[1] [2] Now then (as I began to shew you) it was by the protector and his councell concluded, that this doctor Shaw should in a sermon at Pauls crosse sig|nifie to the people,Doc. Shaw [...] sermon. that neither king Edward him|selfe, nor the duke of Clarence, were lawfullie be|gotten, nor were not the verie children of the duke of Yorke, but gotten vnlawfullie by other persons, in adulterie, of the duches their mother. And that also dame Elizabeth Lucie was verelie the wife of king Edward, and so the prince and all his children ba|stards, that were begotten vpon the quéene. Accor|ding to this deuise doctor Shaw the sundaie after, at Paules crosse in a great audience (as alwaie assem|bled great number to his preaching) he tooke for his theame; Spuria vitilamina non agent radices altas, that is to saie; Bastard slippes shall neuer take deepe root.