[1] And if she be percase so obstinate, and so precise|lie set vpon hir owne will, that neither his wise and faithfull aduertisement can not mooue hir, nor anie mans reason content hir; then shall we by mine ad|uise, by the kings authoritie fetch him out of that pri|son, and bring him to his noble presence, in whose con|tinuall companie he shall be so well cherished and so honorablie intreated, that all the world shall to our honour and hir reproch perceiue, that it was onelie malice, frowardnesse, or follie, that caused hir to kéepe him there. This is my purpose and mind in this matter for this time, except anie of your lordships a|nie thing perceiue to the contrarie; for neuer shall I (by Gods grace) so wed my selfe to mine owne will, but that I shall be readie to change it vpon your bet|ter aduises.