth his Prince, of lyuing ſomewhat diſſolute, plaine and open to his enimie, and ſecrete to hys friend, eaſie to beguile, as he that of good heart and cou|rage foreſtudied no perilles, a louyng man and paſſing well beloued: verie faythfull and truſtie ynough, truſting too much.

[1] Nowe flewe the fame of this Lordes death ſwiftly through the Citie, and ſo foorth further a|bout like a wynde in euerie mans eare.

[1] [2] But the Protector immediately after dinner, entending to ſette ſome colour vpon the matter, ſent in all the haſt for many ſubſtantiall men out of the Citie into the Tower. And at theyr com|ming, himſelfe with the Duke of Buckingham, ſtoode harneſſed in olde yll faring Bryganders, ſuche as no man ſhoulde wene that they woulde vouchſafe to haue put vpon theyr backes, except that ſome ſodaine neceſſitie had conſtrayned thẽ.

[1] And then the Protector ſhewed them, that the Lorde Chamberlayne and other of his con|ſpiracie had contriued to haue ſodainly deſtroyed him, and the Duke there the ſame day in the coũ|cell. And what they intended further was as yet not well knowne. Of whiche their treaſon hee neuer had knowledge before tenne of the clocke the ſame forenoone, whiche ſodaine feare dra [...] them to put on for theyr defence ſuch harneſſe as came next to hande. And ſo had God holpen thẽ, that the miſchiefe turned vpon them that would haue done it. And this hee requyred them to re|port.

[1] [2] Euery man aunſwered him fayre, as though no man miſtruſted the matter, which of troth no man beleeued. Yet for the further appeaſing of|the peoples mynde, hee ſent immediately after dinner in all the haſte, one Heraulte of Armes,The protec [...] Procla [...] with a Proclamation to be made through the ci|tie in the kings name, conteyning that the Lord Haſtings with diuers other of his traiterous pur|poſe, had before conſpired the ſame day, to haue ſlaine the Lorde Protectour, and the Duke of Buckingham, ſitting in the Councell, and after to haue taken vpon them to rule the king, and the Realme at theyr pleaſure, and thereby to pill and ſpoyle whome they lyſte vncontrolled. And much matter there was in that proclamation, de|uiſed to the ſlaunder of the Lorde Chamberlain, as that hee was an euill Counſailer to the kings father, intiſing him to manye things highly re|dounding to the miniſhing of his honour, and to the vniuerſall hurt of his realme by his euil com|pany, ſiniſter procuring, & vngracious enſample, as well in many other things, as in the vicious liuing and inordinate abuſion of his bodie, both with many other, & alſo ſpecially with Shores wife, which was one alſo of his moſt ſecret coun|ſaile of this heynous treaſon, with whome he lay nightly, and namely the night laſt paſt next be|fore his death, ſo that it was the leſſe maruaile, if vngracious liuing brought him to an vnhappie ending, which he was now put vnto, by the moſt dread commaundement of the kings highneſſe, and of his honourable and faythfull counſayle, both for his demerits being ſo openly taken in his falſly conceyued treaſon, and alſo leaſt the delay|ing of his extention, myght haue encouraged o|ther miſchieuous perſons partners of his conſpi|racie, to gather and aſſemble themſelues togither, in making ſome greate commotion for his dely|uerance: whoſe hope now being by his well de|ſerued death, politikely repreſſed, all the realme ſhould by Gods grace, reſt in good quiet & peace.

[1] [2] Now was this Proclamation made within two houres after that he was beheaded, & it was ſo curiouſly indited, and ſo faire written in par [...]h|ment, in ſo wel a ſet hand, & therwith of it ſelfe ſo long a proces, yt euery childe might well perceiue that it was prepared before. For all the tyme be|twene his death & the proclayming, could ſcant haue ſufficed vnto the hare writing alone, all had [page 1375] it bene but in Paper, and ſcribled forth in haſte at aduenture. So that vpon the proclayming there|of, one that was ſchoolmaiſter of Pauls of [...]a [...]e ſtanding by, and comparing the ſhortneſſe of the time with the length of the matter, ſayd vnto them yt ſtood about him, here is a gay goodly eaſt, foule caſt away for haſte: and a marchant aun|ſwered him, that it was written by prophecie. Now then by and by, as it were for anger, not for couetiſe, the Protectour ſent into the houſe of Shores wife (for hir huſbande dwelled not with hir) and ſpoyled hir of all that euer ſhe had, aboue the value of two or three thouſand mark, and ſent hir bodie to priſon. And when he had a while layd vnto hir (for the maner ſake) that ſhe went about to bewitch him, and that ſhe was of coũſaile with the Lorde Chamberlaine to deſtroy him: in con|cluſion when that no colour coulde faſten vpon theſe matters, then hee layde heynouſly to hir charge, that thing that hir ſelfe coulde not denie, that all the world wyſt was true, and that nay|theleſſe euerie man laughed at, to heare it then ſo ſodainly, ſo highly taken, that ſhe was naught of hir bodie.

[1] And for this cauſe (as a goodlye continent prince, cleane and faultleſſe of himſelfe, ſent oute of heauen into this vicious world for the amend|ment of mens maners) he cauſed the Biſhop of London to put hir to open penance, going before the Croſſe in Proceſſion, vpon a Sunday wyth a Taper in hir hande. In whiche ſhee went in countenaunce and pace demure ſo womanlye, and albeit ſhe were out of all array ſaue hir kyr|tle onely, yet went ſhe ſo fayre and lonely, name|ly while the wondering of the people caſt a come|ly rudde in hir cheekes (of whiche ſhee before had moſt miſſe) that hir great ſhame wanne hir much prayſe, among thoſe that were more amorous of hir bodie, than curious of hir ſoule. And many good folk alſo that hated hir liuing, and glad were to ſee ſinne corrected: yet pityed they more hir pe|naunce, than reioyced therein, when they con|ſydered that the Protectour procured it, more of a corrupte intente, than any vertuous affec|tion.

[1] This woman was borne in London, wor|ſhipfully friended,The deſcripti| [...]n of Shores [...] honeſtly brought vp, and ve|rie well maryed, ſauing ſomewhat too ſoone, hir huſbande an honeſt Citizen, yong and godly and of good ſubſtaunce. But for aſmuche as they were coupled ere ſhe were well rype, ſhe not ve|rie feruently loued, for whome ſhee neuer lon|ged, which was happely the thing that the more eaſily made hir incline vnto the kings appetite, when hee required hir. Howbeit the reſpect of hys royaltie, the hope of gay apparell, eaſe, plea|ſure, and other wanton wealth, was able ſoone to pierſe a ſoft tender heart.

[1] But when the King hadde abuſed hir, anon hir huſbande (as hee was an honeſt man, and are that coulde hys good, not preſuming to to [...]he a Kings Concubine) left hir vp to him al|togither.

[1] When the king died, the Lorde Chamber|laine looke hir, which in the kings dayes, albeit he was ſore enamoured vpon hir, yet he forbare hir, eyther for reuerence, or for a certaine friendlye faythfulneſſe, Proper ſhe was and fayre: nothing in hir bodie that you would haue chaunged, but if you would haue wiſhed hir ſomewhat higher.

[1] [2] Thus ſay they that knew hir in hir youth. Al|beit ſome that now ſee hir (for yet ſhe liueth) deme hir neuer to haue bene wel viſaged, whoſe iudge|ment ſeemeth me ſomewhat like, as though men ſhould geſſe the beautie of one long before depar|ted, by hir ſcalpe taken out of the charuell houſe: for now is ſhe old, leane, withered, and dryed vp, nothing left but riueld ſkinne and hard bone. And yet beeing euen ſuch: who ſo well aduiſe hir vy|ſage, myght geſſe and deuiſe, which partes how filled woulde make it a fayre face. Yet delyted not men ſo much in hir beautie as in hir pleaſant behauiour. For a proper wit had ſhe, and could both read well and write, merrie in companie, readie and quicke of aunſwer, neyther mute nor full of bable, ſomtime taunting without diſplea|ſure and not without diſport.

[1] [2] [3] The king would ſay that he had three concu|bines,King Edwarde three concu|bines. which in three dyuerſe properties diuerſly excelled. One the merieſt, another the wilyeſt, the thirde the holyeſt harlot in his realme, as one whome no man coulde gette out of the Churche lightly to any place, but it were to his bed. The other two were ſomewhat greater perſonages, & naytheleſſe of theyr humilitie cõtent to be name|leſſe, & to forbeare the prayſe of thoſe propertyes. But the merieſt was this Shores wife, in whom the King therefore tooke ſpeciall pleaſure. For many he hadde, but hir he loued, whoſe fauo [...]r to ſay the troth (for ſinne it were to velle the Di|uell) ſhee neuer abuſed to any mannes hurt, but to many a mannes comfort and reliefe on where the king tooke diſpleaſure ſhe woulde mitig [...] and appeaſe hys mynde: where men were out ſa|uour ſhee woulde bring them in hys gra [...]. For manye that had highly offended ſhee obteyned pardon. Of great forfeytures ſhe gat men re|miſſion. And finally, in many weightie ſuites ſhee ſtoode many men in great ſtea [...] t [...]her for none or verye ſmall rewardes, and theſe rather gaye than riche eyther for that ſhee was con|tent wyth the deede ſelfe well done, or for that ſhee delyted to bee ſued vnto, and to ſhewe what ſhee was able to doe wyth the King, or for that wanton women and welthie hee not al|wayes couetous.

[1] [2] [page 1376] I doubt not ſome ſhall thinke this woman to ſleight a thing to bee written of, and ſet among the remembraunces of greate matters: whiche they ſhall ſpecially thinke, that happily ſhall e|ſteeme hir onely by that they nowe ſee hir. But me ſeemeth the chaunce ſo muche the more wor|thie to be remembred, in howe much ſhe is nowe in the more beggerly condition, vnfriended and worne out of acquaintance, after good ſubſtance, after as great fauour with the Prince, after as great ſute and ſeeking to with al thoſe that thoſe dayes had buſineſſe to ſpeede, as many other men were in theyr tymes, which be now famous on|ly by the infamy of theyr yll deedes. Hir doyngs were not much leſſe, albeit they be much leſſe re|membred bicauſe they were not ſo euill. For men vſe if they haue an euill turne, to write it in mar|ble: and who ſo doeth vs a good turne, we write it in duſt, whiche is not worſt prooued by hir: for at this day ſhee beggeth of many at this day ly|uing, that at thys day had begged if ſhee had not beene.

[1] Now was it ſo deuiſed by the Protector and his counſaile, that the ſelfe day in which the Lord Chamberlaine was beheaded in the Tower of London, and aboute the ſelfe ſame houſe, [...] there (not without his aſſent) beheaded at P [...]|fret, the fore remembred Lordes and Knightes that were taken from the King at Northamp|ton and Stonie Stratforde.Sir Richard Ratcliffe. Which thing was done in the preſence, and by the order of ſir Ry|charde Ratcliffe knight, whoſe ſeruice the Pro|tector ſpecially vſed in that Councell, and in the execution of ſuch lawleſſe enterpriſes, as a man that had beene long ſecrete with him, hauing ex|perience of the worlde, and a ſhrewde wit, ſhort and rude in ſpeech, rough and boyſteous of beha|uiour, bold in miſchief, as farre from pitie as from all feare of God.

[1] This knight bringing them out of the priſon to the ſcaffolde, and ſhewing to the people aboute that they were traytors, not ſuffring them to de|clare and ſpeak their innocencie, leaſt their words might haue inclined men to pitie them, and to hate the Protector and his part:The Lord [...]+uers and o [...] beheaded. cauſed them ha|ſtily without iudgement, proces, or maner of or|der to be beheaded, & without other earthly g [...], but onely that they were good men, too true to the [figure appears here on page 1376] king, and too nigh to the Queene.

[1] Nowe when the Lorde Chamberlaine and theſe other Lordes and knights were thus behea|ded and ridde out of the way: then thought the Protector, that while men muſed what the mat|ter ment, while the Lordes of the Realme were a|bout him out of their owne ſtrengthes; while no man wyſt what to thinke, nor whome to truſt, ere euer they ſhoulde haue ſpace to diſpute and diſgeſt the matter and make partyes, it were beſt haſtily to purſue his purpoſe, and put himſelfe in poſſeſſion of the Crowne, ere men coulde haue tyme to deuiſe any way to reſiſt.

[1] But now was all the ſtudie by what meane this matter being of it ſelfe ſo heynous, might be firſt broken to the people, in ſuche wiſe that i [...] might be well taken.

[1] To this councell they tooke diuerſe, ſuche as they thought meetly to be truſted, likely to be [...]|duced to that part, and able to ſtãde them [...] eyther by power or policie.

[1] Among whom they made of counſaile. Ed|mond Shaa knight then Maior of London,Edmond Shaa Maior of Lon|don. whiche vpon truſt of his owne aduauncement, whereof hee was of a prowde heart highly [...]+rous, ſhould frame the Citie to theyr apre [...]. Of ſpirituall men they tooke ſuch as had wit, [...] were in authoritie among the people for op [...] of theyr learnyng, and hadde no ſcrupulous conſcience.

[1] [2] [page 1377] [...] Shaa [...].Among theſe had they Iohn Shaa Clearke, brother to the Maior, and Frier Penker, prouin|ciall of the Auguſtine Friers both Doctors of di|uinitie, both great Preachers, both of more lear|ning than vertue, of more ſame than learning. For they were before greatly eſtemed among the people: but after that ne [...]er. Of theſe two the tone had a ſermon in prayſe of the Protector be|fore the coronation, the tother after, both ſo full of tedious flatterie, yt no mãs eares could abide thẽ.

[1] [2] Penker in his ſermon ſo loſt his voyce, that he was fain to leaue off & come downe in the midſt. Doctor Shaa by his ſermon loſt his honeſtie, and ſoone after his life, for verie ſhame of the worlde, int [...] which he durſt neue [...]fter come a|brode. But the Frier forced for no ſhame, and ſo it harmed him the leſſe. Howbeit ſome doubt and many thinken, that Penker was not of counſaile of the matter before the coronation, but after the common maner fel to flatterie after: namely ſith his ſermon was not incontinent vpon it, but at S. Marie Hoſpitall at the Eaſter after. But cer|tain it is, that Doctor Shaa was of counſaile in the beginning, ſo farre forth that they determi|ned that hee ſhoulde firſt breake the matter in a Sermon at Paules Croſſe, in which he ſhoulde by the authoritie of his preaching, incline the peo|ple to the Protectors ghoſtly purpoſe.

[1] But nowe was all the labour and ſtudie, in the deuiſe of ſome conuenient pretext, for which the people ſhoulde bee contente to depoſe the Prince, and accepte the Protectour for King. In whiche dyuerſe things they deuiſed. But the chiefe thing and the weightie of all that inuention, reſted in this that they ſhoulde alledge baſtardie, eyther in king Edwarde himſelfe, or in his children or both. So that he ſhould ſeeme diſ|abled to inherit the crowne, by the duke of York, and the prince by him.

[1] To lay baſtardie in king Edwarde, ſowned openly to the rebuke of the Protectors owne mo|ther, which was mother to them both, for in that poynt could be none other coulour but to pretẽd that hys owne mother was one aduoutreſſe, which notwithſtanding, to further this purpoſe hee letted not: but naytheleſſe hee woulde that poynt ſhoulde bee leſſe and more fauourably handled: not euen fully playne and directlye, but that the matter ſhoulde bee touched aſlope craftily, as though men ſpared in that poynt to ſpeake all the trothe, for feare of hys diſpleaſure.

[1] But the other poynt concerning the baſtar|die that they deuiſed to ſurmiſe in king Edwards children, that woulde he ſhoulde be openly decla|red and inforced to the vttermoſt. The colour and pretext whereof, cannot bee well perceyued. But if we firſt repeate you ſome things long be|fore done about king Edwards mariage.

[1] After that King Edwarde the fourth had de|poſed king Henrie the ſixth, and was in peaceable poſſeſſion of the Realme, determining himſelfe to marrie as it was requiſit both for hymſelfe and for the Realme, hee ſe [...]te once in Ambaſ|ſade the Earle of Warwike, with other noble men in his companie vnto Spaine, to intecate and conclude a mariage betweene king Edward and the Kings daughter of Spaine. In which thing the Earle of Warwicke founde the par|ties ſo towarde and willing, that hee ſpeedilye according to his inſtructions wythout any dif|ficultie, brought ye matter to verie good cõcluſion

[1] [2] Now happened it, ye in the mean ſeaſon there came to make a ſute by petition to the King Dame Elizabeth Gray,Dame Eliza|beth Gray. whiche was after hys Queene, at that time a Widowe, borne of no|ble bloud, ſpeciallye by hir mother, whiche was Duches of Bedforde, ere ſhee maryed the Lorde Woodfielde hir father. Howbeit this Dame Elizabeth hir ſelfe, being in ſeruice with Queene Margaret, wyfe vnto King Henrie the ſixth, was maryed vnto one [...] Graye an Eſ|quire, whome King Henrie made Knight,His name was Iohn Gray. Barnard heath by S. Albons. vpon the fielde that he hadde on [...] at [...] agaynſt King Edwarde. And little while en|ioyed he that knighthoode: for he was at the ſame field ſlaine.

[1] After whiche done, and the Earle of War|wicke being in his Ambaſſade about the afore re|membred maryage, this poore Ladie made hum|ble ſute vnto the king, that ſhe myght be reſtored vnto ſuch ſmall landes as hir late huſbande had gyuen hir in ioynture. Whome when the King behelde, and heard hir ſpeake, as ſhee was both fayre and of a goodlye fauour, moderate of ſtature, well made, and verie wiſe: hee not one|ly pityed hir, but alſo waxed enamoured of hyr. And taking hir afterwarde ſecretely aſide, be|ganne to enter in talking more familiarlye.

[1] [2] Whoſe appetite when ſhe perceyued, ſhe vertu|ouſly denied him. But that did ſhee ſo wiſely, and with ſo good maner, and wordes ſo well ſet, that ſhee rather kyndled his deſyre than quen|ched it.

[1] And finally, after many a meeting, muche wooyng, and many great promiſes, ſhe well e|ſpyed the Kings affection towarde hir ſo great|ly encreaſed, that ſhe durſt ſomewhat the more boldly ſay hir mynde, as to him whoſe heart ſhe perceiued more feruently ſet, than to fall off for a worde.

[1] And in concluſion, ſhee ſhewed him playne, that as ſhe wyſt hirſelfe to ſymple to be his wyfe, ſo thought ſhe hir ſelf too good to be his cõcubine. The King much marueyling at hir conſtancie, as hee that had not beene woont elſe where to be ſo ſtiffely ſayde nay, ſo much eſteemed hir con|tinencie [page 1378] and chaſtitie, that he ſet hir vertue in the ſtead of poſſeſſion and ryches, and thus taking counſaile of his deſire, determined in all poſſible haſt to mary hir.

[1] [2] And after hee was thus appoynted, and had betwene them twaine enſured hir: then aſked he counſaile of his other friendes, and that in ſuche maner, as they might then perceiue, it booted not greatly to ſay nay.The Kinges Mother Notwithſtanding the Du|ches of Yorke his mother was ſo ſore moued therwith, that ſhe diſſwaded the mariage aſmuch as ſhe poſſible might, alledging yt it was his ho|nour, profite, and, ſuretie alſo, to marie in a noble progeney out of his realme, wherevpon depended greate ſtrength to his eſtate, by the affinitie and greate poſibilitie of encreaſe of his poſſeſſion. And that he coulde not well otherwiſe doe, ſtanding that the Earle of Warwike had ſo farre moued alreadie, which were not likely to take it well, if all his voyage were in ſuch wiſe fruſtrate, and his appoyntments deluded. And ſhe ſayde alſo, that it was not Princely to marie his owne ſubiect, no great occaſion leading therevnto, no poſſeſſi|ons, or other commodities depending therevpon, but onely as it were a riche man that would ma|rie his mayd, only for a little wanton dotage vp|pon hir perſon. In which mariage many mo cõ|mend the maidens fortune than the maſters wiſ|dome. And yet therein ſhe ſaide was more hone|ſtie than honor in this mariage. Foraſmuch as there is betwene no marchant and his own mayd ſo great difference, as betwene the king and this widow. In whoſe perſon, albeit there was no|thing to be miſlyked, yet was there (ſhe ſayd) no|thing ſo excellẽt but that it might be found in di|uerſe other that were more meetly (quoth ſhe) for your eſtate, and maydens alſo, whereas the on|ly wydowheade of Elizabeth Gray, though ſhee were in all other things conuenient for you, ſhould yet ſuffice as me ſeemeth to refrayne you from hir mariage, ſithe it is an vnſitting thing, & a verie blemiſh and highe diſparagement to the ſacred maieſtie of a Prince, that ought as nigh to approche prieſthoode in cleanneſſe as he doth in dignitie, to bee defouled with Bigamie in hys firſt mariage.

[1] [2] [3] The Kinges Anſwere to his mother.The king when his mother had ſayde, made hir anſwere, part in earneſt part in play merily, as he that wyſt himſelfe out of hir rule. And albe|it hee woulde gladly that ſhe ſhould take it well, yet was at a poynt in his owne minde, tooke ſhee it well or otherwiſe. Howbeit ſomewhat to ſa|tiſfie hir, he ſayde, that albeit maryage beeyng a ſpirituall thing, ought rather to bee made for the reſpect of God, where his grace enclineth the par|ties to loue togither, as he truſted it was in hys, than for the regarde of any temporall aduaun|tage: yet naytheleſſe, him ſeemed that this ma|riage euen worldly conſidered, was not [...] [...]|table. For he reckened ye amity of no earthly [...]|tion ſo neceſſarie for him, as the friendſhip of his owne, whiche he thought likely to beate [...] [...] much the more haetie fauour, in that he diſ [...]ned not to mari [...] with one of his owne lande. And yet if outwarde alliance ware thought to requiſite, he woulde finde the meanes to [...]nte [...] therevnto, much better by other of his kinde, where all the partyes could be contented, then to mary himſelf whom he ſhould happely neuer loue, and for the poſſibilitie of more poſſeſſions, leaſe the fruite and pleaſure of this that hee had alreadie. For ſmall pleaſure taketh a man of all that euer he hath be|ſide, if he be wined agaynſt his appetite. And I doubt not (quoth he) but there be as yee ſay other, that be in euery poynt comparable with hir. And therefore I let not them that like them to wedde them. No more is it reaſon, that it miſtyke any man, that I mary whereit lyketh me. And I am ſure that my couſin of Warwike neither loueth me ſo litle, to grudge at that I loue, nor is to vn|reaſonable to looke that I ſhoulde in choyſe of a wife, rather be ruled by his rie, than by mine own: as though I were a warde that were bounde to marie by the appoyntment of a Gardaine. I woulde not bee a King wyth that condition, to forbeare mine owne libertie in choyſe of myne owne maryage. As for poſſibilitie of more in|heritaunce by newe affinitie in ſtraunge lands, is oft the occaſion of more trouble than profite. And we haue alredie tytle by that meanes, to ſo much as ſufficeth to get and keepe well in one mannes dayes. That ſhe is a Widow, and hath already childrẽ, by Gods bleſſed Ladie, I am a Bacheler and haue ſome to, and ſo eche of vs hath a proufe that neither of vs is like to bee barraine. And therefore (Madame) I pray you bee content, I truſt in God ſhe ſhall bring forth a yong Prince that ſhall pleaſe you. And as for ye Bygamye, let the Biſhoppe hardly lay it in my way when I come to take orders. For I vnderſtande it is for|bidden a Prieſt, but I neuer wyſt it yet, that it was forbidden a Prince.

[1] The Duches with theſe wordes nothing ap|peaſed, and ſeeing the King ſo ſet thereon, that ſhee coulde not pull him backe, ſo highly ſhe diſ|deyned it, that vnder pretext of hir duetie to god|warde, ſhe deuiſed to diſturbe this mariage, and rather to helpe that hee ſhoulde marie one dame Elizabeth Lucie, whome the King had alſo not long before gotten with child. Wherfore ye kings mother openly obiected agaynſt his maryage, as it were in diſcharge of hir conſcience, that the Kyng was ſure to Dame Elizabeth Lucy and hir huſband before God.Elizabeth Lucy. By reaſon of which wordes, ſuch obſtacle was made in the matter, that eyther the Biſhops durſt not, or the King [page 1379] woulde not proceede to the ſolemnization of this wedding, till theſe ſame were clearly purged, and the troth well and openly teſtified. Wherevpon dame Elizabeth Lucy was ſent for.

[1] And albeit that ſhe was by the kings mother and many other put in good comfort, to affirme that ſhee was enſured vnto the king: yet when ſhee was ſolemnly ſworne to ſay the troth, ſhee confeſſed that they were neuer enſured. Howbeit ſhee ſayde his grace ſpake ſo louing wordes vnto hir, that ſhe verily hoped hee woulde haue maryed hir. And that if it had not beene for ſuch kinde wordes, ſhee woulde neuer haue ſhewed ſuche kindneſſe to him, to let him ſo kindly get hir with childe.

[1] This examination ſolemnly taken, when it was clearly perceyued that there was none im|pediment:The kinges marriage. the king with great feaſt and honou|rable ſolemnitie, maried dame Elizabeth Gray, and hir crowned Queene that was his enimyes wife, and many time had prayed full heartily for his loſſe, in which God loued hir better than to graunt hir hir bone.

[1] [2] But when the Erle of Warwike vnderſtood of this mariage, he toke it ſo highly that his Am|baſſade was deluded, that for very anger and diſ|daine, he at his returning aſſembled a great puiſ|ſance againſt the king, and came ſo faſt vpon him or he could be able to reſiſt, that he was faine to voyd the realme,The king fled and flee into Holland for ſuccor, where he remayned for the ſpace of two yeares, leauing his new wife in Weſtminſter in Sanc|tuarie,The place [...]e. where ſhe was deliuered of Edwarde the prince, of whom we before haue ſpoken. In which meane time the erle of Warwike toke out of pri|ſon,King H [...]o [...]e [...] on ſet vp and ſet vp againe king Henry the ſixt, which was before by king Edwarde depoſed, and that much what by the power of the Earle of War|wike whiche was a wiſe man, [...] the Erle of Warwicke. and a couragious warrior, and of ſuch ſtrength, what for his lands, his alliance, and fauour with all people, that hee made kings, and put downe kings almoſt at his pleaſure, and not impoſſible to haue atteyned it himſelfe, if he had not reckened it a greater thing to make a king than to be a king. But nothing laſteth alway: for in concluſion king Edwarde returned,The Erle of Warwick [...]. and with much leſſe number thã he had at Barnet on the Eaſterday field, fiue the rule of Warwike, with many other great eſtates of that partie, and ſo ſtably atteyned the crowne againe, that he peacably enioyed it vntill his dying day: and in ſuch plight left it, that it could not be loſt, but by the diſcorde of his verie friends, or falſe|hoode of his fayned friends. I haue rehearſed this buſineſſe about this mariage ſomewhat the more at length, bycauſe it might thereby the better ap|peare vppon how ſlipper a grounde the Protec|tor buylded his colour, by whiche he pretended king Edwards children to be baſtards. But that inuention ſimple as it was, it like them to whõ it ſufficed to haue ſomewhat to ſay, while they were ſure to be compelled to no larger proufe thã themſelfe lyſt to make.

[1] Now then (as I began to ſhew you) it was by the protector & his counſaile concluded,Doctor Shaes Sermon. that this doctor Shaa ſhould in a ſermon at Paules croſſe ſignifie to the people, that neyther king Edward himſelfe, nor the Duke of Clarence, were lawful|ly begotten, nor were not the verie children of the duke of Yorke, but gotten vnlawfully by other perſons, by aduoutrie of the duches their mother. And that alſo dame Elizabeth Lucy was verily the wife of King Edwarde, and ſo the Prince and all his children baſtards, that were begotten vpon the Queene.

[1] [2] [3] [4] According to this deuiſe doctor Shaa the ſun|day after, at Paules Croſſe in a greate audi|ence (as alwaye aſſembled greate number to his preaching) he tooke for his Theme Spuria vi|tulamina non agent radices altas. That is to ſay: Baſtarde ſlippes ſhall neuer take deepe roote. [figure appears here on page 1379] Therevpon when he had ſhewed the great grace that God giueth and ſecretely infundeth in right generation after the lawes of matrimonie, then declared he that commonly thoſe children lacked that grace, and for the puniſhment of their Pa|rents were for ye more pait vnhappie, which were gottẽ in baſe, & ſpecially in aduouterie. Of which though ſome by the ignorance of the world & the truth hid from knowledge inherited for the ſeaſon other mens landes, yet God [...] ſo prouideth, that it con [...]th not in their bloud long, but the tenth cõming to light the rightfull inheritors be reſtored, & the haſtard ſlip vylled vp [...] it can be rooted d [...]e: And when he had laid for the proofe and confirmation of this [...] [...]|ples taken out of the old teſtament and other an|cient hiſtories. Then [...]gan he to diſcend into the prayſe of the Lorde Richarde late Duke of Yorke, calling him father to the Lord protector, [page 1380] and declared the title of his heyres vnto ye crown, to whome it was after the death of king Henrie the ſixt entayled by authority of Parliamẽt. Thẽ ſhewed he that his verie ryght heyre of his bodye lawfully begotten was only the Lord Protector. For he declared then, that King Edwarde was neuer lawfully maryed vnto the Queene, but was before God huſband vnto Dame Elizabeth Lucie, and ſo his children baſtardes. And beſides that, neyther King Edwarde himſelfe, nor the Duke of Clarence, among thoſe that were ſecrete in the houſholde, were reckened verie ſurely for the children of the noble Duke, as thoſe that by theyr fauours more reſembled other knowne men than him. From whoſe vertuous cõditions he ſayd alſo that kyng Edwarde was farre off. But the Lorde Protectour hee ſayde, the verie noble Prince, the ſpeciall paterne of Knightly prowes, as well in all Princely behauior as in the lineaments and fauour of his viſage, repreſented the verie face of the noble Duke his father. This is, quoth he, the fathers owne figure, this is hys owne countenaunce, the verie print of his viſage, the ſure vndoubted Image, the plaine expreſſe likeneſſe of that noble duke.

[1] [2] [3] Nowe was it before deuyſed, that in the ſpeaking of theſe wordes, the Protector ſhoulde haue comen in among the people to the Sermon warde, to the ende that thoſe wordes meeting with his preſence, might haue bene taken among the hearers, as thoughe the holy ghoſt had put them in the preachers mouth, and ſhoulde haue moued the people euen ther to crie, king Richard, king Richarde, that it might haue beene after ſayde, that hee was ſpecially choſen by God and in maner by myracle. But this deuiſe quayled, eyther by the Protectors negligence or the Prea|chers ouermuch diligence. For while the Pro|tectour founde by the way tarying, leaſt he ſhould preuent thoſe wordes, and the Doctor fearing that he ſhoulde come ere hys Sermon coulde come to theſe wordes, haſted his matter thereto, he was come to them, and paſte them, and en|tred into other matters ere the Protector came. Whome when he behelde comming, he ſodainly left the matter with which he was in hande, and without any deduction therevnto, out of all order and out of all frame began to repeate thoſe words againe: this is the verye noble Prince, the ſpe|ciall patrone of knightly prowes, whiche as well in all princely behauiour, as in the liniaments & fauor of his viſage, repreſenteth the verie face of the noble duke of Yorke his father: this is the fa|thers owne figure, this his owne countenance, ye very print of his viſage, the ſure vndoubted I|mage, the plaine expreſſe likeneſſe of the noble duke, whoſe remembrance can neuer die while he liueth. While theſe wordes were in ſpeaking, the Protector accõpanied with the duke of Buc|kingham, went through the people into the place where the doctors commonly ſtande in the vpper ſtorie, where he ſtood to hearken the ſermon. But the people were ſo farre fro crying king Richard,Preacher. that they ſtoode as they had beene turned into ſtones, for wonder of this ſhameful Sermon.

[1] After which once ended, the Preacher g [...] him home, and neuer after durſt looke out for ſhame, but kept him out of ſight like an Owle. And when hee once aſked one that had beene his olde friend what the people talked of him, all were it that his owne conſcience well ſhewed him that they talked no good, yet when the tother anſwe|red him, that there was in euery mannes mouth ſpoken of him muche ſhame, it ſo ſtroke him to the heart, that within few dayes after hee withe|red and conſumed away.

[1] Then on the Tueſday folowing this [...]on, there came into the yeeld hal in London the duke of Buckingham, accompanied with [...]e lords and knights, me than happily knewe the meſſage that they brought. And there in the E [...] [...] of the hal, where the Maior kepeth the Haſtings, the Maior & all the Aldermen being aſſembled a [...] him, all the cõmons of the Citie gathered before them: after ſilence cõmaunded vpon greate paine in the protectors name: the duke ſtood vp and (as he was neither vnlerned, and of nature mar [...]y|louſly well ſpoken) he ſayd vnto the people with a cleare and a loude voyce in this maner of wiſe.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

FRiends,The Duke of Bucking [...] Ora [...]. for the zeale and heartie fauour that we beare you, we be comẽ to break vnto you of a matter right great and weightie, and no leſſe weightie than pleaſing to God, and profitable to all the Realme: nor to no part of the Realme more profitable, than to you the Citizens of this noble Citie. For why, that thing that we wote wel ye haue long time lacked, and fore lõged for, that ye would haue giuen great good for, that ye would haue gone farre to fetche, that thing we be come hither to bring you without your labour, paine, coſt, aduenture or ieopardie. What thing is that? Certes the ſuretie of your owne bodies, the quiet of your wiues and your daughters, the ſafegarde of your goodes: of all which things in times paſt ye ſtood euermore in doubt. For who was there of you all, that would recken himſelfe lord of his owne good among ſo many grennes & traps as was ſet therfore, among ſo much pilling and polling, among ſo many taxes and [...]allages, of which there was neuer ende, & oftentimes no neede: or if any were, it rather grewe of ryot, and vnreaſonable waſt, than any neceſſary or honou|rable charge. So that there was dayly pilled fro good men and honeſt, great ſubſtance of goodes to be laſhed out among vnthrifts, ſo farre forth that fiftenes ſuffiſed not, nor anye vſuall names of [page 1381] knowne taxes: but vnder an eaſie name of bene|uolence and good will, the comiſſioners ſo much of euery man tooke, as no man coulde with hys good will haue giuen. As though that name of be|neuolence, had ſignified that euery man ſhoulde pay not what himſelfe of his owne good will liſt to graunt, but what the king of his good will lyſt to take. Which neuer aſked little, but euery thing was hawſed aboue the meaſure, amercimentes turned into fines, fiues into raunſoms, ſmal treſ|paſſe into miſpriſion, miſpriſion into treaſon. Whereof I thinke no man loketh that we ſhould remember you of examples by name, as though Burdet were forgotten, [...]. that was for a worde ſpokẽ in haſt cruelly beheaded, by the miſconſtru|ing of the lawes of this realme, for the Princes pleaſure:Markam. with no leſſe honour to Markam then chiefe Iuſtice, that left his office rather than hee woulde aſſent to that iudgement, than to the diſ|honeſtie of thoſe,Cooke. that ryther for feare or flatterie gaue that iudgement. What Cooke your owne worſhipfull neighbour, Alderman and Maior of this noble Citie, who is of you ſo eyther negli|gent that he knoweth not, or ſo forgetfull that he remembreth not, or ſo hard hearted that he pity|eth not, that worſhipful mans loſſe? what ſpeake we of loſſe? his vtter ſpoyle and vndeſerued de|ſtruction, onely for that it happed thoſe to fauour him whom the prince fauored not. We need not I ſuppoſe to rehearſe of theſe anye mo by name, ſith there bee (I doubt not) manye here preſent, that either in themſlues, or in their nigh friendes haue knowen as well their goods as their perſons greatly endaungered, eyther by feyned quarels, or ſmall matters agreeued with heynous names. And alſo there was no crime ſo great, of whiche there could lacke a pretext. For ſith the king pre|uenting the time of his inheritance attayned the crowne by battaile: it ſufficed in a riche man for a pretext of treaſon, to haue bin of kindred or al|liance neare familiaritie or lõger acquaintaunce with any of thoſe that were at any tyme ye kings enimies, which was at one time and other, more than halfe the realme. Thus were neither your goods in ſurety, and yet they brought your bodies in ieopardie, beſide the common aduenture of opẽ warre, [...]e [...] warre. which albeit that it is euer the wil and oc|caſion of much miſchiefe, yet is it neuer ſo miſ|chieuous as where any people fall at diſtaunce a|mong thẽſelues, nor in none earthly nation ſo deadly and ſo peſtilent, as when it hapneth amõg vs: and among vs neuer ſo long continued diſ|ſention, nor ſo many battailes in that ſeaſon, nor ſo cruell and ſo deadly foughten as was in that kings days that dead is, God forgiue it his ſoule. In whoſe time, and by whoſe occaſion, what a|bout the getting of the garland, keeping it, lea|ſing, and winning againe, it hath coſt more Engliſh bloud, than hath twiſe the winning of Fraunce.Ciuill warre. In which inwarde warre among our ſelues, hath bene ſo great [...]uſion of the auncient noble bloud of this realme, that ſcarcely the halfe remayneth, to the great enfeebling of this noble land, beſide many a good towne ranſacked & ſpoi|led by them, that hath bene going to the fielde or comming from thence. And peace long after not much ſurer than warre. So that no time was therein which rich men for their money, & greate men for their lands, or ſome other for ſome feare, or ſome diſpleaſure were not out of perill. For whõ truſted he that miſtruſted his owne brother? whom ſpared he that killed his owne brother? or who could perfitely loue him, if his owne brother could not? What maner of folke he moſt fauored we ſhal for his honor ſpare to ſpeake of, howbeit this wote you well al, that who ſo was beſt, bare alway leaſt rule, and more ſute was in his dayes vnto Shores wife, a vile and an abhominable ſtrumpet, than to al the Lords in Englãd, except vnto thoſe yt made hir their proctor, which ſimple woman was wel named & honeſt, till the king for his wanton luſt and ſinfull affection bereft hir frõ hir huſband, a right honeſt ſubſtantiall yong mã among you. And in that point, whiche in good fayth I am ſorie to ſpeake of, ſauing that it is in vaine to kepe in counſaile that thing that all men know, the kings greedie appetite was inſaciable, and euery where ouer all the realme intollerable. For no woman was there any where, yong or olde, riche or poore, whom he ſet his eye vpon, in whom he any thing lyked, eyther perſon or fa|uour, ſpeeche, pace, or countenaunce, but wyth|out any feare of god, or reſpect of his honor, mur|mure or grudge of the worlde, he woulde impor|tunely purſue his appetite, & haue hir, to the great deſtruction of many a good woman, and great dolor to their huſbande, and their other friendes, which being honeſt people of thẽſelues, ſo much regarde the cleanneſſe of their houſe, the chaſtitie of their wiues, and their children, that them were leauer to leaſe all that they haue beſyde, than to haue ſuche a villanye done them. And all were it that wyth thys and other importable dealyng the Realme was in euerye parte annoyed: yet ſpeciallye yee heere the City|zens of thys noble Citye, as well for that amongeſt you is moſte plentye of all ſuche things as myniſter matter to ſuche iniuryes, as for that you were neareſt at hande, ſithe that neare here about was commonly hys moſt abyding. And yet be ye the people whome he had as ſingular cauſe well and kindlye to entreate, as any parte of hys Realme, not onely for that the Prince by thys noble Citie,London the Kings eſpeci|al chamber. as hys eſpe|ciall Chamber, and the ſpeciall well renowmed Citie of hys Realme, muche honourable fame [page 1382] receyueth among all other Nations: but alſo for that ye not without your great coſt, and ſundrie perils and ieopardies in all his warres, bare euen your ſpeciall fauor to his part, which your kinde mindes borne to the houſe of Yorke, ſith hee hath nothing worthily acquited, there is of that houſe that nowe by Gods grace better ſhall, whiche thing to ſhewe you is the whole ſumme and ef|fect of this our preſente errande. It ſhall not I wote well, neede that I rehearſe you agayne, that ye haue alreadie hearde, of hym that can bet|ter tell it,, and of whome I am ſure ye will bet|ter beleeue it. And reaſon is that it ſo bee. I am not ſo prowde to looke therefore that yee ſhoulde recken my wordes of as greate authoritie as the Preachers of the worde of God, namely a man ſo cunning & ſo wiſe, that no man better woteth what hee ſhoulde ſaye, and thereto ſo good and vertuous, that hee woulde not ſaye the thyng whiche he wyſt he ſhoulde not ſaye, in the Pul|pet namely, into the which no honeſt man com|meth to lie, which honourable Preacher yee well remember ſubſtanciallye declared vnto you at Paules Croſſe, on Sunday laſt paſſed, the right and title, that the moſt excellent prince Richarde Duke of Glouceſter, nowe Protectour of thys Realme hath vnto the Crowne and kingdome of the ſame. For as the worſhipfull man groundly made open vnto you, the children of K. Edward the fourth, were neuer lawfully begotten, foraſ|muche as the king (leauing his verie wife Dame Elizabeth Lucy) was neuer lawfully maried vn|to the Queene their mother, whoſe bloud ſauing that be ſet his voluptuous pleaſure before his ho|nor, was full vnmeetly to bee matched with hys, and the mingling of whoſe blouds togither, hath beene the effuſion of great part of the noble bloud of this realme. Whereby it may well ſeeme the mariage not wel made, of which there is ſo much miſchiefe growne. For lacke of which lawful ac|coupling, and alſo of other things which the ſayd worſhipfull doctor rather ſignified than fully ex|playned, and which things ſhall not be ſpoken for me, as the thing wherin euery man forbeareth to ſay that hee knoweth in auoyding diſpleaſure of my noble Lord Protector, bearing as nature re|quireth a filiall reuerence to the Duches his mo|ther, for theſe cauſes I ſay before remẽbred, that is to wit, for lacke of other iſſue lawfully cõming of the late noble prince Richard duke of Yorke to whoſe royall bloud the Crowne of England and of Fraunce, is by the high authoritie of Parlia|men entayled, the right and title of the ſame, is by the iuſt courſe of enheritaunce according to the common lawes of this lande, deuolute and com|mon vnto the moſte excellent Prince the Lorde Protector, as to the very lawfully begottẽ ſon of the foreremembred noble duke of Yorke. Which thing well conſidered, and the greate knightlye prowes pondered, with manifolde vertues which in his noble perſon ſingularly abound, the nobles and commons alſo of this realme, and ſpeciallye of the north part, not willing any baſtarde bloud to haue the rule of the lande, nor the abuſions be|fore in the ſame vſed any longer to continue, haue cõdiſcended and fully determined to make hum|ble petition to the moſte puiſſaunte Prince the Lorde Protectour, that it may lyke his grace at our humble requeſt, to take vpon him the gui|ding and gouernaunce of this Realme, to the wealth and encreaſe of the ſame, according to his verie right and iuſt tytle. Which thing I wore it well, hee will bee loth to take vppon hym, as he whoſe wiſedome well perceyueth the labor and ſtudie both of minde and bodie, that ſhall come therewith, to whomeſoeuer ſo will occupie the rowme, as I dare ſay hee will if he take it. Which rowme I warne you well is no childes office. And that the great wiſe man well percey|ued, when he ſayd: Veh regno cuius rex puer eſt: VVo is that Realme that hath a childe to their king. Wherfore ſo much the more cauſe haue we to thanke God, that this noble perſonage which is ſo righteouſly intituled therevnto, is of ſo ſad age, and thereto ſo great wiſedome ioyned with ſo great experience, which albeit hee will hee loth (as I haue ſayd) to take it vpon him, yet ſhall be to our petition in that behalf the more graciouſly incline, if ye the worſhipfull Citizens of this the chiefe citie of this realm, ioyne with vs the nobles in our ſaide requeſt. Which for your owne weale we doubt not but ye wil: and natheleſſe I hartily pray you ſo to do, wherby you ſhal do great pro|fit to all this realme beſide, in chooſing thẽ ſo good a king, and vnto your ſelfe ſpecial commoditie, to whõ his maieſtie ſhal euer after bear ſo much the more tender fauor, in how much he ſhall perceiue you ye more prone & beneuolẽtly minded toward his election. Wherin dere friends what mind you haue, we require you plainly to ſhew vs.

[1] When the Duke had ſayde, and looked that the people whome he hoped that the Maior had fra|med before, ſhould after this propoſition made, haue cried king Richard, king Richarde, all was huſht and mute, and not one worde anſwe|red thervnto: wherwith ye duke was maruellouſ|ly abaſhed, and taking the Maior nearer to hym, with other that were aboute him priuie to that matter, ſayde vnto them ſoftly, what meaneth this, that this people be ſo ſtill. Sir (quoth the Maior percaſe they perceyue you not well. That ſhall we mende (quoth he) if that will) helpe.

[1] And by and by ſomewhat lowder he rehear|ſed them the ſame matter agayne in other or|der and other wordes ſo well and ornatelye, and naytheleſſe ſo euidently and plaine, wyth [page 1383] voyce, geſture, and countenance ſo comly, and ſo conuenient, that euery man much maruelled that heard him, and thought that they neuer had in theyr liues heard ſo euill & tale ſo well tolde.

[1] [2] But were it for wonder or feate, or that eche lookt that other ſhould ſpeake firſt: not one word was there aunſwered of all the people that ſtoode before, but all was as ſtill as the mydnight [...] not ſo muche as rowning amongeſt them by which they might ſeeme to commune what was beſt to doe. When the Maior ſawe this, hee with other partners of that Councell drew aboute the duke, and ſayde that the people had not beene accuſto|med there to be ſpoken vnto, but by the Recorder, which is the mouth of the Citie, and happily to him they will aunſwere. [...]r William [...] With that the Recor|der called Fitz William, a ſad man, and an ho|neſt, whiche was ſo newe come into that office that he neuer had ſpoken to the people before, and loth was with that matter to beginne, nor with|ſtanding, therevnto commaunded by the Maior, made rehearſall to the Commons of that the Duke had twiſe rehearſed them himſelfe. But the Recorder ſo tempered his tale, that he ſhewed e|uerie thing as the dukes wordes, and no part his owne. But all this noting, no chaunge made in the people, which alway after one, ſtoode as they had beene men amaſed, wherevpon the duke row|ned vnto the Maior and ſayd: this is a maruel|lous obſtinate ſilence, and therwith he turned vn|to the people again with theſe words. Dere friẽds we come to moue you to that thing which per|aduenture we not ſo greatly needed, but that the Lords of this realme, & the cõmons of other par|ties might haue ſufficed ſauing yt wee ſuche loue beare you, & ſo much ſet by you, yt we would not gladly do without you, that thing in which to be partners is your weale & honor, which as it ſee|meth, either you ſee not, or wey not. Wherefore wee require you giue vs aunſwere one or other, whether you bee minded as all the nobles of the realm be, to haue this noble prince now protector to be your king or not.

[1] At theſe words the people began to whiſper a|mong themſelues ſecretly, that the voice was nei|ther lowd nor diſtinct, but as it were the ſound of a ſwarme of Bees, till at the laſt in the neather end of the Hall, a buſhment of the dukes ſeruants and Naſhfieldes, and other longing to the pro|tector, with ſome prentiſes and laddes that thruſt into the hall among the preaſe, beganne ſodainly at mennes backes to crie out as lowde as theyr throtes woulde giue: King Richard, King Ri|charde, and threw vp their cappes in token of ioy. And they that ſtood before caſt backe their heads maruelling thereof, but nothing they ſayde.

[1] And when the Duke and the Maior ſaw this maner, they wiſely turned it to theyr purpoſe, [...]

[...],The Maiors comming to Baynards Ca|ſtell. [...] what they ment.

[1] [2] And therevpon the Duke of Buckingham, firſt made hũble petition vnto him on the behalfe of them all, that his grace woulde pardon them, and licence them to purpoſe vnto his grace the intent of their comming without his diſpleaſure, without which pardon obteined, they muſt not be holde to moue him of that matter. In which al|beit they ment as much honour to his grace, as wealth to all the realme beſide, yet were they not ſure howe his grace woulde take it, whome they [page 1384] woulde in no wyſe offende. Then the Protec|tour (as he was verie gentle of himſelfe, and alſo longed ſore to witte what they ment) gaue him leaue to purpoſe what him lyked, verily truſting for the good minde that he bare them all, none of them any thing woulde intend vnto himwarde, wherewith he ought to be grieued.

[1] [2] When the Duke had this leane and par|don to ſpeake, then waxed hee holde to ſhew him their intent and purpoſe, with all the cauſes mo|uing them therevnto as ye before haue heard, and finally to beſeech his grace, that it wold like him of his accuſtomed goodneſſe and zeale vnto the Realme, now with his eye of pitie, to behold the long continued diſtreſſe and decaye of the ſame, and to ſet his gracious handes to redreſſe and a|mendment therof, by taking vpon him the crown and gouernaunce of thys Realme, accordyng to hys right and tytle lawfully deſcended vnto him, and to the lande of God, profite of the lande, and vnto his grace ſo muche the more honour, and leſſe paine, in that that neuer Prince reigned vp|on any people, that were ſo glad to liue vnder his obeyſaunce, as the people of thys Realme vn|der his.

[1] [2] When the Protector had heard the propoſition, he looked verie ſtraungely thereat, and anſwered: that all were it that he partly knew the things by them alledged to be true, yet ſuche entire loue hee bare vnto king Edward and his children, that ſo much more regarded his honor in other realmes about than the crowne of any one of whiche hee was neuer deſirous, that he could not finde in his hart in this point to encline to thier deſire. For in all other Nations where the truth were not well knowne, it ſhoulde peraduenture be thought, that it were his owne ambicious minde and deuiſe, to depoſe the Prince, and take himſelfe the Crowne, with which infamie hee woulde not haue his ho|nour ſtayned for any crowne, in which he had e|uer perceyued much more labor and paine, than pleaſure to him that ſo would ſo vſe it, as he that would not, were not worthie to haue it. Not|withſtanding he not onely pardoned thẽ the mo|tion that they made him, but alſo thanked them for the loue and heartie fauour they bare hym, praying them for hys ſake to giue and beare the ſame to the Prince, vnder whome hee was, and woulde be content to liue, and with his labor and counſayle as farre as ſhoulde lyke the King to vſe him, he woulde doe his vttermoſt deuoyr to ſet the realme in good ſtate, whiche was alreadie in this little while of his Protectorſhip (the praiſe giuen to God) well begonne, in that the malice of ſuch as were before occaſion of the contrarie, and of new intended to be, were now partly by good policie, partly more by Gods ſpeciall prouidence, than mans prouiſion repreſſed.

[1] Vpon this [...]re g [...]n, the D [...] [...] Protectours [...]eenes, a [...]e [...], aſwell [...] other noble men aboute [...], as with the [...] and Re [...] of London. And after that vp [...] like pardon deſired and o [...]yned, he ſhewed aloud vnto the Protector, that for a finall conclu [...], ye the realm was appointed k. Edwards line ſh [...] not any longer raigne vpõ thẽ, both for that they had ſo farre gone, that it was nowe as [...]ye to retreate, as for that they thoug [...] it for the weale vniuerſall to take that way, although they had not yet begon it.

[1] Wherefore if it woulde like his grace to [...]lle the Crowne vpon him, they woulde hu [...]y be|ſeech him therevnto. If he woulde giue them a reſolute aunſwere to the contrarie, whiche they woulde be lothe to heare, then muſte they needes ſeeke and ſhould not fayle to find ſome other no|ble man that would.

[1] [2] Theſe wordes much mooued the Protector, whiche elſe as euerie man may wit, woulde ne|uer of likelyhoode haue enclyned therevnto. But when hee ſawe there was none other waye, but that eyther hee muſte take it, or [...]e hee and hys both g [...] from it, he ſayde vnto the Lordes and Commons: Sith we perceyue well that all the Realme is ſo ſet, whereof we bee very ſorie that they was not ſuffer in any wiſe King Edwards line to gouerne them, whome no man earthlye can gouerne agaynſt theyr willes, and we well alſo perceyue, that no man is there, to whome the Crowne can by iuſt tytle apperteyne, as to our ſelfe, as verie right heyre lawfully begotten of the bodie of our moſte deare father Rycharde late Duke of Yorke, to whiche tytle is now ioy|ned your election, the Nobles and Commons of thys Realme, whiche we of all tytles poſſible take for moſte effectuall: We be content and a|gree fauourablye to encline to your petition and requeſt, and according to the ſame,The pro [...] taketh vp [...] him to be king. here we take vpon vs the royall eſtate, pre [...]minence and king|dome of the two noble Realmes, Englande and Fraunce, the tone fro this daye forwarde, by vs and our heyres to rule, gouerne, and defende: the tother by Gods grace, and your good helpe, to get againe and ſubdue, and eſtabliſhe for euer in due obedience vnto thys Realme of Englande, the aduauncement whereof wee neuer aſke of God longer to liue than we intend to procure.

[1] [2] With this there was a greate ſhoute, crying King Rycharde, King Richarde. And then the Lordes went vp to the King (for ſo was he from that tyme called) and the people departed, tal|king dyuerſelye of the matter, euery man as hys fantaſie gaue hym. But much they talked and marueyled of the maner of this dealing, that the matter was on both partes made ſo ſtraunge, as thoughe neyther had euer communed with other [page 1385] thereof before, when that them ſelfe wy [...] there was no manne ſo dull that h [...]de them, bin hee perceyued well ynough, that all the matter was made betwene them. Howbeit ſome ex [...]d that agayne, and ſayde all muſte be owne at good or|der though: And men muſte ſometyme for the manners ſake, not be a known what they know. For at the conſecration of a Biſhop, euery man [...]teth well by the paying for his Bulles, that he purpoſeth to be one, and though he pay for no|thyng elſe. And yet muſt he be twyce aſked whe|ther he will be Biſhop or no, and he [...]ſt twice ſay nay, and at the thyrde tyme take it, as com|pelled therevnto by his owne wil. And in a ſtage play, all the people [...] right well, that hee that playeth the Sowdaine, is percaſe a ſowter, yet if one ſhoulde can ſo little good, to ſhewe out of ſeaſon what aquaintaunce hee hath with him, and call hym by hys [...] [...]e while he ſtan|deth in his maieſtie, one of hys tormentors myghte happe to breake [...] head, and worthie for marring of the play. And ſo they ſayde, that theſe matters hee kings games, as it were ſtage playes, and for the m [...] part, played vpon ſcaf|foldes. In which poore men be but the lookers on. And they yt wiſe be will meddle no further. For they that ſometime ſtep vp, and play with them, when they cannot playe theyr partes, they diſorder the playe, and doe themſelues no good.