[1] [2] [3] [...] misfortune to the lord Hastings.Certeine is it also, that in riding towards the Tower, the same morning in which be was beheded, his horsse twise or thrise stumbled with him, almost to the falling. Which thing albeit ech man wote well dailie happeneth to them, to whom no such mischance is toward; yet hath it béene of an old rite and cu|stome obserued, as a token oftentimes notablie fore|going some great misfortune. Now this that follow|eth was no warning, but an enuious scorne. The same morning yer he was vp, came a knight vnto him, as it were of courtesie, to accompanie him to the councell; but of truth sent by the protector to hast him thitherwards, with whome he was of secret con|federacie in that purpose; a meane man at that time, and now of great authoritie.