[1] Wherefore me thinketh it were not worst to send vnto the quéene, for the redresse of this matter, some honorable trustie man, such as both tendereth the kings weale and the honour of his councell, and is al|so in fauour and credence with hir.The lord car|dinall thought the fittest man [...] deale with [...]he queéne for [...] surren| [...]ing of hir [...]. For all which con|siderations, none seemeth more méetlie, than our re|uerend father here present, my lord cardinall, who may in this matter doo most good of anie man, if it please him to take the paine; which I doubt not of his goodnesse he will not refuse for the kings sake and ours, and welth of the yoong duke himselfe, the kings most honorable brother, and (after my souereigne lord himselfe) my most déere nephue, considered that thereby shall be ceassed the slanderous rumor and ob|loquie now going, and the hurts auoided that thereof might insue, and much rest and quiet grow to all the realme.